i think it is great so many over 50's can use a pc and the odd over 60 its like a digital saga holiday site ;-|) "
Cheek young monkey! it was us over 60s that invented computers and I don't like being called "odd" just because I am over 60, I am sure there are other reasons as well;-|)
Love the way it's described as vintage pop!
i think it is great so many over 50's can use a pc and the odd over 60 its like a digital saga holiday site ;-|) "
Cheek young monkey! it was us over 60s that invented computers and I don't like being called "odd" just because I am over 60, I am sure there are other reasons as well;-|)
I thought he said same about you? so age is.....
he is 3 days younger than threadkiller
lol we playing cryptic clues here
ooooooooo get the handbags out :oP
wish i was that way round, well sort of not wishing my life away just yet!
Dont know, i think your amongst the oldest
just for the record as someone asked previously this is not for marketing or anything really just thought be a good thread and interesting
i have the same problem