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Charlton v Norwich - Player Ratings

edited April 2010 in General Charlton
S. Sodje
A Sodje



  • Randolph - 7
    Richardson 6.5
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 8
    Borrowdale 7
    Sam 7
    Racon 7
    Semedo 8
    Bailley 7
    A Sodje 6.5
    Forster 6.5

    Burton 6.5
    Jonjo 6.5
    Reid 6.5
  • Randolph - 7
    Richardson - 7
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7.5
    Borrowdale - 6
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 8
    Semedo - 8
    Bailey - 7
    A Sodje - 6
    Forster - 7.5

    Burton - 7
    Jonjo - 6
    Reid - 5
  • Randolph - 7 - Did his job well and made a good save in the first half
    Richardson - 7 - Good, his overlapping benefits Sam, good to see him play more like he can. Big improvement over the Southampton game.
    S. Sodje - 7 - Again good
    Dailly - 7.5 - Solid, shows just how fit he is to be able to start far more regularly than we expected
    Borrowdale - 7 - Solid again though I guess we could have done with Youga's attacking play in a game like that
    Sam - 7 - Good, playing with confidence and belief again. When teams are sitting back like that, Sam is very important, holds onto the ball to create space for others, ran at players, hopefully he keeps it up for the rest of the season
    Racon - 7 - Better than he has been, game suited him I suppose, plenty of touches. Can hold onto the ball too long at times when he should have a shot or speed up the play.
    Semedo - 8 - Never seen him so confident and was closing down even more, rather than simply holding position and sweeping up.
    Bailey - 7 - A bit better than he has been but I want to keep Semedo and Racon in the middle, and at times we need width from Reid especially with Borrowdale at left back.
    A Sodje - 7 - Won a few headers, put Bailey through, a nuisance again. He's a limited player but again defenders head out for throws and back to us because they can't win the ball cleanly. I don't rate him highly but defenders don't enjoy playing against him and their defenders were more comfortable once Burton and Forster were challenging them in the air.
    Forster - 7.5 - Good, just want to see him get a few clear shots at goal, not his fault just wasn't the space.

    Burton - 6 - First few touches looked like Akpo on a bad day, got into it in the end and had a decent header at goal that against some keepers might have crept in.
    Jonjo - 6 - Shame he wasn't on earlier just to mix things up, didn't have time to get into the game.
    Reid - 6 - Did ok but has played better. Unlike Sam he's an important player when there is space to drive into, rather than important when there's little space to work with.
  • edited April 2010
    Randolph-7.5 just for that save
    S. Sodje-7
    A Sodje-6.5


    Covered end - 8.5
    PP- 8.5
    Ref - 5 (1st half) - 7 (2nd half)
  • Randolph - 6.5
    Richardson - 7
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 7
    Borrowdale - 7
    Sam - 7.5
    Racon - 7.5
    Semedo - 8
    Bailey - 7
    A Sodje - 7
    Forster - 7.5

    Burton - 7.5
    Jonjo - 6.5
    Reid - 6.5
  • Randolph 6.5
    Richardson 6.5
    S. Sodje 6.5
    Dailly 7.5
    Borrowdale 6.5
    Sam 6.5
    Racon 6.5
    Semedo 8
    Bailley 7
    A Sodje 6.5
    Forster 6.5

    Burton 6.5
  • Randolph - 7 - Solid, apart from a near ricket with a kick early on. Kicking definitely better than Elliott, but distribution not as good. A couple of times when collecting the ball from a nothing cross he should have released Richardson straight away.
    Richardson - 7.5 - Impressive - good going forward, some decent balls into the box (some poor ones too). Solid at the back as well.
    S. Sodje - 7 - Nice and strong in the air, much better on the deck than some give him credit for. Strangely ineffective when thrown up front late on though.
    Dailly - 8 - MOM - assured, composed, and no lack of pace for a 37 year old. Never looked even remotely in trouble.
    Borrowdale - 6 - Average. Lack of pace lets him down. Still solid at the back and a better bet than putting Solly there.
    Sam - 7 - Same old Sam. Frustrating at times - he had their fullback on toast if he wanted it, but came infield far too often and doesn't get to the byeline enough
    Racon - 6.5 - OK. Didn't get his foot in enough and had two glorious opportunities to hit the ball first time as it dropped to him on the edge of the box and tried to take a touch both times. Goes to pieces anywhere near the oppo penalty area.
    Semedo - 7.5 - Did what he does as well as he always does. Breaks up play nicely, hassled when necessary and nice short passing. Just wish he could play a more telling ball sometimes.
    Bailley - 6 - Should have done better with one of his first half chances, and ran around like a headless chicken for much of the game. No good wide left, but switched back to the middle too late to have any effect
    A Sodje - 7.5 - Won a lot in the air against their centre halves. Put himself about a lot. Shame he had to come off.
    Forster - 7.5 - Wily, tricky and good in the air. Deceptively strong, and still has a little pace.

    Burton - 7.5 - Held the ball up well when he came on, unlucky not to score. We're a better team with him on the pitch
    Jonjo - 6 - No real impact when he came on
    Reid - 6 - Ditto
  • Randolph - 7
    Richardson - 7
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 8
    Borrowdale - 7
    Sam - 7.5
    Racon - 6
    Semedo - 8.5
    Bailey - 6.5
    A. Sodje - 6.5
    Forster - 8

    Burton - 7.5
    Jonjo - 7
    Reid - 6.5
  • Randolph- 7
    S. Sodje-7.5
    Semedo-8.5 what a beast.
    Bailley-7 should of finished one of his chances...
    A Sodje- 7.5 probably the best ive seen him do set up a chance and won alot of headers
    Forster- 7

  • Randolph - 6 Could he have come and palmed the corner away? Otherwise fine.
    Richardson - 8.5 Another superb attacking performance. Finishing the season how he started it.
    Borrowdale - 6 Pretty solid but didn't use the ball especially well. Corners were poor today.
    Dailly - 9 Another masterclass. Snuffed out any Norwich threat.
    Sodje - 8 Didn't put a foot wrong and was on top throughout.
    Sam - 8 Second half made up for a quiet 1st half. At times he was unplayable.
    Racon - 7 Kept going but needs to try to get beyond the strikers occasionally.
    Semedo - 9 Best midfield display I've seen since Scott Parker. His fitness level has gone up another notch and all he needs to do now is get a few goals (Why not? He has the ability).
    Bailey - 6.5 Didn't have a great game but is always a goal threat. On another day he'd have scored.
    Akpo - 6.5 Won most of his headers but we're a better team with Burton.
    Forster - 7 Tried so hard but couldn't find a way through. Wish some of the chances would fall to him.
    Burton - 7 Looked sharper as the game wore on. Good to have him back as he brings intelligence to our play. Needs a goal from open play badly!!!
    Reid - 6 Tried really hard but brainless. Should be shot for the last minute free-kick debacle.
    Shelvey - 6 Tried to pass the ball to feet.
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  • Lol - Forgot to do mine!!

    Randolph 7
    Richardson 7
    S. Sodje 7.5
    Dailly 8
    Borrowdale 6.5
    Sam 7.5
    Racon 7
    Semedo 8
    Bailey 6.5
    A Sodje 6
    Forster 7

    Burton 7
    Jonjo 7
    Reid 5.5
  • edited April 2010
    Randolph - 6.5 - A little harsh but not much to do and some very suspect kicking. Looked lethargic to me.
    Richardson 7 - Solid but not particularly tested defensively. Got forward very well as a result.
    S. Sodje 7 - Good all-round performance but as above re defensive duties.
    Dailly 9 - Walked on water yesterday. Allowed perhaps by the absence of a Norwich attack.
    Borrowdale 7 - Steady as a rock but limited in attack.
    Sam 7.5 Worries defenders big style but I still think he has more in the tank.
    Racon 7.5 His best display perhaps ever in my view. Still dwells a little too long and hardly a goal threat.
    Semedo 8.5 - Towering performance. Hope we can retain him for next season.
    Bailley 7 - Not at his best out there but still our most likely. scorer as usual
    A Sodje 7 - Gets criticised but like Burton when he first arrived works a lot harder than given credit for.
    Forster 7 - Obviously an intelligent footballer but cannot see a hatful of goals to be honest.

    Burton 8 - Looked sharp and was unlucky. Glad he is back fit.
    Jonjo 7 - Little time to make an impact but looked comfortable.
    Reid 7 - Lively and committed display but like all wingers he sometimes flatters to decieve.
  • Randolph 7
    Richardson 6
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 7
    Borrowdale 7
    Sam 7
    Racon 6
    Semedo 8
    Bailley 7
    A Sodje 5
    Forster 7

    Burton 7
    Jonjo 6
    Reid 6
  • Randolph 7
    Richardson 7.5
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 8
    Borrowdale 6.5
    Sam 8
    Racon 7
    Semedo 8.5
    Bailey 6
    A Sodje 6
    Forster 8

    Burton 6.5
    Jonjo 6
    Reid 6
  • Randolph 7
    Richardson 7
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 8
    Borrowdale 7
    Sam 7.5
    Racon 7
    Semedo 9
    Bailley 7
    A Sodje 7
    Forster 7

    Burton 7
    Jonjo 6.5
    Reid 6
  • Randolph 7.5
    Richardson 8
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 8.5
    Borrowdale 7.5
    Sam 7.5
    Racon 7.5
    Semedo 8
    Bailley 7
    A Sodje 6.5
    Forster 8

    Burton 7.5
    Jonjo 7
    Reid 7
  • Randolph - 7 - Not much to do, did what he had to with a fine save in the first half.
    Richardson - 7.5 - Busy game, tireless overlapping and got a few decent crosses in. His corners were better than Borrowdale's.
    S. Sodje - 7 - Had better of Norwich's forwards but didn't make much impact when thrown up front.
    Dailly - 8.5 - Totally dominant in air and encouraged the team on. A collosus, although had a quiet afternoon overall.
    Borrowdale - 6 - Soild enough but needed to offer more on the overlap with us so dominant in possession. Youga would have had a field day.
    Sam - 7.5 - Saw lots of the ball and barely gave it away all afternoon. Worked hard and well in tandem with Richo, just couldn't couldn;t produce that one undefendable pass/cross. Still our most creative outlet though.
    Racon - 7.5 - Busy busy busy and showed his class on the ball to make space and keep possession for us, just a shame he didn't pull the trigger sooner on a couple of occcassions, instead choosing to try and work a clearer opening - admirable composure but sometimes we need to be a bit more direct.
    Semedo - 9 - IMMENSE. The lads worked hard at his game and it's showing. Looked super lean when he sprinted off to be subbed and clearly had plenty left in the tank despite a tireless performance. If he can just add 5 goals a season and bit more of an eye for a forward pass to his game he'll have the lot.
    Bailley - 6.5 - Didn't do anything glaringly wrong and got into 3 good shooting positions, but failed to find the finish. However, did pull out of a couple of challenges, perhaps nursing his shoulder, was a bit wasteful in possession and didn't impose himself on the game like he does when at his best. Looks a bit short of confidence to me. Deserved his bollocking from Dailly for staying down when not really hurt and nulifying a potential break for us.
    A Sodje - 8 - Was having his best game for us before gettting injured and was working well with Forster.
    Forster - 7.5 - Tidy on the ball and made smart runs and took up good positions. Won his fair share of headers. Sadly, the ball never quite found it's way to him in a clear shooting position and touch let him down on one occasion when a good touch might have got him in.

    Burton - 6.5 - Looked a bit rusty to begin with and it was never quite vintage Burton, but he came as close as anyone to scoring wiith that header.
    Jonjo - Sprayed a couple of decent passes about but too little time on the pitch to really judge his performance.
    Reid - 6 - Didn't really manage to get in the game. It's a good job I sit in the Upper Tier otherwise I'd have been on the pitch throttling him after tha last minute free 'kick'.
  • Randolph - 7
    Richardson - 8
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 8.5
    Borrowdale - 7
    Sam - 8
    Racon - 7.5
    Semedo - 8
    Bailey - 7
    A Sodje - 7
    Forster - 7.5

    Burton - 7.5
    Jonjo - 6
    Reid - 6
  • Randolph - 7
    Richardson - 7
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 9
    Borrowdale - 8
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 7
    Semedo - 8
    Bailley -8
    A Sodje -6
    Forster -8

    Burton - 7
    Jonjo - 7
    Reid - 6
  • Stig i no its your own reflection on the game and i totally respect that but Bailey getting an 8 over racon and the same score as semedo, no way, i thought bailey was well below par yesterday!

    Randolph - 7
    Richardson - 7
    S. Sodje - 7
    Dailly - 9
    Borrowdale - 7
    Sam - 7
    Racon - 8 (This boy does not get enough credit, his technical ability is second to none, the ball just sticks to his feet whether its on the floor or in the air)
    Semedo - 9
    Bailley - 7 (Great player he just isnt made for LM though and i think Parky is easily influenced into playing him, didnt look all there yesterday to me)
    A Sodje - 7 (Didnt quite understand why he got brought off?)
    Forster - 8

    Burton - 8 (thought he worked very hard when he came on and unlucky not to score)
    Jonjo - 7 (not enough time to shine though, spread play nicely when he came on)
    Reid - 7

    Racon and Semedo joint - 10 (Best midfield pairing in this league by an absolute country mile, why couldnt racon show this form earlier in the season?)
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  • Randolph 7
    Richardson 7
    S. Sodje 7.5
    Dailly 7.5
    Borrowdale 6.5
    Sam 7
    Racon 7.5
    Semedo 8.5
    Bailley 7
    A Sodje 6
    Forster 7

    Burton 6
    Jonjo 6
    Reid 6
  • posted by cafc_se7
    Racon and Semedo joint - 10 (Best midfield pairing in this league by an absolute country mile, why couldnt racon show this form earlier in the season?)

    Sorry but that is just getting carried away with one decent performance. Seen too many games (Orient, Brighton) where our midfield pair was nowhere.
  • Randolph 7
    Richardson 7
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 8
    Borrowdale 6.5
    Sam 7
    Racon 7.5
    Semedo 8.5
    Bailley 7
    A Sodje 7
    Forster 7.5

    Burton 6.5
    Jonjo 6.5
    Reid 6
  • Randolph 7
    Richardson 7
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 8
    borrowdale 7
    sam 7
    racon 8
    semedo 8
    bailly 6.5
    A. Sodje 6.5
    Forster 6.5
    Burton 6.5
    Jonjo 6.5
    Reid 6
    Parky 8
    fans 9
    ref 6
  • Randolph 7
    Richardson 6.5
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 8
    Borrowdale 7
    Sam 7
    Racon 8
    Semedo 8
    Bailley 6
    A Sodje 6
    Forster 6

    Burton 6
    Jonjo 6
    Reid 6
  • Randolph 7 litle to do, nervy start and poor distribution at times
    Richardson 7
    S. Sodje 8
    Dailly 8
    Borrowdale 6 first time I'd seen him "live", and wasn't that sure - corners were poor
    Sam 9 very lively and created a lot of problems for them
    Racon 4 in the first and 9 in the second, so I'll round it up to 7 overall
    Semedo 9 immense throughout, and whilst I understood why he was subbed, we lost shape after he'd gone off
    Bailley 7 came close a couple of time
    A Sodje 7 got better after a shaky first ten mins, and proved a real handful for them
    Forster 8 a class act - if we'd found him a couple of yrs go, I doubt we'd be in this division

    Burton 7 lacking sharpness (understandably)
    Jonjo 7
    Reid 6 disappointing -esp delivery of that final free kick
  • Randolph 7 Had one save to make and it was a good one
    Richardson 7.5 Overlapped well. Got some decent crosses in
    S. Sodje 7.5 Solid and good covering
    Dailly 8 Did everything he should do
    Borrowdale 6.5 Dosen't get forward enough
    Sam 7 Attacked the defenders and took people on
    Racon 7 Drifted in and out
    Semedo 8 Excellent. Broke up the play and usually played the right pass
    Bailey 6.5 In another game would probably have scored. Too many mis-placed passes and suprisingly pulled out of tackles
    A. Sodje 6.5 Didn't seem to jump for headers. When he did he usually won them.
    Forster 6.5 Worked hard but you need your striker to have attempts at goal.
    Burton 6.5 Started slowly but got better as he got into the game.
    Jonjo 6.5 Needs more time on the pitch to do what he does best
    Reid 6 Ran around a lot but can't believe the free-kick near the end of the game
  • [cite]Posted By: cafc_se7[/cite]Racon - 8 (This boy does not get enough credit, his technical ability is second to none, the ball just sticks to his feet whether its on the floor or in the air)
    His technical ability has never been in doubt, it's his consistency, any real end product and decision making to go with it.
    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]posted by cafc_se7
    Racon and Semedo joint - 10 (Best midfield pairing in this league by an absolute country mile, why couldnt racon show this form earlier in the season?)

    Sorry but that is just getting carried away with one decent performance. Seen too many games (Orient, Brighton) where our midfield pair was nowhere.
    What SHG said. I don't see how we can say any one player or pair is "the best in the league", how closely do any of us watch players from other clubs? I know I don't.

    They haven't controlled the game or won the midfield battle far too often to say that. We've seen this season our midfielders aren't quite at the level we thought/hoped they would be, in that they are not too good for this league.
  • Randolph 7
    Richardson 7
    S. Sodje 7
    Dailly 7
    Borrowdale 7
    Sam 7
    Racon 7
    Semedo 7
    Bailley 7
    A Sodje 7
    Forster 7
  • Randolph - 7.5
    Richardson - 8
    S. Sodje - 8
    Dailly - 8
    Borrowdale - 7
    Sam - 7.5
    Racon - 7
    Semedo - 8
    Bailey - 7
    A. Sodje - 6
    Forster - 8

    Burton - 7
    Jonjo - 7
    Reid - 6
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