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Do we have a disproportionate number of idiot fans.



  • I remember just before Charlton beat Liverpool with a Lisbie hatrick, people were saying that would be Curbishley's last game (we were on a bad run...if you can call it that) and were very pleased about it. A guy in the North lower used to berate A.C every game (until I confronted him in a friendly manner).

    The people who moan are often silent when the team is doing well . Strange way of supporting a team...
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Godstone[/cite]I remember just before Charlton beat Liverpool with a Lisbie hatrick, people were saying that would be Curbishley's last game (we were on a bad run...if you can call it that) and were very pleased about it. A guy in the North lower used to berate A.C every game (until I confronted him in a friendly manner).

    The people who moan are often silent when the team is doing well . Strange way of supporting a team...[/quote]

  • I also heard someone say Shelvey will only ever make it as a right back because of his lack of pace and the fact that he is

    I wonder sometimes - I really do
  • So are we now agreed ?

    "What a load of rubbish" didn't happen - despite the anger over hearing it ?

    "boring boring Norwich" - was rather unsporting ?

    The bloke who once sat 4 rows in front of me and 3 seats to the right blamed Lloyd Sam for cutting inside and also mentioned Bailey feigning injury as well as Parky for making the odd unblelievably bad substitution.

    Or did I hear it / make it up ?
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: PL54[/cite]The bloke who once sat 4 rows in front of me and 3 seats to the right blamed Lloyd Sam for cutting inside and also mentioned Bailey feigning injury as well as Parky for making the odd unblelievably bad substitution.
    We could go up in 2nd place, or win the play off final against Millwall and some fans would still have a moan about Lloyd Sam and Parky.

    I definitely heard "boring boring Norwich" (Was sitting the West Upper), didn't hear "what a load of rubbish" though.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]Wait...Wait...

    First things first..

    The west stand chanted?[/quote]

    Kin hell im shock LOL
  • Haha no, I meant I heard it from the North Stand while sitting in the West Upper.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]Haha no, I meant I heard it from the North Stand while sitting in the West Upper.[/quote]

    Knew it was to good to be true LOL
  • edited April 2010
    You decide!
  • Only joking!
    ; )
  • Sponsored links:

  • I hereby formally retract the Muppet statement and will be booking myself in for a hearing test asap 'cos that's what it sound like to me - but I was in block q of the West upper in my defence ;-)
  • SoundAs

    good for you, mate.

    Do you sit in the West nowadays? If so I think I know who it is. He posts on the Glynne Jones list. Describes Bailey as useless. When you try to talk to him rationally by pointing out that Bailey is our second highest scorer, he hides behind the "its an opinion, and I'm entitled to it" line.

    I thought the crowd sounded great, but I think its good also that you and others had a word with the moaners, because i really think it works.
  • [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]Wait...Wait...

    First things first..

    The west stand chanted?

    Not only was there distinct joining in of VFR, CAFC and Come on you Reds, but a few hardy souls even joined in with Semedo and Bailey chants. The press box was also pretty full and there was even some synchronised clapping from the comps in there...
  • [cite]Posted By: PragueAddick[/cite]SoundAs

    good for you, mate.

    Do you sit in the West nowadays? If so I think I know who it is. He posts on the Glynne Jones list. Describes Bailey as useless. When you try to talk to him rationally by pointing out that Bailey is our second highest scorer, he hides behind the "its an opinion, and I'm entitled to it" line.

    I thought the crowd sounded great, but I think its good also that you and others had a word with the moaners, because i really think it works.

    Is he a grey haired fella, quite slim....with what looks like his grandson with him, who'd be about 13 at a guess?
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]Is he a grey haired fella, quite slim....with what looks like his grandson with him, who'd be about 13 at a guess?

    Afraid I don't know. I only know his emails :-) But certainly sounds the same kind of age. I'll see if I can tease it out of him. He's been quiet since Saturday...
  • Apparently Charlton fans simple represent the average number of morons in the real world, but anywhere if the blurted out their opinions anywhere else they'd be frowned upon.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: PragueAddick[/cite]SoundAs

    good for you, mate.

    Do you sit in the West nowadays? If so I think I know who it is. He posts on the Glynne Jones list. Describes Bailey as useless. When you try to talk to him rationally by pointing out that Bailey is our second highest scorer, he hides behind the "its an opinion, and I'm entitled to it" line.

    I thought the crowd sounded great, but I think its good also that you and others had a word with the moaners, because i really think it works.

    Ladies and gentlemen... I give you the infamous Mr Nicholas Gray!

    Well maybe...

    Is he a grey haired fella, quite slim....with what looks like his grandson with him, who'd be about 13 at a guess?
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