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Do we have a disproportionate number of idiot fans.

edited April 2010 in General Charlton
I had the dubious pleasure of West Lower Block C row E today

never again!

I honestly fail to see the point in coming to charlton to spend the entire game slating our players. Nobody was exempt.

It not only annoys people around them but makes them look idiots

I just wondered if every club has as many fickle and negative fans as we seem to!


  • and the bloke in lower north with the "we want positive football" sign.

    what good does that do at this time of the season.

  • You can always isolate areas or individuals but I thought as a whole the ground was supportive and vibrant today
  • Why does anyone start this thread, christ its as boring as the 'fans' theyre trying to dig out.

    No-one who watches the quality of player we have this season can be called fickle.
  • I had a standing arguement with the bloke next to me at the final whistle

    If you think I moan, you should try sitting next to him !! All through the second half he was shouting "thats rubbish" every time one of our many efforts at goal didn't go in - and the final straw was another "Rubbish" when the final whistle went.......thats when I went mad.

    I told him to shut up & not to bother turning up next time - we had just played the best team in his league off the park and all he could do was moan..........I told him to appluad the team off as that was the best performance all season !!

    god..........I hate some of our supporters !
  • sorry, wasn't Lower North............but not saying where either !

    Don't want my cover blown............until Henry discloses all !!!!!!!!!!!
  • There is a bloke near me who screams 'LEABURN' when ever somebody does something wrong, even the ref. It was funny at first, then a bit annoying, now I think he could actually be insane.
  • North Lower again: had a right go at the bloke next to me over a couple of things, then had to drive him home. Expect he'll tell his Mum tomorrow when he comes round for a free breakfast, so more aggro!
  • Where were the "what a load of rubbish" chants coming from?

    That was the sort of gutsy performance we need.
  • There's a bloke in the West Upper that just bellows OI constantly and without any context.

    OI REF WHY AINCHA FAKKIN GIVEN THA? (as the ref runs forward signalling advantage)
    OI! OUR FROW! (when Richardson knocks it out with nobody near him)
    OI OFFSIDE (he doesn't know what offside is, we had three men behind the ball and had just got posession)

    And so it goes on OI this OI that, Generally missing the cases where we genuinely should have a free kick and the ref's made an error.

    Still, I think we're being hard on ourselves. Round up 20,000 people at random, and a lot of the ones you notice will be complete idots. I don't think we're ahead of the national average
  • [cite]Posted By: Lardy[/cite]Where were the "what a load of rubbish" chants coming from?

    Heard that too. Muppets the lot of them after that performance. Okay we couldn't get the ball in the net but after that showing hardly worthy of that treatment.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Lardy[/cite]Where were the "what a load of rubbish" chants coming from?

    Heard that too. Muppets the lot of them after that performance. Okay we couldn't get the ball in the net but after that showing hardly worthy of that treatment.
    I assumed it was directed at something else. But if it was aimed at our performance then that is unbelievable. Was pretty loud, seemed to be a lot singing it.
  • I thought it was the ref who was 'a lot of rubbish' but if it was aimed at our players then frankly I give up.
  • I thought it was "boring rubbish" and aimed at Norwich for the timewasting.

    Mind you we do have a track record of attacking our own so perhaps I've misunderstood.
  • It was "boring, boring, Norwich"
  • Clearly boring boring norwich.

    Some of you must have hearing issues !
  • I stand corrected! Mind you, the ref was not exactly top notch today was he!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Clearly boring boring norwich.

    Some of you must have hearing issues ![/quote]

    I had a right stapedectomy 24 years ago, so your right
  • [cite]Posted By: golfaddick[/cite]I had a standing arguement with the bloke next to me at the final whistle

    If you think I moan, you should try sitting next to him !! All through the second half he was shouting "thats rubbish" every time one of our many efforts at goal didn't go in - and the final straw was another "Rubbish" when the final whistle went.......thats when I went mad.

    I told him to shut up & not to bother turning up next time - we had just played the best team in his league off the park and all he could do was moan..........I told him to appluad the team off as that was the best performance all season !!

    god..........I hate some of our supporters !
    It wasn't Large was it?! LOL.
  • Yes, there does seem to be a high proportion of idiots. And I think they prove the old saying about empty vessels making the most noise.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Clearly boring boring norwich.

    Some of you must have hearing issues !

    Pardon ?
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  • Boring,boring Norwich? If the tables were turned, and it was Charlton who were 3 points away from promotion, would we have been happy playing the same type of football???
    As for thankfully a small minority of our so-called fans, I'm bored of their lack of education, something that is inherent in our country.
    I personally clapped Norwich of the pitch because the league table doesn't lie!
  • I have to say Lost Soul I agree with you regarding Norwich, they played safe and cagey and completed a smash and grab and fair play to them. I will be happy if we do the same next week at Exeter. I too clapped the Norwich players as I feel they are worthy of being promoted as overall they have been the best and most consistant side this season. Their players were sporting by clapping the Charlton fans at the end also.
  • weve been smashing and grabbing fir the last few weeks........
  • It was a great performance from charlton was amazing we didnt score, the stats dont lie we had 9 shots on target they had 2, we had 68% possession they had 32%. At the end of the day its the top stat that counts and i think thats all that these "fickle" fans care about. If they were watching the same game that i was i am sure they know feck all about football.

    Great performance from us parky must have had one of his inspired speeches since wednesday morning lets hope that kind of football continues.
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]You can always isolate areas or individuals but I thought as a whole the ground was supportive and vibrant today

    Agreed, some people will always grumble, but the ground was an enjoyable place to be again yesterday. Bit of a chicken and egg argument over if the performance inspired the fans or vica-versa but it was back to good old days and I'm sure it helped the players keep going right until the final minute, when they must have been starting to lose hope after putting so much in for no return.

    With Leeds and possibly a massive play-off match to come at The Valley I'd urge everyone to do their best to replicate the atmosphere yesterday and if you can get to one of the away games,do it and give them the same backing there. Let them know you're with them and believe in them (even if deep down you don't really).

    EDIT: In addition to this, I heard a 'Get in the game Lloyd' from behind me in the West Upper. Beggars belief sometimes.
  • Crowd sounded good on the stream......
  • As I left the West Upper I spoke, in passing, to a bloke (about my age) on the stairs next to me and said how unfair football can be at times.
    "Not really." He replied.
    "What do you mean."
    "I blame Parkinson for not picking the right team."
    "Oh really...then what changes would you have made?"
    "Well I'd have dropped Bailey for a start."
    "Oh really and why's that?"
    "He's bloody useless."
    "What you on about you twat, we've just played our socks off and all you can do is have digs."
    End of conversation.......I'll leave you to decide whether I was right or wrong to say what I did.
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: golfaddick[/cite]I had a standing arguement with the bloke next to me at the final whistle

    If you think I moan, you should try sitting next to him !! All through the second half he was shouting "thats rubbish" every time one of our many efforts at goal didn't go in - and the final straw was another "Rubbish" when the final whistle went.......thats when I went mad.

    I told him to shut up & not to bother turning up next time - we had just played the best team in his league off the park and all he could do was moan..........I told him to appluad the team off as that was the best performance all season !!

    You must remember golphie that not all fans are as rose tinted as you ;0)
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]"I blame Parkinson for not picking the right team."
    Ridiculous really. When we are apparently not trying it's Parkinson's fault, but the team played with so much confidence and drive, yet Parky gets no credit for that. We dominated possession, created chances coming up against a crowded penalty area, Norwich created nothing for an entire half. But it's Parkinson's fault we lost.
    [cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]EDIT: In addition to this, I heard a 'Get in the game Lloyd' from behind me in the West Upper. Beggars belief sometimes.
    That's just as bad, even when Sam has a good game it's not enough.
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