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6,528 season tickets sold



  • One more defeat and I'm off to support Arsenal; this means I can keep my red n white scarf and my lucky red underpants ;o)
  • I'm with AFKA on this one - no great lift in ticket sales from promotion. Probably the difference between a 10 per cent fall-off and parity with this season.

    However, the sales figure to date doesn't include hospitality, as this has only just been handed back to the commercial centre staff to call the holders. This could well push the ST figure to 7,000 plus, before sales over the summer. I'd hope we would get another 1,500-2,000 by kick-off, but even if we don't you are not going to have any crowds below 10,000 unless the club forgets to put the game on sale at all.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]I but even if we don't you are not going to have any crowds below 10,000 unless the club forgets to put the game on sale at all.[/quote]

    This makes me smile espec in this division i never thought we would get above 10,000 at the championship level years ago
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]but even if we don't you are not going to have any crowds below 10,000 unless the club forgets to put the game on sale at all.

    Let's hope Steve Waggot doenst get put in charge of that then....
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