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  • when was the high point of our booing this season , probably during/after the gillingham game ......

    well the players have taken notice and gone on a great run 7 points out of 9...... so the booing may have been the kick up the backside they needed ;-)
  • Your right if they are Charlton you should not boo them especially as they are just a young lad trying to make it in the game should be encouraged. Imagine if you employed a young guy and then started booing across the office when he got something wrong lol wouldnt go down to well in most offices i can imagine.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ru1986[/cite]Your right if they are Charlton you should not boo them especially as they are just a young lad trying to make it in the game should be encouraged. Imagine if you employed a young guy and then started booing across the office when he got something wrong lol wouldnt go down to well in most offices i can imagine.

    I do it all the time lol especially when given a rubbish tea! haha
  • I heard the boos when they read out Mooney's name which i found utterly and absolutely stupid and i was cringing when I saw him ready to come on as I was hoping they didnt boo him on to the pitch. Didnt hear any then tho thankfully.

    I sat in the North West Quad and I dont hear any of that sort of stuff around me. all positive and I think thats where we'll stay from now on.
  • Shelvey was getting slagged off by a bloke behind me at the back of the East Stand from the start of the game then his girlfriend/wife joined in ... then switched their moaning to Sam (who is their frequent target) and then to Mooney before ... believe it or not ... cheering when Shelvey went off.

    I do wonder why these 'fans' bother to come ... they are silent when we are doing well ... seems to be in their nature that they can only see negatives ... tw#ts.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ru1986[/cite]Your right if they are Charlton you should not boo them especially as they are just a young lad trying to make it in the game should be encouraged. Imagine if you employed a young guy and then started booing across the office when he got something wrong lol wouldnt go down to well in most offices i can imagine.

    Not really a fair comparison though.

    Footballers are in the entertainment business, most office workers are not.

    Most 'young guys' in offices don't earn a few k a week either, do they, or have to deal with large amounts of people wanting them to do badly every other week.

    If a player can't deal with a few boo's they're probably in the wrong game.

    Then again, as oohaah points out, the booing at gillingham seemd to have got quite a good response from the players so far.]

    I'd be far more concerned about the lack of vocal support from MOST of the ground, rather than a few no brains booing!
  • Why don't we allocate a special area for the booers to congregate during the match. The car park would be an ideal venue.
  • never been a booer,but it seems to have had a postive effect,as long as they avoid millwall they will be fine in the play offs
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]I've always been of the type that you never slag off your own fans, but i've really turned this season and am now convinced we have far higher percentage of numpty mugs than the average.

    Whether it is unsupportive or nasty, i seem to be becoming less and less alligned with people sitting around me at games this season and just want to spend the whole game telling an idiot who is either unecessarily slagging off, or worse booing like a 4yr old at a panto, that he is in fact a mug.

    'Thickle' is indeed the word.

    Well said, AFKA. I dont get to see that many games live, but the attitude of so many fans has left me more despondent than the actual performances (and the last three I saw were draws).

    I do believe though that the more people turn on the booers, most will shut up. They are bullies and cowards, or just going along with what they think is the crowd mood. Years back I was at an away evening match at Oxford with Mark Mansfield, and he turned on some kids who were singing a stupid racist song.I told them I agreed with Mark. For a moment they waited to see, what next, and then a huge lump of a bloke turned to them and told them he agreed with Mark too, and then several others joined us . They were good as gold after that. And I didnt hear that song again, ever, in a Charlton crowd.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]never been a booer,but it seems to have had a postive effect,as long as they avoid millwall they will be fine in the play offs

    You think we will match Leeds or Huddersfield?
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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: PragueAddick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]never been a booer,but it seems to have had a postive effect,as long as they avoid millwall they will be fine in the play offs[/quote]

    You think we will match Leeds or Huddersfield?[/quote]

    I reckon we'll match Leeds in the booing stakes :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: PragueAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]never been a booer,but it seems to have had a postive effect,as long as they avoid millwall they will be fine in the play offs

    You think we will match Leeds or Huddersfield?

  • fancy us with anyone but millwall or southampton if they make it.
  • Gotta agree with that.
  • edited April 2010
    I tend to agree with Alan Partridge that '' I just don't like the general public '' but i'm starting to dislike certain quarters of my fellow supporters even more and i'm finding after 30 odd years of going that comments around me are affecting me more than whats going on down on the pitch. Firstly any male over the age of 16 who participates in the vocal act of replicating a 6 year old girl at a Christmas panto has got to take a long hard look at themselves or see it replayed back to them on video. We all pay our hard earned into the club we love so are entitled to our opinions but surely they've got to be constructive and encouraging.Recently some top of the range oxygen stealers have appeared from nowhere behind us at the last few home matches bringing with them their delightful offspring who are chips off the old block.Stinking of stale Fosters they give a running commentry of the game from the warm-up in their eloquent dulcet tones, fluent in the Queens English,their knowledge and tactical grasp of the game only rivalled by a panel of Shankly,Paisly and Clough.I've seen more and more of this type of Do'nut infiltrating our support home and away over recent months and am concerned that it might start to have an effect on our decent supporters somewhere down the line.
  • [cite]Posted By: Penfolds Perm[/cite]any male over the age of 16 who participates in the physical act of replicating a 6 year old girl at a Christmas panto
    Can you say that on here...?
  • [cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: Penfolds Perm[/cite]any male over the age of 16 who participates in the physical act of replicating a 6 year old girl at a Christmas panto
    Can you say that on here...?

    Fair point,well made.........Edited
  • From the Beeb website, Gary Docherty of Norwich - just comparing what a seasoned Pro at a rival promotion seeking club is saying about their supporters:

    "I've got to commend our supporters," he said. "We've been lucky, when we're playing at home, that they're always behind us.

    "I've noticed a few times when you watch maybe Charlton or Leeds they're maybe a bit tense in front of their own fans.

    "We've been lucky that our fans have been behind us 100 per cent.

    "That's massive, because you don't want the nerves or the tension of the fans getting on to the pitch."
  • they weren't behind them when they lost 7-1 ... they gave them a right good boooooing and it kick started their season ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]they weren't behind them when they lost 7-1 ... they gave them a right good boooooing and it kick started their season ;-)

    Cos perhaps the board had the forsight to realise that perhaps the legend and all round nice fella that their manager was did not mean he was the right man to get them promotion ;-)
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  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]they weren't behind them when they lost 7-1 ...

    [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]they gave them a right good boooooing and it kick started their season ;-)

    I don't think it was the booing that kick started their season, Ooh Aah.

    More like the appointment of a very decent manager, who knows what he's doing !
  • was the manager to be fair.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]From the Beeb website, Gary Docherty of Norwich - just comparing what a seasoned Pro at a rival promotion seeking club is saying about their supporters:

    "I've got to commend our supporters," he said. "We've been lucky, when we're playing at home, that they're always behind us.

    "I've noticed a few times when you watch maybe Charlton or Leeds they're maybe a bit tense in front of their own fans.

    "We've been lucky that our fans have been behind us 100 per cent.

    "That's massive, because you don't want the nerves or the tension of the fans getting on to the pitch."
    So you and Gary are telling us that the supporters of a club that is on a spectacular winning run, well clear at the top of the league are offering more positive support than the fans of teams that are on a bit of skid. It's not really a massive insight. When we were up at Leeds earlier in the seaon both sets of fans were great. Norwich (who've fallen a shorter distance than us or Leeds IMO) were very subdued once we got our noses in front at the end of last season. I don't think there's much doubt whether the chicken or the egg came first here. I think we can all, always give a bit more; but I'd not say our club are in any way unusual, particularly for one that has seen it's fan base expand so much in recent years. Supporters have been pretty extrordinary IMO. When I first came to London and adopted Charlton 10k was in a good crowd. Now we'd never get that low. But we're in a lower league. Yet despite the horrible financial and footballing failure of the last few years. Despite finishing last in a pretty poor league with a big budget, prople haven't really protested against the manager and almost no voices have been raised against the board. I'd like to see the reaction of the oh-so-passionate geordies, or Spurs or Blackburn if they'd been put through the wringer that we have over the last few years.

    In summary, some people boo, sometimes because they're whingers, sometimes because they're justifiably unhappy. Overall no more than most teams' support. Can't really understand why so many people feel that whinging about whinging, is an appropriate response.
  • I sit in the upper West towards the covered end & I never heard any booing on Monday.

    I reserve the right to criticise & whinge, as well as applaud & cheer. (not boo)
    Otherwise, if you take the argument to it's logical conclusion, you accept anything.
    I just think we are over-doing the whole booing thing & to be honest, it is extremely boring & potentially divisive to keep on about it.
  • edited April 2010
    Just came across this forum and felt obliged to add something. I am a 21 year old but buy tickets game-to-game home and away when I can make it, and would like to point out that not all of us who don't come to every game are there to slag the team off. I would never boo the team, and when I did hear somebody to my right in the J block on Monday trying to start a chant of "F*** off Shelvey" I told him to shut up. There might be a few fans there who are d*ckheads, but some of us younger supporters really do support the team and wouldn't turn on them. I brought along some of my mates to this game and equally they wouldn't start a chant like that, so if you do get angry with the young supporters in the J block then make sure it's the right ones!
  • Fair play mate.
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