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edited April 2010 in General Charlton
I hear Mooney was getting booed again today, now I'm no fan of Mooney, in fact I think he is absolute shit but I would never boo him or any Charlton player.

I expect every player to give their best and I'm sure Mooney does, he just isn't good enough.

If I hear folk booing one of our own players I would tell them to shut up. What is the point of booing during the game? Save your complaining for after.

Got my tickets for Southampton and Exeter!!


  • he got booed when his name was read out, I'm no fan of his but to be fair he did o.k when he came on.
  • can't disagree with any of that D_F_T, total rubbish to boo any one individual in a CAFC shirt
  • I just think a large majority of our fans are thickle. Im starting to think were following in the footsteps of Spurs!Shocking behaviour!
  • Do these idiots actually think booing individuals does the rest of the team any good to?Were all supposed to be in this together, Parky, the players and the fans!When poor old Mooney comes on and gets booed, its going to have a negative effect on everyone!Muppets!
  • There are some weird fans of ours. I really think there are some people who just come and don't support Charlton. When Jonjo put his shot wide there were about 4/5 17/18 year olds in the J block who started a chant of "F*ck off Shelvey".

    Just plain strange.
  • Yer and i bet they are the same group of 17/18 year olds who go to the away games who stand with the drummer thinking there billy big nuts and were chanting for Shelvey throughout the whole of the Dons and Huddersfield games!Twats, they cant be loyal charlton!
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]When Jonjo put his shot wide there were about 4/5 17/18 year olds in the J block who started a chant of "F*ck off Shelvey".

    Good to see they've done as much with their 18 years as that lad has achieved.

    Hope they enjoy their takeaway and spliff bought of their EMA tonight
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]There are some weird fans of ours. I really think there are some people who just come and don't support Charlton. When Jonjo put his shot wide there were about 4/5 17/18 year olds in the J block who started a chant of "F*ck off Shelvey".

    Just plain strange.

    Yet the same lads were probably the ones singing about him being a wonder kid at McDons
  • Exactly JT, idiots!
  • Thought it (the booing) was a discrace again we had a good game ffs. Its not helping anyone or making anybody better it just leaves a negative impact on everybody in the team. Was listening to 606 on the way home and it was just stupid some of the coments that were coming out and how much of a rubbish game mooney had, now i might of been watching a different match but i though mooney had quite a good time when he came on, including a near perfect ball to give sodje (i think) a one on one with the keeper and most of the others which ended with parky out, now im not parkys biggest fan but with f all money he has done ok. some of his subs are questionable but i think that the booing the team just gives a negative impact on the team. as for shelvey getting booed absoloute rubbish fair enough he missed a sitter that in all honesty i think i would of scored but oh well he made up for it with a great chance that he created for himself just before he was subbed and quiute a good game all round. people dont realise how young he is i dont think of course he will make a couple of mistakes. The boo boys must think we are barca.
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  • I am personally starting to think that these 'lads' around the drummer arent actually charlton fans anyway. There just mates of mates who come along to away matches to give it the Danny Dyer to the opposition!OK they boost our away numbers up and they start all the singing, but were better off without them.
  • Do any other supporters say anything to these twats? I don't go to as many games as I used to or would like to but think it's about time real fans pulled these kids up. It has to stop.
  • On Saturday the 'boys' ahem were chanting "parky sort it out" then when we scored wanting him to wave at them.. a few dodgy comments about lloyd sam to that won't go into but have absoultly no place in the year 2010. To be honest though our support would have been very quite apart from there singing and bouncing, I'm all for proper football songs and giving the oppo stick but never the shite a few spouted at sam, if they can drop the 1970's attidude then they can follow us when and wherever they want.
  • I would tell them to pack it in, if they are at Southampton or Exeter and I hear them booing they will get a mouthful from me.

    We need to get behind the team, the players we like and the players we don't.
  • [cite]Posted By: cafc_se7[/cite]I just think a large majority of our fans are thickle. Im starting to think were following in the footsteps of Spurs!Shocking behaviour!

    I think the booing debate has been done to death but more importantly I'm loving your work coming up with 'thickle' as a very apt description of some our lot. Nice one.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]There are some weird fans of ours. I really think there are some people who just come and don't support Charlton. When Jonjo put his shot wide there were about 4/5 17/18 year olds in the J block who started a chant of "F*ck off Shelvey".

    Just plain strange.[/quote]

    More than strange....... disgraceful, I have just posted that JJ's finishing was not there today, but the lad did more running than anyone else, and he has always given 100 percent to me when I have seen him play. Christ the lad is young, and on a learning curve, if he did not make mistakes, or is a bit raw at times he would not be here, he would already be at a much higher level, and will probably be anyway this time next year!
    If you play youngsters, and expect them to be 100 percent all the time you are gonna have a dissapointing time, and poorer team without them.!
  • I've always been of the type that you never slag off your own fans, but i've really turned this season and am now convinced we have far higher percentage of numpty mugs than the average.

    Whether it is unsupportive or nasty, i seem to be becoming less and less alligned with people sitting around me at games this season and just want to spend the whole game telling an idiot who is either unecessarily slagging off, or worse booing like a 4yr old at a panto, that he is in fact a mug.

    'Thickle' is indeed the word.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]I've always been of the type that you never slag off your own fans, but i've really turned this season and am now convinced we have far higher percentage of numpty mugs than the average.

    Whether it is unsupportive or nasty, i seem to be becoming less and less alligned with people sitting around me at games this season and just want to spend the whole game telling an idiot who is either unecessarily slagging off, or worse booing like a 4yr old at a panto, that he is in fact a mug.

    'Thickle' is indeed the word.

    must be bad for you to moan
  • got the right ump today.....turned up to see the draw concluded!!!
    sitting a little further back than usual today...just made the ko so didnt hear any booing at the start.

    jonjo getting some serious stick from back off the north stand lower!! Why i ask myself??
    Then mooney comes on.....bloke behind gives it booing!!! said who the feck is booing?? numpty said "i am he is dog poo" cudnt help myself but had to reply "maybe but he is wearing a charlton shirt".....wanted to have a word after the game but he was gone.....just dont understand it.....he actually didnt do bad when he came on, made acouple of chances i thought.....just gave the ump!!!!!!!!!! please if you are reading this boo under your breath and cheer as loud as you can...
  • There was some very harsh views about Jonjo expressed in the West Stand. I was surprised. While he should be treated like other players, it seems stupid to get on such a young players' back
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  • i've said it all along our fans are odd and weird and i generally dislike most people and our fans are no exception... in the words of mortimerician "clown shoes" the lot of em
  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]i've said it all along our fans are odd and weird and i generally dislike most people and our fans are no exception... in the words of mortimerician "clown shoes" the lot of em


    We'd get on mate...
  • yup, its sickening, I just dont know where these people have come from, I cant remember any of this back pre 2000 ? I wonder if some of these people really do support us. today I heard get off aimed at jonjo after he missed that chance. SHOCKING. I turned round adn shook my head at the bloke. OK I do remeber kim grant getting subjected to off off off in about 94? but curbs and gritty sluaghtered the fans for it and I never heard anything like that again for a while. Earlier this season I did the same to a bloke who was booing mcloed, who I dont like as a player for a few reasons. he then came up to me everytime he missed a chance, HE missed the point that you are there to support the team. I think its time we started to question these people. The Mooney thing makes me mad as he isnt a bad player and works really hard, Some of these people know nothing about the game!
  • well if we don't go up the booooooers will be working over time next year with what we're more than likely to be left with in squad terms imo
  • What about Lisbie - I am sure he was booed on and/or off on least one occasion?

    I had some people behind me moaning about Shelvey as well.
    When that's the case they've usually decided from the start that the someone is going to have a bad game, so it doesn't really matter what they do well, as it is the mistakes that are going to be remembered.
  • yeah exactly what i thought, few boos when shelvey missed, yeah it was frustrating but why boo the player? also mooney again although didnt do much wrong and done a lovely through ball in which we should have scored

    hey ho what can you do, other then like dft says and tell them to shut up but most the time they will still caryy on. yawn its boring and hardly contstructive!
  • Don't really have much to add except that this cannot be helping the specific individuals with their confidence or will to do well. It also cannot be helping other members of the team who now know that they could face similar reactions.

    If we were to reach Wembley, I would want a squad that wants to do well for the fans and the club, at this rate we could have some players who could not give a stuff about the fans. I point to Mooney in particular, one would hope he would want to prove the doubters wrong and give 100% but what if he was to think, f*** them, they have booed me so why should I care about them!

    Unfortunately it appears that we may have more than just a few idiots and this could have an adverse effect. Sooner it stops the better!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: superclive[/cite]Some of these people know nothing about the game![/quote]

    Got it in one, Superclive.

    "Some of these people know nothing about the game" ...... never played it, don't understand it.
  • Cant believe it.....

    cant believe the fans of our club are booing the guy after scoring one of the goals of the season and playing the pass that won us the pen at MK , and then we win, take 6 fricking points over the easter break...


    take a long hard look at yourself recognise that you are w&*(^()(
  • I thought the crowd were all right, but a bit quiet. Must've been just me. Didn't hear any booing where I was in the H Block. The inevitable sighs when there was a miss, and a couple of people said it was time to take Shelvey off (he looked knackered) after his best chance, but nothing malicious and nothing against him as a player. All round me clapped him off. Mooney got a bit of abuse around me when he came on, but got a lot of praise for his through ball to Akpo. From the same people who had criticised him.

    I know what you people are talking about, but I didn't hear as much of it today as in a few other matches this season. As I said, I must've been the only one
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