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Time To Play Semedo At Centreback



  • [cite]Posted By: colthe3rd[/cite]Anyway I still think Semedo would struggle against the sort of strikers we see each week in League 1
    I think he would but then I think Dailly has as well. He's not been any better in the air than Semedo would be, and I'd say Semedo's stronger than him as well.
  • It's a good call and it's his natural position. I think he'd be very composed there alongside Sodje. Semedo is a very good player and could easily play at higher level. Along with Burton and Bailey he is one of our most important players.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: colthe3rd[/cite]Big and burly at under 6ft, new one on me! Anyway I still think Semedo would struggle against the sort of strikers we see each week in League 1

    FYI Forza I have been watchin football a long time and yes I have seen teams throw away a 3 goal lead but you stated "one of the best clubs in the world", I assumed you were referring to playing ability and if that is so I can't see a team like Man Utd for example throwing away a 3 goal lead against Wolves.[/quote]

    Apologies on the confusion then, I did mean it more in terms of history and prestige, although I still fancy Juve's squad amongest the best in the world but probably outside of a top 10. Also I didn't have a look at Pazzini's height but I know he is used as a target man and is quite well built.
  • How about mouakill at righback must be in with a shout after Saturday, youga and ried on the left mouts and sam on the right quite a decent option on the flanks for a league one team.
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]How about mouakill at righback must be in with a shout after Saturday, youga and ried on the left mouts and sam on the right quite a decent option on the flanks for a league one team.

    Moo2 will never play for Charlton again. Forget it.
  • [cite]Posted By: forzajuve_27[/cite]I did mean it more in terms of history and prestige

    Ahh prestige I see, because the other top 5 clubs in the world have recently been fined heavily and relegated from their leagues over bribing referees. But as this is slightly going off topic lets end it there, don't want to get in trouble
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: colthe3rd[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: forzajuve_27[/cite]I did mean it more in terms of history and prestige[/quote]

    Ahh prestige I see, because the other top 5 clubs in the world have recently been fined heavily and relegated from their leagues over bribing referees. But as this is slightly going off topic lets end it there, don't want to get in trouble[/quote]

    Mate you've just provoked a response so I can't just leave it, but more than happy to after this: Ok it was never proven that we fixed any games the only proof is that we did manage for some games to select what we deemed favourable referees however that was only for 1 Champions League Qualifier where we asked for Graham Poll. The other referee took charge of 5 Serie A games where we had 1 win, 2 draws and 2 defeats. Even after the bullshit relegation we are still the biggest club in Italy and I can only think of Real Madrid, Man Utd and Barcelona as bigger clubs, and Liverpool are proabably on a par with us.

    But anyway back to Charlton now!
  • Its all very comforting that just as we approach the business end of the season when the team should be in full flight that we are discussing radical changes to the team in order to get our season back on the rails.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Its all very comforting that just as we approach the business end of the season when the team should be in full flight that we are discussing radical changes to the team in order to get our season back on the rails.

    I take your point - should have been full steam ahead with a settled team. However, continue as we are and even if we reach the play-offs it will end there.
    Make some radical changes and it may still go wrong, but he may just find the right blend.
    Will Parky have the bottle to drop one or two of the untouchables - Richardson & Dailly for example?
  • Just seen the goals for the first time and Llera simply has to be dropped, but Dailly also didn't do himself any favours, especially on the first one where he lost Ward and gave him a free header - seen him do that too often this season. So I'd have no complaints seeing Sodje partner Semedo on Saturday
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  • Semedo was a CB when we signed him - most people do not realise this because he has never been played there by the managers we have had. It is not a risk to play the bloke in the position I assume he thought was his best when he joined the club!

    May be a trange time in the season to be trying it out but rather do it now than after we lose to Gills cause of a bunch of Llera mistakes!
  • Llera against the pace of Simeon Jackson!!!!!
  • [cite]Posted By: valleyman[/cite]Semedo was a CB when we signed him - most people do not realise this because he has never been played there by the managers we have had. It is not a risk to play the bloke in the position I assume he thought was his best when he joined the club!

    And maybe that's because they realised he wasn't very good at centre back. Do you really trust Pardew's assessment that he was a centre back? Remember this is a manager who took us into last season with only 2 centre backs - Fortune and Hudson. Even then we didn't count Semedo as someone who can play there.

    From what I've seen, there's not much to suggest he'd be good there either. The only report we have that he can play there is one person's viewing of an under-21 game 3 years ago - hardly compelling evidence.
  • And the fact he played well there v Swindon and Brentford. Agree not compelling but there is promise
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