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Thats enough charlton for me now ive had enough

Left after third goal, had to have a barney to get out the ground by barricating our way out, what a fucking disgraceful performance, even though I have a. Season I ain't going no more games this season, I need a break from watching this pile of shit. Think I need a break from charlton for the rest of this season and next season, I know charlton need the extra season ticket revenue but I just cannot take watching charlton every Saturday anymore, sorry to be doom and gloom.


  • Ok, see you when we are playing well and everything is going your own way again.

    Don't rush back though.
  • If you want, buy the season ticket and don't turn up. That way we get the revenue and we don't have to read the same old shit everytime we lose.
  • [cite]Posted By: We are J Block[/cite]Left after third goal, had to have a barney to get out the ground by barricating our way out, what a fucking disgraceful performance, even though I have a. Season I ain't going no more games this season, I need a break from watching this pile of shit. Think I need a break from charlton for the rest of this season and next season, I know charlton need the extra season ticket revenue but I just cannot take watching charlton every Saturday anymore, sorry to be doom and gloom.

    I'll have your ticket then. Seems a shame to let it go to waste
  • I'm fed up but hey next week I'll be at the Valley
  • edited March 2010
    [quote][cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]Ok, see you when we are playing well and everything is going your own way again.

    Don't rush back though.[/quote]

    Yeah WSS I totally agree, I know there are another 10,000 like "We are J Block" who won't bother coming back nest season when we are still in League1 and have sold all our best players and will stay away until "we are playing well and everything is going our way again" but this club could do without fans that get pissed off by watching shit football.

    Lets just hope the hardcore 4,000 of us who stay behind are enough to cover our £30M of debt - shouldn't be a problem.
  • I will never, never, ever stop going, I am looking forward to next Saturday already, people need to get themselves some 'kin backbone.
  • Be nice if the manager and players had some "'kin backbone"!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: CHG[/cite] people need to get themselves some 'kin backbone.[/quote]
    starting with the players
  • That's it for me.....I'm off to Egypt in 10 minute for a couple of weeks to recuperate for the final run in of our season!
  • I did turn to my mate yesterday and we said several times, why have we just paid out for next years season ticket? But you take the rough with the smooth.
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  • Shall I sing a song for you..................

    Sack 'em all, sack 'em all
    The board and the squad and the fool
    But we still want promotion so lets call on devotion
    It's Valley Floyd Road one and all.
  • Certain things in life don't go your way, get over it, don't blame any other factors, stand up, brush yourself down and go next week.
  • Bye.....
    Don't hurry back.....
  • [cite]Posted By: We are J Block[/cite]Left after third goal, had to have a barney to get out the ground by barricating our way out, what a fucking disgraceful performance, even though I have a. Season I ain't going no more games this season, I need a break from watching this pile of shit. Think I need a break from charlton for the rest of this season and next season, I know charlton need the extra season ticket revenue but I just cannot take watching charlton every Saturday anymore, sorry to be doom and gloom.

    One last thing before you go....Please change your user name to ...I 'was' J Block......I fank yew!
  • I understand how he feels, yesterday was a real low, and I've been going for 23yrs, so have seen a few shocking performances.

    I guess i'll be back next week though, and for our next trip to Senegal Fields. Simply cause Ive got nothing better to do...

    Keep the faith, hopefully the football will improve eventually...
  • This is me 40th season.....
    Will go on Saturday with all the Hope I 1st had in 1970....
  • This is my 19th season and i was -15 when you first went mog
  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]This is me 40th season.....
    Will go on Saturday with all the Hope I 1st had in 1970....

  • Thought I didn't see you there.....
  • It wasn't good, but I'll be there next game and am still glad I've just paid for my 5 year season ticket as well.

    We are always crap against Millwall.

    Don't Rush Back you glory boy
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  • Have a heart lads, the thought did cross my mind especially the way we conceded the late goals but I'm sure like me J Block will be there on Saturday.
  • [cite]Posted By: GRAY9[/cite]Have a heart lads, the thought did cross my mind especially the way we conceded the late goals but I'm sure like me J Block will be there on Saturday.

    Don't want his sort there, thanks very much.

    Not the sort of man you'd want in the trenches with you.
  • With you on this one, Mog.
  • Great isn't it, when piss poor performances by overpaid tarts gets us fans turning on one another. Behave, we will still be Charlton when some of these prima donnas are long gone.
  • Yesterday I was fuming and wanted to get it off my chest, I have hardly missed a home game. Since the 94 season, what I said yesterday I have said atleast 100 times over the last few seasons but always end up coming back, I can see why you all reacted the post in the way you did. Yesterday was another low in our recent history and I wanted to express my frustration.
  • So, are you coming back or not?

    We're on the edge of our seats here.
  • I will be at the game next week, if we lose I'll say something like this again, its just the way I feel in the aftermath of being pissed off. Yesterday was the worst I felt after a game since I have been going charlton, most of mates are millwall, went pub in brockley b4 the game with 2 other charlton fans and 7 millwall, this game means more to me then any other. Got the 321 and while on the bus was frustrated and could only log in my phone and take it out on here.

    I'm a passionate charlton fan but sometimes too passionate and emotional when we lose. Likewise when we win I think we are worl beaters.
  • no worrys you have a right to rant
  • nolly does it all the time.....
  • i think we all had a rant after yesterday,i dread to think what steves mood was yesterday
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