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I'm running the London Marathon - Donation and support thread

I will be taking part in the London marathon this year

If there are any other Charlton fans running this year please post your link here.


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    Good luck!
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    Cheers mate. If there are any other members who are running the marathon, post your charity link here.
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    Good Luck, have dropped some in your bucket
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    [cite]Posted By: C.Walsh'sLoveChild[/cite]STICKY?

    Go and have a shower.....
    Dirty Boy.....
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    Good Luck, have dropped some in your bucket
    Brilliant! Thanks for that.
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    [cite]Posted By: Valley_floyd_red[/cite]

    Also, I wonder if anyone knows who I would contact to get a mention in the program for the Norwich game?

    Complete guess here, but maybe someone at the club? Preferably someone who has something to do with the programme.
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    Complete guess here, but maybe someone at the club? Preferably someone who has something to do with the programme.
    Already done it, the wheels are in motion.
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    Sorry mate, was being sarcastic. Apologies - not your fault I've still got the raging ump.
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    Sorry mate, was being sarcastic. Apologies - not your fault I've still got the raging ump.
    Completely understandable, no offence taken.
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    Only 34 days to go now. Where are all the marathon runners on here? I know there are a few.
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    [cite]Posted By: Valley_floyd_red[/cite]Only 34 days to go now. Where are all the marathon runners on here? I know there are a few.

    I will willing drop you a fiver but for some reason I cant get into that site. It still grinds on me that Virgin sponsored that lot up the road so maybe that is why. If you get in the Liberal club as part of your training schedule see me in there.
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    The link seems to be working for me, not sure why you can't access it. The Lib is our regular pre-match watering hole, I'll catch up with you for the Carlisle game. Thanks for the donation!
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    It's now quite horrifyingly only a few weeks away. My fundraising has actually being going better than my training as I came down with Achilles tendinitis a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately I've got the OK from the physio and I'll be able to run on the 25th.

    Please sponsor me! I'll be running the marathon for Make-a-Wish foundation. See the above link to donate!
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    I'm going to be down the Liberal club before todays game if anyone would like to sponsor me (raised just over £1100 so far) I'll have some forms at the ready!
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    This is it, marathon weekend! Four months of training coming to a head.

    Surely I can't be the only one running it?
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    nope, picked up my number yesterday (2098)

    as for charity. I am trying to raise some cash for the north kent community responders group i am part of (medders is part of a similar group where he lives and will vouch for the work they do).

    sadly as a small charity they don't have a justgiving membership so if anyone wants/wishes to donate to my chosen cause them whisper me for details.
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    Wahey! Good luck mate. My start number is slightly higher that yours, 52134. Does that mean you're starting from the blue start?
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    Good luck both of you. Going to be a hot one.
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    [cite]Posted By: Valley_floyd_red[/cite]Wahey! Good luck mate. My start number is slightly higher that yours, 52134. Does that mean you're starting from the blue start?

    Yep, round about pen 5 i think. It's going to be hot. My only previous london was in 1996 when it was also really hot.

    I am hoping to be done before the heat really kicks in, but those who are going to take 5 hours plus have my sympathy.
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    Good luck to you both, and my mate Gerry who also lurks on here
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    Good Luck Gents.
    I best stick to the treadmill this sunday or I'll end up getting overtaken by a bottle of beer. Again ; (
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    Thanks TCE and AFKA

    I'm, starting way up the field this year, pen 3. I originally wanted to run sub 3:30 but after I picked up an injury in training I'm going to have to see how I get on. I'm hoping that with starting further up the field the runners will spread out a bit quicker and I'll be able to settle into my pace. Last time I ran London I didn't run my race pace for the first 8 miles due to all the crowded runners.

    I bought a hat and some sunblock yesterday. At least they'll have the showers on. :-)
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    Well done to Kigelia today, finished at around 4hr 30 mins. He looked fresh as a daisy afterwards!

    VFR - hope you had a good run :-)
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    [cite]Posted By: Wilma[/cite]Well done to Kigelia today, finished at around 4hr 30 mins. He looked fresh as a daisy afterwards!

    VFR - hope you had a good run :-)
    I wouldn't say fresh as a daisy.

    I have a huge blister on one foot, the other feels like it has been hit with a hammer and I fear I need a hip replacement.

    that said I loved the whole thing and will be entering again for next year. The support on the course was epic and if any of you on here come out to watch then thank you, the support got me through the various levels of personal hell I went through at various points on the course.
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    Well done mate. You must have passed me at one point because my race also became a living hell after 16 miles when my leg completely froze up. I ended up walking and jogging my way very painfully for 10 miles. It took me 5 hours to complete the course in the end, compared with my PB of 3:38.

    I swear there must have been twice as many spectators on the route compared to the last time I ran it, the noise at some parts of the course was deafening, it really did make the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Being part of the marathon is something special and I'm determined to run it again next year and next year I will beat my personal best.
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    [cite]Posted By: kigelia[/cite]nope, picked up my number yesterday (2098)

    as for charity. I am trying to raise some cash for the north kent community responders group i am part of (medders is part of a similar group where he lives and will vouch for the work they do).

    sadly as a small charity they don't have a justgiving membership so if anyone wants/wishes to donate to my chosen cause them whisper me for details.

    Sorry mate, only just seen this! I will indeed vouch - excellent work and a great cause if any of you can spare a few pennies for Kigelia's scheme...
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    anyone know of any charities with places remaining for this year?
  • Options has an ad in the Metro this morning.

    I am running this year for the Miscarriage Association...
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    I'm running for the MS Society...I believe they still have spaces (well did pre Christmas).
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