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Norwich at home postponed (FOR ME)

For me ,it's my daughters 11 birthday, just told the missus we had Norwich at home she said "tough shit i've booked a restaurant" to take my daughter and her mates out at 5. Bollocks


  • so you dont want to join me and fat rob and unc in the box that day then looks like i have a spare seat
  • double bollocks
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]double bollocks

  • if FLA was a real mate he'd let you have all the tickets so you could take the girls.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]if FLA was a real mate he'd let you have all the tickets so you could take the girls.

    FLA whats that mr Iriving Fat London Addick

    was just thinking about doing that then i realised the original GILF will be in the same seats no mate is worth that
  • I too can't make Norwich at home, friend's wedding :(

    Last minute disclaimer: Very happy for them though of course
  • NLA I will happily take NSS place in the box ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: MCS[/cite]NLA I will happily take NSS place in the box ;-)

    no probs mate as long as Barnsey is def out you can have it pal but Delia is all mine

    Shirt trousers and shoes i will whisper you more details closer to the time
  • Oh mate i'm really gonna miss you ha ha ha
  • Leeds at home is the wifes birthday, not sure how to get round this yet
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  • [cite]Posted By: Southendaddick[/cite]Leeds at home is the wifes birthday, not sure how to get round this yet

    Divorce ....Simple where's your problem?
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Oh mate i'm really gonna miss you ha ha ha

    cheers mate, i know you mean that from the bottom of your heart.

    MCS you owe me big time
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: MCS[/cite]NLA I will happily take NSS place in the box ;-)

    no probs mate as long as Barnsey is def out you can have it pal but Delia is all mine

    Shirt trousers and shoes i will whisper you more details closer to the time

    Superb mate, your welcome to Delia, but i am on sloppy seconds?? Cheers

    Steve, i owe you for defo.
  • MCS you owe his daughter a nice birthday present. You don't owe NSS anything he's just doing as he's told. lol
  • [cite]Posted By: MCS[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: MCS[/cite]NLA I will happily take NSS place in the box ;-)

    no probs mate as long as Barnsey is def out you can have it pal but Delia is all mine

    Shirt trousers and shoes i will whisper you more details closer to the time

    Superb mate, your welcome to Delia, but i am on sloppy seconds?? Cheers

    no probs bud

    Steve, i owe you for defo.
  • like all men we think we are the boss but we know we aint.
  • fat lazy Addick : - )

    Has anyone done a delia would ya?
  • fat lazy Addick : - )

    Has anyone done a delia would ya?
  • Darren i knew you were catching me up in the weight stakes bro. But Henry im the Fat one in Our family so you got to find a new name for NLA ive got the Fat part trademarked lol
  • [cite]Posted By: eddieaddick[/cite]Darren i knew you were catching me up in the weight stakes bro. But Henry im the Fat one in Our family so you got to find a new name for NLA ive got the Fat part trademarked lol

    sorry, didn't mean to start a family row.

    NLA = Not Locked Again (as in his work van)
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  • Can't believe people miss home games for birthdays WTF !

    You can have meals a bit later and parties on a Sunday.

    I've only missed 6 home games in 38 years for unavoidable weddings.
  • [cite]Posted By: Southendaddick[/cite]Leeds at home is the wifes birthday, not sure how to get round this yet

    tell her her present is so big, you gotta pop out to get it at bout half 2...go out to the game, come back with someone (the better it is, the less she'll be bothered you've gone for 4 hours), then take her to dinner.

    Or just bullshit, pretend to have a heart attack and get your mate to 'take you to the hospital'.....
  • Does the father really have to be with his daughter ALL DAY on her birthday?
    Will she do the same for him when she is his age?

    Get real. Go to the game. If the wife has a moan just say nothing and it will all blow over.
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]so you dont want to join me and fat rob and unc in the box that day then looks like i have a spare seat
    Ha ha! Post of the year!
  • [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]Can't believe people miss home games for birthdays WTF !

    You can have meals a bit later and parties on a Sunday.

    I've only missed 6 home games in 38 years for unavoidable weddings.

    6 unavoidable weddings!!! Blimey, who are you: Henry VIII?
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: eddieaddick[/cite]Darren i knew you were catching me up in the weight stakes bro. But Henry im the Fat one in Our family so you got to find a new name for NLA ive got the Fat part trademarked lol

    sorry, didn't mean to start a family row.

    NLA = Not Locked Again (as in his work van)

    lol like that one henry
  • [cite]Posted By: jimmymelrose[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]Can't believe people miss home games for birthdays WTF !

    You can have meals a bit later and parties on a Sunday.

    I've only missed 6 home games in 38 years for unavoidable weddings.

    6 unavoidable weddings!!! Blimey, who are you: Henry VIII?

    Ha ha !

    I'd say brother, sister, sister- in laws =2 & a couple of friends.
  • What Steve will never understand is that PROPER CHARLTON plan births within the close season

    FACT :)
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]What Steve will never understand is that PROPER CHARLTON plan births within the close season

    FACT :)

    No one is that sad, surely : - )
  • I just rung the club. thinking of doing the celebration squite for leeds or norwich. Bit late... all sold out. And all boxes sold out for both games also.

    Just a couple of centre circles places but too expensive for what i want really.

    good news for the club tho.
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