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Have a Spare Millwall Ticket / Looking for a ticket thread



  • [cite]Posted By: Miss_Latimer[/cite]well my dad doesn't know yet but he probably will do when he sees this! the ticket isn't for him anyway, it's for me and my mate, dad normally sorts out football tickets, thought he'd be going to this one, i then find out he's not when it's too late!

    Is he polishing his Porsche this saturday then?
  • well he could be doing that but it's not the main reason. mum and dad are seeing friends they haven't seen for a long time!
  • so are 3000 of us
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]Enough is enough now, its getting like noel edmunds bloody multicolored swap shop on here you all had plenty of time to tickets and with the extra 250 realised earlier in the week you have no excuses to not be there so anyone asking now is a plastic fairwether supporter who is as much an addick as bloody stuwall,

    Ring Ring Ring.... Ring Ring Ring......

    "Hello adam speaking, oh hello pet, oh your meeting your friends on Saturday and your taking ben with you, so I'm home alone on Saturday...."

    One or two would be great....


    looks like you could be sweating on nolly's dad

    That sounds gross. Still each to their own.
  • I'll stick my name down, dont care where it is, as long as I get the ticket

    Not too sure on the money situation, I should get money in my bank tomorrow (friday) or saturday hopefully, se we'll see
  • [cite]Posted By: NathanPrior[/cite]I'll stick my name down, dont care where it is, as long as I get the ticket

    Not too sure on the money situation, I should get money in my bank tomorrow (friday) or saturday hopefully, se we'll see

    doubt you got any chance there, why did you not get a ticket? if you cant even gurantee the money mate why would anyone bother
  • I have one spare Ticket for the Upper Tier tomorrow from the Club any takers?
  • Spare Ticket has now gone thank you for looking!
  • NathanPrior CommentTime12 hours ago quote# 38
    "I'll stick my name down, dont care where it is, as long as I get the ticket

    Not too sure on the money situation, I should get money in my bank tomorrow (friday) or saturday hopefully, se we'll see"

    You not at work this Saturday Nathan ?
  • [cite]Posted By: PL54[/cite]NathanPrior CommentTime12 hours ago quote# 38
    "I'll stick my name down, dont care where it is, as long as I get the ticket

    Not too sure on the money situation, I should get money in my bank tomorrow (friday) or saturday hopefully, se we'll see"

    You not at work this Saturday Nathan ?

    He booked it off sick 3 weeks ago.
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  • Desperate for a spare... any about let me know please... I'm good for buying/selling, have done it on here many times before - Cheers!
  • Just though would get in earlier as missed out on Saturday, quite a few threads on people not going back to the valley this season, so if anyone has any spares for the rest of the season pls give us a shout as would love to get to as many as I can for the run in, don't have a season or half season as most of you know my circumstances, anywho give us a shout if anything is about. Up the addicks!!!!!
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