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Elliott V Llera

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Got to say I was with Llera on that one , Robbie should've come for it


  • deffo mate Elliott is worrying me a little.Went beserk becoz he knew he had blundered,saw Parky give him a mouthful
    as well.
  • Elliots fault.
  • As an ex goalie I say elliot was at fault but in his defence it was one of those horrible balls that landed right in the area of uncertainty.
    It needed one of the to take charge and neither did.

    After it Dailly was saying it was elliotts ball too

    fwiw llera was very good again today
  • Llera was very impressive today.
  • A good keeper takes responsibility and command. However that comes with experience.

    Robbie was in the wrong today but will hopefully learn from it.
  • No way was it Elliots fault Llera was looking to deal with it then left it at the last minute he made 2 attempts to deal with the ball before it got to Elliot,

    Llera was ok today saying that and gets more jittery the more the fans get on at him be warned that some of you are causing more of a problem than you realise, i dont buy this bs that the fans are to blame but at some points today the nervousness transpired to the players that play on confidence.

    the ball travelled far to far for Elliot to deal with it a simple head back to the keeper would have solved it.

    more concerned that Robbie flapped for a ball earlier on
  • Definitely Elliot's ball in the end, he should have come out and taken charge as Len said. Ball was around the penalty spot and he should've been out there.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Definitely Elliot's ball in the end, he should have come out and taken charge as Len said. Ball was around the penalty spot and he should've been out there.

    Llera should have dealt with it before it got there he made an attempt with his nutt buit got nowhere near it had he not done that i am sure Elliot would have come for it
  • Elliott is quality Llera sometimes doesnt play great but hes not awful.
  • edited March 2010
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Definitely Elliot's ball in the end, he should have come out and taken charge as Len said. Ball was around the penalty spot and he should've been out there.

    Llera should have dealt with it before it got there he made an attempt with his nutt buit got nowhere near it had he not done that i am sure Elliot would have come for it

    You seem to be the odd one out NLA. Read somewhere else Parky gave Elliot a bollocking for what happened. Perhaps it was Parky's fault you were blaming for everything and anything during the match the other day?
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  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Ru1986[/cite]Elliott is quality Llera sometimes doesnt play great but hes not awful.[/quote]

    Elliot is a long way from quality, he's not bad at this level and for a keeper he is young and inexperienced, he has saved us a lot and made a few ricketts and his best years are yet to come
  • I personally felt it was Lleras fault, he should have dealt with it earlier but failed to and that led to confusion
  • A centre half shouldn't let a ball like that bounce where it did. Llera's fault IMO.
  • Llera should've dealt with it first. A centre half is told to never let the ball bounce, once you do that you're usually under pressure. When he failed to deal with it, it then became Elliott's problem so it's harsh to blame Elliott.
    Llera did have a decent game though but he still worries me. The challenge from behind on halfway was totally needless and got him a booking. He'll need to be careful next week with their fans baying for every decision.
  • Agree that it was Llera's fault. Rule number 1, don't let it bounce! He let it bounce
  • [cite]Posted By: Chaz Hill[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Definitely Elliot's ball in the end, he should have come out and taken charge as Len said. Ball was around the penalty spot and he should've been out there.

    Llera should have dealt with it before it got there he made an attempt with his nutt buit got nowhere near it had he not done that i am sure Elliot would have come for it

    You seem to be the odd one out NLA. Read somewhere else Parky gave Elliot a bollocking for what happened. Perhaps it was Parky's fault you were blaming for everything and anything during the match the other day?

    dont think i have blamed parky for anything other than not being good enough to manage us, i have always said that, in my opinion he doesnt make the right decisions at the right times in more games than not

    looks like more agree that Llera should have dealt with it before it got to Elliot
  • nth long haven't you been able to count....and by the way Elliots fault(if anyones) Parky was at pains to point out to him by the way.
  • I didn't interfere when KB was shouted down in Block M by saying it was Robbie's fault.

    It was Robbie's fault.

    & agree, Llera did have a good game.
  • what did robbie not do? what was his fault?

  • Didn't look to me as if parky was having a go at elliot, rather just telling him to calm down.
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  • Neither of them covered themselves in glory, lets just be glad it happened against Stockport and not Milwall!
  • edited March 2010
    blobby elliot is a liability and is being carried by us , i haven't seen a worse regular keeper in this division than him......

    think it was 50-50 whose fault this was, llera looked like he could deal with it but failed to and blobby should be more alert to these things by being nearer the edge of his box

    as for the butter fingers fumble under no pressure from the cross maybe his fingers were too cold
  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]blobby elliot is a liability and is being carried by us , i haven't seen a worse regular keeper in this division than him......

    This has to be a windup, surely?
  • no stu just have never rated him and think he is ordinary at his best and far too many clangers for my liking.....
    a bit like your view on parky!
  • Parkie did not have a go at Robbie Elliot he told him to calm down any decent Centre half would have dealt with it before it reached the keeper.

    SA i can count loads????
  • Got to be stu , despite me blaming him for the incident he has been pretty good all season and for every mistake he makes he also makes at least half a dozen good saves.

    By the way stu are you going to Huddersfield?
  • Is it just me, or apart from Southend last week and the fumble yesterday, I can't think of too many other mistakes or 'clangers' he's made this season?!
  • good goalkeeper,been a bit of lately but all in all done us a service.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ollywozere[/cite]Is it just me, or apart from Southend last week and the fumble yesterday, I can't think of too many other mistakes or 'clangers' he's made this season?!

    No mate I'm with you but as I said above a good keeper takes command so a 50:50 ball like that one should have been Robbie's because he should have taken responsibility and called for it.

    The penalty box belongs to the keeper and he should call the shots there.
  • A right liability against yeovil indeed.
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