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cRaZiEsT ThInG YoU HaVe DoNe @ tHe VaLlEy...



  • After celebrating a goal my personally engraved zippo bounced down the aisle, when calm had been restored someone had lifted it, I then spent the next couple of minutes standing at the bottom of H/J block berating everyone & accusing them of nicking my lighter, probably not the brightest thing I have ever done as there were a few neanderthals that I had a pop at.
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]At a celebrity match at the valley, the one with stan boardman early 90s, the goalie bob the bobcat bevan was about to take a goal kick and I blew my klaxon horn and he did a massive air kick and fell on his arse.

    that has me really chuckling!
  • [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]Sex in the west stand bogs.

    Classy i know.

    I once read an erotic story in the esteemed adult education brochure known as Razzle (I'd obviously bought it for the motoring articles) in which a bird described quite graphically how she'd been rogered in the toilets at The Valley - thought those stories were made up, perhaps not after all!
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]After celebrating a goal my personally engraved zippo bounced down the aisle, when calm had been restored someone had lifted it, I then spent the next couple of minutes standing at the bottom of H/J block berating everyone & accusing them of nicking my lighter, probably not the brightest thing I have ever done as there were a few neanderthals that I had a pop at.

    I think i can remeber this when you acused one bloke the reaction after the had been acused was priceless as i think he said its just a lighter mate. I am sure this was the same day if not it was one incident very similar and had me in stiches :-).
  • Made love with a stranger I bumped into on the west stand concourse , in the lavatory .
  • [cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]Made love with a stranger I bumped into on the west stand concourse , in the lavatory .

    was it CafcAndy? lol bump up :)
  • Ponced a cigarette off someone making love in a west stand lavatory
  • Not sure if it counts as crazy but when The Valley was derelict I went into the old Covered End (minus roof) with a girl and we had sex, good, dirty sex.

    I can truly say that I have scored in The Covered End at The Valley!
  • found an engraved zippo, gave a light to someone who ponced a cig off someone who just had sexytime in the toilets.
  • [cite]Posted By: paulbaconsarnie[/cite]found an engraved zippo, gave a light to someone who ponced a cig off someone who just had sexytime in the toilets.

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  • I was once brave enough to eat one of the Greasy Joe burgers from the trolley at the top of the East Terrace in the late 70s and lived to tell the tale.
  • Told jay to shut the f**k up. Ooooppppssss
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