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Watching England is a bit like watching Charlton

edited March 2010 in General Charlton
Right winger who is soooooo frustrating (sam / Walcott)

fella playing up front who addicks hate (mooney / Defoe)

crap first touches galore

a midfield looking leggy and slow

and every so often a brilliant move leading to a goal

but seriously our first touch in general is woeful


  • Nearly started this thread myself. Great minds eh Swis
  • Forgot to mention - both have a superb young chap who looks much older than he really is playing up top
  • a slow left back...
  • Funny enough I thought the same thing on Saturday when watching the rugby.
  • Crowd full of moaners...
  • think it's the same for every team. After that goal, at least Robbie Elliott's playing for Egypt :p
  • What is it about the England shirt that makes Crouchmonster so devastating
  • Centre halfs who keep getting done for pace- Terry/Upson- Llera
    A winger who is perhaps better as an impact sub- SWP-Waggy
    A striker who does not score nearly enough goals from open play but the team is probably better with them in it- Heskey-Burton
    A star man who you wonder where the team would be without them- Gerrard or Rooney- Bailey
  • Watching England is a bit like watching Charlton
    The players have their qualities but aren't as good as we think they are, neither are the opposition as poor as we expect.

    We most likely won't win any sort of trophy this year.
  • Someone needs to write 'Carlsberg' on the front of Gerrards shirt and he might have a decent game. Terrible.

    Milner & Crouch need to be given a start.

    Walcott is jank.
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  • ...and players who keep slipping over when the opposition seem to have NO trouble keeping their feet !
  • Booed of the pitch
  • But they play at Wembley, we wont
  • [cite]Posted By: NathanPrior[/cite]But they play at Wembley, we wont

    But we play at the valley.....they wont
  • Only one major trophy, and all those years of hurt.
  • ...But I still see that tackle by Costa And when Mendonca scored. Killer belting the ball. And Akpo Dancing. One Sword on a shirt....
  • Na Watching Charlton is much better because they are less of the overpaid wanker variety of player. Plus club over country 100% diddnt ever watch the England game last night i cannort begin to tell you how much i dislike England. I have gone to watch England for years and wont anymore what a waste of space they are.
  • Really weird i was thinking the same thing last night. I think's it's because i really look forward to the game and then during spend most of the time frustrated and dispondent.

    Although both seem to occasionally suprise you with a good result!
  • Oddly enough I totally agree, I switched on and watched for about 5 minutes, felt my stomach tieing itself in knots, thought of Charlton at the valley and switched off. A bizzare sense of frustration.
  • Agree with many of the similarities and felt the same last night in the first half.

    One difference, though : substitutions that work and are made early enough to change the match!
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  • [cite]Posted By: incorruptible addick[/cite]Agree with many of the similarities and felt the same last night in the first half.

    One difference, though : substitutions that work and are made early enough to change the match!

    Reid on Friday?
  • [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]
    Reid on Friday?

    Yes. A brilliant exception that proves the rule !!!

    And I guess, to be fair, Burton coming on for the last half an hour away at Swindon, which didn't win us the match but helped us to a point we never looked like getting before he came on...
  • Parky hasn't done badly at all with using subs. Doesn't always get it right, sometimes he leaves it late, but there are several examples when he has got it right. Wagstaff on more the one occassion the best example.
  • wonder if supporters of otheer clubs feel the same
  • Parkys subs also helped win the game against Hartlepool and salvage both draws against Swindon.
  • Thinking of supporting Argentina this time.
    Or Brazil. Spain maybe.
    Oh bugger by birth right I have to follow a team which counts Heskey as the summit of football forwards development of the last decade.
  • Although id rather he started Crouch, i think Heskey does a good job for England so i cant understand the stick he gets....especially compared to someone like Walcott, still living off that croatia hat-trick. Im really starting to go off Gerrard aswell. Milner should be pushing for a start.
  • not arguing that Heskey isnt as good as we have got, but really, how many of the top 6 countries would he get a place in?
  • Probably not many, but then not alot of other countries play the same way as us. Heskey suits England and Rooney.
  • lets hope so, but wont the cap go with goals (crouch) over link play (heskey)?
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