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Peter Varney resigns

edited February 2010 in General Charlton

Didn't last long. :-(


  • Just saw that. Don't want to be a doom and gloom merchant, and don't pretend to understand these types of inner workings, but suspect that this can't be good...
  • Wow - didnt see that coming.
  • but will still be helping the club find investment.

    Very short statement and no quotes from Peter.

    Field day for the conspiracy theorists I fear.
  • "Addicks plc chairman Richard Murray said: "I would like to thank Peter for his assistance with the recent refinancing exercise, and I'm pleased that he will continue to assist the board to identify potential new investment in the club.”

    oh dear.
  • stay positive , it isn't nicky bailey leaving us..............
  • I get the feeling that we cannot attract a new buyer or further investment as seems to only come in to act as estate agent.
  • ... and won't be a financial drain on the club's limited resources!"

  • Hard to avoid the feeling that this is not good

  • I think people are overplaying the role of a non-exec director
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]I think people are overplaying the role of a non-exec director

    Fair point but conversely why does he no longer wish ro remain a director if the role is not particularly onerous?
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  • sorry but I can't see to much positive spin on this news to be honest, whatever comes out of it.......
    edited February 2010
    Doesnt need to be any spin either way on it. Someone has resigned from the club, a non-executive director. I'd be a lot more worried if Murray had resigned!

    He was appointed to the role to find new investment and it seems he'll continue doing that, just without the title of Non-Exec Director, Charlton Athletic plc.
  • What WSS says is correct, but as one of the few people involved with the club that i still 'trust' (rightly or wrongly), i'm disappointed that for whatever reason, he won't be officially linked any more. These things always happen for a reason, and i'd be interested to know the reason why.

    I take it his involvement in the Trust won't be changing ?
  • Not sure whether is was on a wage or not but maybe, and just maybe he was appointed when there were a number of "close" deals. These deals never materialised for whatever reason and nothing looks forthcoming so maybe he has decided to go away and start afresh.

    All speculation of course.
  • Not sure I seeuch silver lining to this cloud

    unless there's a takeover in the offing.....
  • Anyone seen the takeover thread...?
  • Nothing ever happens for no reason. I hope the reasons don't mean bad news but like AFKA I would like to know the reason for Mr. Varneys departure. On the face of it I can see nothing good in it until I hear otherwise.
  • As said above as he was the only one I really trusted to make good decisions - probably completely unfairly and admittedly completely irrationally but that is how I feel!

    Still, its good to see he will still hold some interest and lets be honest, seeking new finance for the club is unlikely to be hugely time consuming at the moment as there are no buyers about.
  • I fear this could be my fault, after spotting Reg, Waggy and the mystery man at North Greenwich on Monday afternoon, perhaps he feels that he's being stalked and feels his privacy may be affected....... :o)
  • Could it not be a possibility that you cannot sit on both sides of the table at once?

    Just trying to be positive ; )
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  • Given that he has been wanted by several other clubs in recent years, I hope it is because he has accepted a job elsewhere that is in conflict with working for us, and not because of any bad stuff at our place.

    Could be going to a club that was for sale in the papers, or something like that, for instance, maybe, perhaps, kinda thing.
  • shite shite shite,at the bromley addicks meeting he gave me confidence,in his belief and commitment to the club.As afka said one of the few trusted people the fans can identify with and that is nothing against the directors,but i believe all the fans felt better when he rejoined the board.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valiantphil[/cite]Given that he has been wanted by several other clubs in recent years, I hope it is because he has accepted a job elsewhere that is in conflict with working for us, and not because of any bad stuff at our place.

    Could be going to a club that was for sale in the papers, or something like that, for instance, maybe, perhaps, kinda thing.

    I've just trawled through this whole thread - and was going to post something similar.

    Maybe he just needs to get a paying job.
    I know it's a nuisance - but earning the money to eat or even the desire to start a new project, sometimes has to come first
  • oh dear, i was so glad when peter varney returned to the club he actually made most fans feel a lot better about the future of the club now he has resigned many will hear the alarm bells ringing again i just hope he has resigned from his non executive post knowing that the future of our great club is ok .
  • PV with a tan, taking over at palarse.
  • A company director is required by law to act on the best for the company. Varney may have to resign so he could be free to elicit the less lucrative bidder but one that may benefit the club over the longer term than the more lucrative bidder - a clever strategic move by Murray and Varney perhaps? Varney is Charlton thru and thru no doubt about that hence this speculative view..
  • Hope you're right, SilentAddick.

    Or has the curse of NWKA struck again ?????
  • Blimey if someone can spin good from this news they deserve to work for Alistair Campbell and Tony Blair.
  • So Peter Varney, one of the good guys you think Steve Waggott is being paid enough to say anything about it in his programme column, or does Steve Waggott ever say (or do) anything at all?
    Now how much of our season ticket money is Mr Waggott paid per word/ Perhaps Mr Waggott has been allocated a lifetime ration of words, therefore they're expensive and precious, and have to be realeased as limited editions.
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