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edited February 2010 in General Charlton
During the times he played for us I thought he would turn out to be one of the buys of the century. I've heard that no one likes him (a bit like the spanners) but that's surely not the end of the world if you are talented. Could someone enlighten me of what's wrong gone wrong?.


  • Not sure but there might be 3 or 4 dozen other threads on this. : - )
  • I do like a good torpedo-ing.
  • Played for the "reserves" against Chelsea today so he is still alive & kicking....
  • Bad attitude , lusting after another players Mum, squared up to someone on the training pitch, complained when dropped for a load of loanee tossers. Right up there with Bowyer, Woodgate and Joey Barton apparently.
  • [cite]Posted By: Addickson's God[/cite]Bad attitude , lusting after another players Mum, squared up to someone on the training pitch, complained when dropped for a load of loanee tossers. Right up there with Bowyer, Woodgate and Joey Barton apparently.

    Thanks Addy
  • [cite]Posted By: Addickson's God[/cite]Bad attitude , lusting after another players Mum, squared up to someone on the training pitch, complained when dropped for a load of loanee tossers. Right up there with Bowyer, Woodgate and Joey Barton apparently.

    that paragraph about sums it up however I think I'd have the hump about the bit in bold.

    this whoel saga is a real shame as like others, I really thought we'd unearthed a gem when he first signed - a bit raw defensively but that would've come in time. If he was right back for Arsenal he'd probably be an international by now!
  • [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]If he was right back for Arsenal he'd probably be an international by now!

    Maybe Wenger could have sorted out his poor final ball and lack of positional sense.

    Not to mention some of his extracurricular activities.

  • [cite]Posted By: Addickson's God[/cite]Bad attitude , lusting after another players Mum

    which player was it?
  • [cite]Posted By: allez les addicks[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Addickson's God[/cite]Bad attitude , lusting after another players Mum

    which player was it?

    who cares - he should do the honourable thing and cancel his contract and piss off home.

    His wages are likely to be the difference between us going up automatically or into the play offs. His wages alone could have got us 2 or 3 good players at this level and that could make all the difference
  • Why should he cancel his contract - we gave it to him, no one forced us. How many other people would give up their job for the good of the company they worked for, especially if it was (to you) a foreign company who had no particular affinity towards.

    Personally, in his shoes I would drop my wage demands to find a move elsewhere in order to get my carrer back on track, but he may already have tried that - how would we know.

    As for all the rumours about him, that is all it much of it has come from actual club sources and how much from people on here guessing at things. From what i have heard (from people at the club at the forums and such events) he clearly thinks he is better than he is (which could well mean an attitude problem) as for the rest I just don't know.

    Of course it is a shame that we haven't been able to move him on but that is as much the clubs fault for offering him a ridiculous contract as it is the players fault for any attitude problems.
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  • Agree with that Valleyman. Most of the stories are untrue. It was really just based around a few altercations with other players, all of whom have since left. Apparently a bit sullen, but I guess if he was a better player we'd have got over that.
  • [cite]Posted By: valleyman[/cite] he clearly thinks he is better than he is (which could well mean an attitude problem) as for the rest I just don't know.

    The problem is that he probably is better than we think he is, but he's yet to prove it.
    He won a UEFA youth cup with France and captained their under 21s. He'd have to be pretty good to get in a French youth team. Sadly he's just never knuckled down and proved himself.
  • whenever i keep reading the title of this thread keep singing' moo2, moo2kill, moo2 kill a gooner! haha
  • I don't expect him to cancel his contract - it was a hasty statement on my part - just a spot of frustration.

    I did hear that he didn't fit in particularly well because he is quite a strict muslim and couldn't get involved in nights out (no alcohol) etc.

    It's a shame but I really think we should consider giving him a game if we atre paying his wages - if nothing else to get him into the spotlight.

    I think everyone would agree that he has shows signs of talent and clearly is a tremendous athlete - I just wish we could put the past behind us and move on - Yassin - I hereby offer you an olive branch
  • Never mind all this rubbish. Surely the biggest question is “how exactly do you pronounce his surname” ?
    It’s spelt “Moutaouakil” so it looks like pronouncing it “mootakill” is missing out a whole chunk of his surname. No wonder his attitude is poor – how would you feel if people mis-pronounced your name even after 2 years at the club. I genuinely feel sorry for him. I think we should pay him more by way of compensation for the blatant disregard we’ve shown to him and his family.
  • good
  • Moutaouakil - Moo-too-a-kill.

    all most like "view to a kill!"
  • [cite]Posted By: Addickson's God[/cite]Bad attitude , lusting after another players Mum, squared up to someone on the training pitch, complained when dropped for a load of loanee tossers. Right up there with Bowyer, Woodgate and Joey Barton apparently.

    wont believe any of this until it's confirmed on the o/s
  • edited February 2010
    I think the thing about a player's mum is probably total Bollarx. Happy to be proven wrong if someone knows for a FACT.
    No doubting his bad attitude though, going from what Parky has said.
  • Do you believe everything Parky says ?
    There is so much spin in football you dont know who to believe.
    What Id like to know is if he was so disruptive why was he not sacked?
    There are a lot of questions requiring official answers.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Starinnaddick[/cite]Do you believe everything Parky says ?
    There is so much spin in football you dont know who to believe.
    What Id like to know is if he was so disruptive why was he not sacked?
    There are a lot of questions requiring official answers.

    Because it's very difficult to justify in law the sacking of a player. Not many players have been sacked, yet I guess a number of them have done questionable things, which in any other industry, could lead to a sacking.
  • [cite]Posted By: Starinnaddick[/cite]Do you believe everything Parky says ?

    Well, Parky's quite possibly got more insight into attitudes of players and how the club is run, than rumour mongers on an internet message board.

    Anyway, he wears a lovely woolly jumper and is always nice.
  • Well if you doubt Parky then believe Kinsella.
  • Like others I thought we had unearthed a real player when I first saw him play.

    However football is a team game and one misfit (whether justified or not) can upset the whole apple cart.

    Parky is not stupid. £8k a week of his budget goes out on this bloke so he must have a pretty good reason for not playing him and I'm inclined to trust his (Parky's)judgement on this one.
  • When does his contract run to ?

    My theory is that he was not dismissed when we had the opportunity because we were hoping to get money for him.

    As for believing Parky, he was quoted in the SLP today as saying " we believe we can catch Leeds."

    Do you believe that? He needs to sit in the stands and watch us because he cant be seeing much from the dugout.
  • [cite]Posted By: Mortimerician[/cite]I guess if he was a better player we'd have got over that.

    And, I think, there lies the rub.

    Not a proper bad boy, but not quite enough talent (yet at least) to make up for the baggage he does carry.

    The fact Motherwell have sent him back would suggest it's not just Parky who doesn't fancy him. He might make the grade eventually if he works hard enough at his weaknesses (of which there are currently more than he has strengths imo) but talk of him being a future Arsenal player were always fanciful.
  • [cite]Posted By: Starinnaddick[/cite]When does his contract run to ?
    Signed a 4 year deal, so a 1 1/2 years to go. Summer 2011.
  • £8000 x 208 weeks of a 4 year deal is £1,632,000 WTF !
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]£8000 x 208 weeks of a 4 year deal is £1,632,000 WTF !

    That's painful!

    We could sign 3 proven players to gain promotion for that outlay.
  • [cite]Posted By: valleyman[/cite]From what i have heard (from people at the club at the forums and such events) he clearly thinks he is better than he is

    he probably reads charlton life and believed the over hyped crap that is said about anyone of our signings from the last 3 years so much dross it's incredible.... with a couple of exceptions(bailey and dailly) .....
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