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Quick message to all Addicks from Peter Shirtliff.

edited February 2010 in General Charlton
Managed to bump into him always a really nice fella.
I must say he looked as fit and young as he did all those years back...trully remarkable in fact....looked like he could pull on a shirt and get straight out on the park.....I kid you not.
I mentioned Lennies book (where Lennie describes him as the best signing he ever made) and he said that Lennie had promised to send him one but hadn't as yet.
I also mentioned that I was going to post a little message on here saying I'd met him and he asked to be remembered to all Charlton fans and to say that his stay at Charlton were some of the greatest times of his life.


  • Very over used phrase but this time it suits...absolute LEGEND.

    I loved the interview after the Leeds game, "when was the last time you scored 2 in a match?"..."i've nowt scored 2 in a match ever".

    That was the first time i realised how "Yorkshire" he was.

    Would love him back at the club.
  • He got 2 famous late goals for us and now we've got 2 late goals against him.
  • If he hadn't scored those two goals when he did then I seriously doubt we'd be posting on this website now. It wouldn't exist and neither would CAFC as we know it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]If he hadn't scored those two goals when he did then I seriously doubt we'd be posting on this website now. It wouldn't exist and neither would CAFC as we know it.

    Quite possibly Off_it.........................quite possibly.
  • I dont think ive ever had more of a heart attack when he got the 2nd.

    Absolute legend for us.
  • met him at Crayford dogs once, a top guy.
  • It's a team game and everything BUT without those two goals it's very possible we wouldn't have a club to talk about. Total Legend for me.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]If he hadn't scored those two goals when he did then I seriously doubt we'd be posting on this website now. It wouldn't exist and neither would CAFC as we know it.

    Quite possibly Off_it.........................quite possibly.

    Which many fans could do with remembering at times...
  • Always loved Sir Peter Shirtliff, fantastic captain and all round rock in defence, those two goals in Birmingham were possibly the most important in Charlton history for me, club saving goals. Love the man unconditionally. Will always be welcome at The Valley.
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  • I wonder sometimes if some of our fans even know players like Shirtliff exist. As we pulled into the ground yesterday a fan behind me on the coach looked at Swindon's club shop and said something like "look at their tiny shop in a portakabin, it's disgusting"

    I rest my case...
  • edited February 2010
    no irony in calling terry all the names under the sun for what he does off the field but forgetting what shirtliff did then?

    Great player for us but no hero IMHO
  • [cite]Posted By: Bolderhumphreyreid[/cite]Very over used phrase but this time it suits...absolute LEGEND.

    I loved the interview after the Leeds game, "when was the last time you scored 2 in a match?"..."i've nowt scored 2 in a match ever".

    That was the first time i realised how "Yorkshire" he was.

    "'Appens I play for Charlton" is my favourite quote.
  • edited February 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]no irony in calling terry all the names under the sun for what he does off the field but forgetting what shirtliff did then?

    Great player for us but no hero IMHO

    Not sure that was ever proved was it.....not as far as I know anyway.....The News of The World wasn't it...oh come on really Ben! There are two sides to every story.....not that The News of The World ever consideres printing both sides that is.
    He's still with the same woman (his wife) from those days by the way.
    As a side issue, his parents are two of the most pleasant people you could ever wish to meet and often travelled down to London (and all over as a matter of fact), to watch Peter and The Addicks play. They were well loved at Charlton I have to say and they got to know a lot of us fans by name.
    As for him being a Charlton hero/legend....well I think we can say that Sir Clive was rightfully called a hero for his heroics at Wembley.....but I wonder if he would have ever worn an Addicks shirt if it hadn't been for one Peter Shirtliff that May night at St Andrews in 1987..............I very much doubt fact I'll go one further and say he 'definately' wouldn't have.
    Anyone who was at St Andrews that night would certainly and without hesitation call him a Charlton legend....I assume you were there Ben?
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]If he hadn't scored those two goals when he did then I seriously doubt we'd be posting on this website now. It wouldn't exist and neither would CAFC as we know it.

    Quite possibly Off_it.........................quite possibly.

    Totally agree.
    Those 2 goals saved us from possible oblivion & that's why I can't ever remember being more nervous watching Charlton than on that night. Next most nervous was the battle of Stamford Bridge, then the Wembley play off final.
  • "its the goooooooalllllll that might well have preserved divison football for Charlton Athletic, and its Peter Shirtliff again"

    love it
  • Ooh Ahh went to this game and how many others?
  • edited February 2010
    [quote][cite]Posted By: Morts-Genius[/cite]Ooh Ahh went to this game and how many others?[/quote]

    Probably 2000 or so standing in the Tilden Road end and maybe a couple of hundred in the seats. Most of us thought we'd never see the M6 again never mind London town, Leeds were probably the most pwoper norwty of the pwoper norwty at the time.
  • [cite]Posted By: Morts-Genius[/cite]Ooh Ahh went to this game and how many others?

    I was there...
  • So was I with my mates Steve & Greg. Never felt so sick in my life watching the Leeds fans doing the conga after they went 1-0 up.

    Fled St Andrews at top speed, back to the car, at the end before the Leeds fans recovered from the disaster that had unfolded for them. Classic moments.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Big William[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Morts-Genius[/cite]Ooh Ahh went to this game and how many others?

    Probably 2000 or so standing in the Tilden Road end and maybe a couple of hundred in the seats. Most of us thought we'd never see the M6 again never mind London town, Leeds were probably the most pwoper norwty of the pwoper norwty at the time.

    we had about 1800 up there max ....
    but deffo a miracle of an occassion as a charlton fan ....and goose pimples at the thought of it........ty Peter Shirtliff
  • [cite]Posted By: Big William[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Morts-Genius[/cite]Ooh Ahh went to this game and how many others?

    Probably 2000 or so standing in the Tilden Road end and maybe a couple of hundred in the seats. Most of us thought we'd never see the M6 again never mind London town, Leeds were probably the most pwoper norwty of the pwoper norwty at the time.

    Outnumbered about 8:1: remember the coach I was in being stoned soon after we pulled away from the ground. Hair-raising stuff.
  • Loved his interview after the Leeds game. "Well for 42 league games we deserved to stay up......Obviously it was Roy of the Rovers finish yer know".

    Great player, great captain and I personally could not give a toss about some crap written in the news of the screws or whatever comic it was. The man is a Charlton legend and HERO.

    Who knows what the future would have been without his two late goals at St Andrews.......
  • Bimbling around the upper reaches of the third division, probably.

    If we hadnt gone out of business altogether, of course.
  • Sod the arguing about what he did or didnt do (I have not actually heard of this), let's bring back the free kick routine !!!!
  • What did Peter allegedly do?
  • [cite]Posted By: ColinTat[/cite]What did Peter allegedly do?

    There were allegations of domestic violence many years ago.
  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Big William[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Morts-Genius[/cite]Ooh Ahh went to this game and how many others?

    Probably 2000 or so standing in the Tilden Road end and maybe a couple of hundred in the seats. Most of us thought we'd never see the M6 again never mind London town, Leeds were probably the most pwoper norwty of the pwoper norwty at the time.

    we had about 1800 up there max ....
    but deffo a miracle of an occassion as a charlton fan ....and goose pimples at the thought of it........ty Peter Shirtliff

    Yep - I was there, rememeber the coach stopping at Watford Gap services on the way back and everyone singing and dancing about....great game and night and as others have said, probably the single most important game in our history.
  • I was there.
  • i was there, but strange memories of coaches getting there late. Did that happen or was it a dream? I never found out. We were more like 20:1 out-numbered if that was possible. We had the away corner at st Andrews, and they had the rest of the ground. Hairiest of times after the game; remember some of them trying to get the fence down at the half way line on the final whistle. We legged it to the station in the dark without a clue where we were going and got out the train out of New Street before the station had filled up.
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