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  • Don Jon

    Written , directed and starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt , this film is about a man addicted to porn and how it affects his life and relationships. I really liked this. It's witty and thought provoking and you believe in all the characters.

    7 out of 10
  • edited January 2014
    Beds, I would consider *that* comment a spoiler.
  • edited January 2014
    Deleted it. just seen he is not credited on IMDB. you should delete the above too.
  • !2 Years A Slave

    Very good and well worth seeing but, for me, not quite in the excellent category - 8 out of 10. A lot of strong performances, especially from Michael Fassbender, who was outstanding.
  • Some interesting results from the Golden Globes. 12 Years A Slave won best drama but American Hustle picked up three awards (both films had seven nominations). The Great Beauty won the Best Foreign Language Film, Matthew McConaughey got best actor for Dallas Buyers' Club and Cate Blanchett best actress for Blue Jasmine.
  • Fruitvale Station

    The true story of unarmed Oscar Grant who was shot by police while out on New years eve 2008.
    To say i enjoyed this would be the wrong choice of word but it was a good film yet a very sad one.
    Well acted and directed .

    7 out of 10
  • Saving Mr Banks. Personally enjoyed the film although I was left feeling a little sad at the end. It did make me think about stuff from my childhood, and I guess whilst Ive always focused on the bad stuff, Tom Hanks portrayal of Walt Disney did make me think about all the good stuff from the early sixties. I was recalling to my wife about the Easter editions of "Disney Time" The early ones introduced by Walt with snippets from all the Disney favourites. I still remember the newspaper announcement of Walt's death in 1966 and me telling my Grandparents that it couldnt possibly be true as Walt made magic...Anyway, I came away and read up on some of PL Travers life and found the film to be a bit wide of the mark in a few places, but overall, I have to say I enjoyed the film and for the sheer acting presence by all the cast. Im going 8/10.
  • edited January 2014
    The act of killing

    I have finally got around to seeing this extraordinary film. It beggers belief how naive but extraordinary evil the people on show in the film are . How they talk about murdering and raping as if it's the norm. Horrific.
    I would like to see their faces when they actually saw the final cut of this film and if they even realised what kind of film the director had made.

    8 out of 10
  • Just watched The Wolf of Wall Street and thought it was excellent, well worth a watch.
  • Watched the wolf of Wall Street yesterday. Thought it was excellent and terry winter's script was fantastic. Thought it could've been cut by about 20 mins or so and tries to hit the spot goodfellas hit and missing by a few fractions. Still a brilliant watch and up there with some of Scorsese's best work.
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  • The act of killing

    I have finally got around to seeing this extraordinary film. It beggers belief how naive but extraordinary evil the people on show in the film are . How they talk about murdering and raping as if it's the norm. Horrific.
    I would like to see their faces when they actually saw the final cut of this film and if they even realised what kind of film the director had made.

    8 out of 10

    Down to this and The Square for best documentary at this year's Oscars I reckon...

  • I have recently watched the railway man. The story of Eric Lomax, a very brave man much damaged by his experiences as aprisoner on the Burma rail road. The direct takes some liberties with his biography for dramatic effect, but catches the moral of the story. Some scenes are very harrowing I have to say, but over all a good movie.
  • Saw Wolf of Wall St tonight, enjoyed it. Good entertainment, more than can be said for bloody Gravity!
  • Jack Ryan last night.......America saves America yawn festival....feeble plot, disjointed editing, cringeworthy ending. 4/10
  • Oh and Kiera Knightly badly needs a feed.....she gets worse with age sadly.
  • Her

    i've just seen a preview screening of Her, a fascinating film about a man who falls in love with his computer operating system. I really liked this as it was unlike anything i had seen before . Joaquin Phoenix is really good as is Scarlett Johansson , even though you never see her. Well worth checking out when it's released in February.

    8 out of 10
  • Borrowed Time

    Very watchable British black comedy. There are some great lines in it especially the take on the Dirty Harry " do you feel lucky" scene. Good performance from Phil Davis.

    7 out of 10
  • Beds,

    I watched The Family this week, and like I thought after the trailer, I found it to be alright. Ridiculously far fetcher, of course, and a little predictable in places (most of it, I guess) but I quite enjoyed it.
  • Beds,

    I watched The Family this week, and like I thought after the trailer, I found it to be alright. Ridiculously far fetcher, of course, and a little predictable in places (most of it, I guess) but I quite enjoyed it.

    Glad you liked it. I thought it was all over the place . I just wish that De Niro would do just one more substantial role in his career ( DeerHunter , goodfellas etc ) instead of throw away comedies .
  • off to see August; Osage County tomorrow night. I'll report back on here later.
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  • Just watched Dallas Buyers Club.Depressing film.Great performances from both Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto.They well deserved their Golden Globe awards.Hope they'll won the Oscars too.
  • If Gravity wins one award I will never go to the pictures again.
  • Saw 12 years a slave last night. Mildly underwhelmed after all the Oscar nominations etc. Still a decent watch but only 7.5/10 from the Maidstone judge.
  • The Wolf on Wall St.......Some real belly laugh moments especially at the Country club with the Lamborghini, but overall far too long and I found the glorification of wanton drug taking far too much. I realise its a black comedy of the age etc, but the film left me with mixed feelings and the next morning I have to say that I wouldnt bother watching it again....I'll go 5/10 purely on the acting ability of De Caprio and above mentioned Lambo scene.
  • Went to see Dallas Buyers Club last weekend. Enjoyed it. Thought McConaughey (sp) was excellent and also the guy who played the transvestite.
  • So the PR company pushing Thor: The Dark World on Blu Ray just offered me a bus tour of Greenwich as part of the promotional stuff....
  • The Wolf of Wolf Street

    The best thing Martin Scorsese has done since Goodfellas and you can't get higher praise than that. Leonardo DiCaprio is brilliant. My only criticism is it could have had twenty minutes shaved off the running time.

    9 out of 10
  • Lone Survivor

    One of the best war movies i have seen in a long time. You really feel you are part of the action. Reminded me a lot of Southern Comfort - Recomended

    9 out of 10
  • Out of the furnace ...excellent film, terrific acting by Christian Bale, Woody Harrelson and Casey Affleck. 9/10
  • Rob said:

    Went to see Dallas Buyers Club last weekend. Enjoyed it. Thought McConaughey (sp) was excellent and also the guy who played the transvestite.

    Saw the trailer today ...looks good
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