End Of Watch- Stupidly over hyped, i've no idea how these films get so much hype, its seems now that films are either amazing or awful with no middle ground, film was grand for what it was with very good performances.
End Of Watch- Stupidly over hyped, i've no idea how these films get so much hype, its seems now that films are either amazing or awful with no middle ground, film was grand for what it was with very good performances.
Watched the Hobbit on the day it came out and thought it was pretty good (but I am a purist), thought the 3D was pretty damn good too but I didn't like how overly CGIed some bits were which put me and my mates off a little. I can see where they were going with the White Council/Dol Goldur bits (although I thought Radagast was portrayed awfully, he's a fucking wizard, not some weirdo, they got his character portrayal completely wrong, he deserved to be treated with at least SOME respect) and with the Pale Orc to lead up to the battle of the 5 armies, but they were kind of my worst bits. The last half of the film was vastly better than the first IMHO. I'd give it like an 8 maybe, I need to see it again to secure my thoughts
Saw The Hobbit (in 2D) and enjoyed it ... didn't think it too long at all. I though Martin Freeman was the perfect hobbit ... way better than Elijah Wood who never really worked for me.
Funnily enough I thought Freeman was the worst hobbit. He wasn't HOBBITY he was just English. Not the same things at all.
End Of Watch- Stupidly over hyped, i've no idea how these films get so much hype, its seems now that films are either amazing or awful with no middle ground, film was grand for what it was with very good performances.
My film of the year . It's all about opinions .
Yeah that's very true, came across a bit preachy in my post
Fair comment BA but given that you can read the entire book in 3 hours I really can't see how nine hours on film will work.
The films are NOT just based on Tolkein's book "The Hobbit" though. As has been well publicised, they have also used his many, many appendices to Lord Of The Rings + the Silmarillion to include a host of events that were happening at the same time in Middle Earth. So the film is much wider than just the story included in The Hobbit.
I appreciate that Jackson has widened the net to provide some (contextual) history to the story so why call the film "The Hobbit?".
Essentially if you are trying to tell the history of Middle Earth then you need to look much deeper than this film does. The comments regarding the portrayal of Radagast by LNA above are absolutely right, how the Wizards came to Middle Earth, the exile of the Elves, the destruction of Numenor, the story of Beren and and the rise of Sauron (the necromancer) would all be valid additions to the story and far more worthwhile than crowbarring a meeting between Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond and Saruman at Rivendell into the story. Also describing Elrond as the leader of the Elves is just plain wrong and almost as ridiculous as having Arwen rescue Aragorn and Frodo et al on the flight from Weathertop in the LOTR series.
Ironic that they make three huge films from one smallish book and three big films from three enormous books, and left loads out. A bit like not enough butter being spread across a slice of bread...
Not so much scary, although a 3 year old might be upset by the Orcs, but a very long time for him/her to sit through and expensive if you need to keep popping out for treats, toilets or just to alleviate boredom.
End Of Watch- Stupidly over hyped, i've no idea how these films get so much hype, its seems now that films are either amazing or awful with no middle ground, film was grand for what it was with very good performances.
End of Watch has had word of mouth positivity. I don't know what you define 'hype' as, but not getting a US release until it did well in other territories hardly makes for an over-hyped film.
Argo, was excellent. Thought they captured the tension of the situation really well.
Seven Psycopaths, Sam Rockwell is excellent and one scene in particular had me in hysterics, few other funny scenes. Overall though a bit disappointed, thought the story was good but it just felt like something was missing, didn't quite work for me.
Also, I know I'm a bit out... but I saw Shutter Island for the first time yesterday and thought it was the best film i've seen in years and years. Fantastic.
The movie Reacher is released on Boxing Day and for the life of me I cannot see how this is going to work. I read all The Jack Reacher novels writtent by Lee Childs and in the books Reacher is 6ft 5in and weights about 16st. So who is playing him in the movie? F*****g Tom Cruise who by anyones standard is a midget I heard Lee Child say he is terrific but I guess if someone gives you a gazillion dollars you will say anything. Can't imagine how it's going to work.
Saw The Hobbit (in 2D) and enjoyed it ... didn't think it too long at all. I though Martin Freeman was the perfect hobbit ... way better than Elijah Wood who never really worked for me. Agree with JWAddick ... Richard Armitage is poor. Gandalf still played superbly by Ian McKellen ... and Gollum better than ever.
At this stage, not as good as LOTR ... but didn't expect that to be honest.
Looking forward to part 2 (and 3). Pity so far apart.
If you are expecting a direct portrayal of the book, forget it.
I saw the 2D version and I agree with most of this. I had heard that the first 45 mins were a waste of time but I thought it was about right. I have read the book although I am not a Tolkeini, and I really thought it was a good representation without being slavish to the text.
I didn't dislike Armitage too much, the voice grated a little but that is being picky.
The riddle scene with Bilbo and Gollum was brilliant - near perfect in my view.
End Of Watch- Stupidly over hyped, i've no idea how these films get so much hype, its seems now that films are either amazing or awful with no middle ground, film was grand for what it was with very good performances.
End of Watch has had word of mouth positivity. I don't know what you define 'hype' as, but not getting a US release until it did well in other territories hardly makes for an over-hyped film.
Every review I read, any mention of it on a forum were saying it was one of the best films of the year. That for me counts as hype.
The movie Reacher is released on Boxing Day and for the life of me I cannot see how this is going to work. I read all The Jack Reacher novels writtent by Lee Childs and in the books Reacher is 6ft 5in and weights about 16st. So who is playing him in the movie? F*****g Tom Cruise who by anyones standard is a midget I heard Lee Child say he is terrific but I guess if someone gives you a gazillion dollars you will say anything. Can't imagine how it's going to work.
It works. Sure he could be taller, and probably wouldn't have got involved in a car chase, by it certainly works!
On another note,got Arthur Christmas out on boxing day evening and sat and watched it with the kids. Sank a few coronas and ploughed into the nibbles as well. Thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Looper isn't a bad film . Watched it last night. Bruce Willis back on form.
Here in Kenya getting the latest films is a bit hit and miss. Many of the cinemas have closed because of the easy availability of bootleg DVDs at around 80p each. So you buy a handful and hope that one or two are watchable.
Looper was in the last batch. I must say that it is one of the best films I have seen for sometime - well acted and well plotted, with the tension staying until the last frame. I liked it so much that I have actually watched it three times (helps to clarify the plot), but that could also be due to the fact that the rest of the DVDs I bought were shite.
i walked out of a film for the first time in years the other night... im guessing with about 30mins left too ... DO NOT GO SEE "THIS IS FORTY" = QUITE POSSIBLY THE MOST BORING COMEDY I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE !!!
the dark knight was only average. there is a tredning video on youtube pointing out all the mistakes inside that movie and it really is quite remarkable...
my next picture = Django unchained. going to see it sunday night .... i heard its A+, and top quality
9 out of 10
Essentially if you are trying to tell the history of Middle Earth then you need to look much deeper than this film does. The comments regarding the portrayal of Radagast by LNA above are absolutely right, how the Wizards came to Middle Earth, the exile of the Elves, the destruction of Numenor, the story of Beren and and the rise of Sauron (the necromancer) would all be valid additions to the story and far more worthwhile than crowbarring a meeting between Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond and Saruman at Rivendell into the story. Also describing Elrond as the leader of the Elves is just plain wrong and almost as ridiculous as having Arwen rescue Aragorn and Frodo et al on the flight from Weathertop in the LOTR series.
Told you I was a Geek:)
Ironic that they make three huge films from one smallish book and three big films from three enormous books, and left loads out. A bit like not enough butter being spread across a slice of bread...
Argo, was excellent. Thought they captured the tension of the situation really well.
Seven Psycopaths, Sam Rockwell is excellent and one scene in particular had me in hysterics, few other funny scenes. Overall though a bit disappointed, thought the story was good but it just felt like something was missing, didn't quite work for me.
Descendants - Very disappointing, bit corny and as someone who's been through his fair share of bereavement not great at portraying this.
Even the rain - Really enjoyed this, great at pointing out hypocrisy across the board and some fine casting and acting
I didn't dislike Armitage too much, the voice grated a little but that is being picky.
The riddle scene with Bilbo and Gollum was brilliant - near perfect in my view.
Looking forward to the next film.
On another note,got Arthur Christmas out on boxing day evening and sat and watched it with the kids. Sank a few coronas and ploughed into the nibbles as well. Thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Looper was in the last batch. I must say that it is one of the best films I have seen for sometime - well acted and well plotted, with the tension staying until the last frame. I liked it so much that I have actually watched it three times (helps to clarify the plot), but that could also be due to the fact that the rest of the DVDs I bought were shite.
the dark knight was only average. there is a tredning video on youtube pointing out all the mistakes inside that movie and it really is quite remarkable...
my next picture = Django unchained. going to see it sunday night .... i heard its A+, and top quality