Gone from Ennio Morricone to Dizzee Rascal to Rag n Bone Man and back to Morricone today.
went and saw 'Rival Sons' last night .. they always come on stage to the theme from 'The Good, the Bad & the Ugly' .. dark stage, low flashing lights, crowd hollering and cheering .. very atmospheric ((:>)
Try and get his Orchestra up on YouTube, brilliant.
Remember me dad to us to see John Williams years back in the Royal Albert Hall. The sound makes you hair stand on end, Binary Sunset from Star Wars is brilliant.
Downloaded their 2 albums after watching this, very good indeed I do like a decent front woman
good aint she !! .. the guitarist is actually French, just looks Swedish ((:>) ..he's a bit of a child prodigy, still a teenager so I believe .. good band, drummer excellent, bass player understated .. hope to get to see them sometime soonish .. enjoy them while they are still HOT
More like today I won't be listening to, but... Bon Iver 22, a million. Really enjoyed the last 2 albums but no amount of positive reviews is gonna convince me this is anything other than a load of pretentious shit.
Here's one of my favourites.
Remember me dad to us to see John Williams years back in the Royal Albert Hall. The sound makes you hair stand on end, Binary Sunset from Star Wars is brilliant.
Had this on full volume for a large part of the day. LOVE the guitar on it.
I do like a decent front woman