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  • Whats F5 do ?
    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]you're mad, the lot of you !

    yep, and you are our leader.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Whats F5 do ?


    Press it and see...
  • [cite]Posted By: queensland_addick[/cite]Three minutes. Come on I'm tired and waiting to go to bed!

    so do I...

    bollo Im going to bed......

    Love you charlton...
  • I did.........
  • Is Curbs our manager again yet? ;)
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]Whats F5 do ?


    Press it and see...[/quote]

    No don't......its the takeover cancellation button.

    Or does it dial the bat/takeover phone at Daily Mail HQ?.
  • So who are our new owners I think I must have missed the press conference on SSN?
  • Bugger..........too late.
    Sorry everyone !
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: cfgs[/cite]So who are our new owners I think I must have missed the press conference on SSN?[/quote]

    MOG pressed F5 and accidentally cancelled the takeover...
  • [cite]Posted By: WasCharleyOne[/cite]Good stuff. I'm in Lugano
    nice one, your the 5th Charlton supporter that lives in CH ... that I know of.
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  • can anyone kindly tell me why afkabartram is the fountain of knowledge on all things charlton, cause i dunno who to believe anymore?

    ta very much
  • Alright its quarter to one here......

    im going to bed...
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: sillav nitram[/cite]can anyone kindly tell me why afkabartram is the fountain of knowledge on all things charlton, cause i dunno who to believe anymore?

    ta very much[/quote]

    Because nature ensured that his ears will be forever close to the ground.
  • [cite]Posted By: sillav nitram[/cite]can anyone kindly tell me why afkabartram is the fountain of knowledge on all things charlton, cause i dunno who to believe anymore?

    ta very much

    He's ITK with DS DC RM, silly
  • *

    * CommentTime18 minutes ago

    quote# 869
    [quote][cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Looks like the Mail on Sunday was not on the spot at the weekend, anyone know who the journalist involved was?[/quote]

    It doesn't matter, we heard from Mick Collins that it's the policy of the Daily Mail to only write the truth and assiduously check and double check their sources, so it must be true.

    I wouldn't trust me. My eyes are too close together - I've got that shifty look.

    I did once walk when I edged it, though. Albeit, it went to mid on, which took away from the gesture a little.

    I don't have the same, nervous feeling about this as I did when that ball was looping through the air towards a fielder, though...
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: MickCollins[/cite]*

    * CommentTime18 minutes ago

    quote# 869
    [quote][cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]Looks like the Mail on Sunday was not on the spot at the weekend, anyone know who the journalist involved was?[/quote]

    It doesn't matter, we heard from Mick Collins that it's the policy of the Daily Mail to only write the truth and assiduously check and double check their sources, so it must be true.

    I wouldn't trust me. My eyes are too close together - I've got that shifty look.

    I did once walk when I edged it, though. Albeit, it went to mid on, which took away from the gesture a little.

    I don't have the same, nervous feeling about this as I did when that ball was looping through the air towards a fielder, though...[/quote]

    At least you hit the ball, better than I did at the weekend.

    This is all getting like a play from Samuel Beckett. It seems all we do is wait and that there is nothing to be done, although you could contend that nothing is a thing that has to be done.
  • Samuel Beckett, now you're talking.....up there with Shakespeare and Chekov as one of the very very best.
    Do you think the leader of the takeover mob is called Godot?
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: sillav nitram[/cite]can anyone kindly tell me why afkabartram is the fountain of knowledge on all things charlton, cause i dunno who to believe anymore?

    ta very much

    He's ITK with DS DC RM, silly

    is he also itk with run dmc?
  • [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Samuel Beckett, now you're talking.....up there with Shakespeare and Chekov as one of the very very best.
    Do you think the leader of the takeover mob is called Godot?

    Chekov, now there's a man who could pilot a starship, warp speed captain.

  • I heard AC/DC....
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  • [cite]Posted By: Miserableold-ish git[/cite]I heard AC/DC....

    Alan Curbishley and Derek Chappell????
  • Well, what happened? Who won the big fight? AFKA or the other geezer?
  • It certainly looks like AFKA won because bugger all happened.

    Waiting for the takeover was tedious in June. Now it is..



  • Only 102 to go!
  • I know we all gave up hope. But I overheard a conversation between two blokes in the Flying Boat in Dartford, one of which claimed his father was a close friend of Peter Varney.

    Now don't go mental that it seems unlikely, I don't believe it myself to be honest, but he was adamant that the takeover is done but won't be announced until after the transfer window has closed because it is backed by a wealthy investor who isn't willing to through ridiculous amounts of money into buying players.

    I don't believe it, but it's a strand of hope up until the end of August.
  • its all becoming a load of b---ocks lets just get on with the fking football.
  • Still watching Charlotte Jackson on SSN............
    What Takeover ?
  • whatever will be will be.
  • We're going to Wemberley ????
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