Three years! Where did it go? In that time as I approached my 50th birthday the idea came about making the CL debut single, where I met Badger and 3blokes for the first time along with many others, in an attempt to lose a few pounds and achieve a dream I put my name forward to play in the CL Charity game at The Valley along with my son and Grandsons as mascots my own little achievement, three generations on the sacred turf together (will it ever be beaten)
Year two, still buzzing from my efforts on the pitch and impressed by Wss using an action photo of me at The Valley as his "thingy Picture" I put my name forward to run in the half marathon, that is where the true Charton spirit shone through along with help from other runners GHE, AFKA and DaveStorry and Charlton fans along the way I got though it (Despite upsetting Suzi) and despite Afka's kind words, mate I was blowing out my ar5e and needed to stop more than you'll ever know, This year an away day to Derby to put more names to faces and finding out about DaveStorry's bad taste in shirts and ending with a sedate game of golf with golf legend Mcs. Where will end and does it have too.
Lady's and Gentlemen of CharltonLife, I thank you for making it happen.
I think Charlton Life is the epitomy of why we all love this bloody club of ours.
Danny & Adam - the time and effort you put into CL is incredible. From my own little blog I know how it can be totally consuming to the point that you forget there is job, family, other half's and a life outside of this crazy internet malarkey. The value of what you guys provide will only go up next season for reasons stated above.
I have probably never felt so connected to other Charlton fans in my 34 years as an Addick and for us overseas, CL is an absolute godsend.
Thanks AFKA & Lookie! This is the ONLY Charlton fans website! Because of your honesty & sense of fair play, you make this site work. The Killer Clan have had some great memories in the past 3 years because of this site (did he ever mention he scored the only goal) & there are also a few on here who helped & supported us during our worst time (miss you Dad!). Thanks boys! X
Can only echo what others have said. Thanks very much and well done guys. An excellent site for charlton fans to communicate with each other, and have spent many a happy hour or two on here. Well done on the charity fund raising too. Looking forward to next seasons banter with you all, have a good summer. See you at Park View Road in July.
Thanks lads. This is just a great place to be part of and as you have said, the current thread re Parky is the epitomy of what this site is about. Differing views, articulated passionately but with wit and decency.
Thanks to everyone who has worked hard to create this site. Looking forward to sharing everyones different views next season, and let's hope next season will be better than this one.
Rarely post but read daily. Epitomises the fundamental decency of the CAFC community. Thanks to everyone involved & in particular the site administrators.
Thanks for providing the service, guys. Only signed up this season and it's made me feel part of a 'Charlton community' again in a way that I'd all but lost touch with ...
And to echo comments above Thank you to AFKA and Lookout. This is the first site i look at when i log in, this site makes me mad, sad and laugh out loud and is such a pleasure to be part of. Don't agree with all that is said, but that is what it is all about. Not only that can also access local knowledge about plumbers and conservatory blinds, maybe us girls should start some more girly threads next year. Its weird to think i might be getting on the train at Westcombe Park with fellow lifers in the morning (other than harryamuse who i am married to), if only we had ways of identifying ourselves to other converts - any ideas?? Thanks Again, roll on 8/8/09 (although stupidly on hols so hoping for an away game)
Thanks everyone. Having not lived near SE7 since I was 5 years old, nothing has been better for putting me in touch with my roots & Charlton than this site. FACT!!!
Echo the hearty thanks and sentiments already expressed. For me perhaps the best thing is that this site stands as a testament to the decency of football supporters. We're still looked down upon by many sections of society, the perceptions of us all being racist hooligans hasn't disappeared. This site should give them pause for thought and I'm proud to be part of Charlton, Charlton Life and all that it stands for. Thanks for the many laughs, certainly helped me enormously through a trying year. My guess is that the OS will close the fans views sections as part of cost cutting, so I can only see this site growing. Well done to all those who had the vision to get it started even if they can't organise getting us our badges. As a woman, thanks also for not churning out the 'bah wimmin, what the f**k do they know about football ?' line. Now, there's an invitation!
Thanks you AFKA and Lookout for giving me something to do at work. Had some great days already especialy the CLFC games thanks Charlton Charlie and Derby away cheers WIWALB. Looking forward to more next season.
Don't get on here much now or post much thanks to working in an open-plan office, but catch up as and when I can. More, and better, CAFC info on here than anywhere else. Keep up the good work!
it should be us thanking u for putting up with our hissy fits - oo aah's obsession with Curbs - DA9 Elvis impersonations - Henry's cardigan wearing and me talking bollox witrh Medders for most of the season to name but a few.
I can only echo the comments above. This past couple of years has been extremely hard for me personally and I have lost a lot of nights sleep worrying about money, jobs, moving to France...and back again. Had a lot of change in my life recently but one constant during that time has been coming on here and being able to engage in all things CAFC and lots more besides. CL has been a real help in cheering me up when things have looked pretty bleak, especially through the worst season ever, and for that I owe a huge thank you to all those involved.
Year two, still buzzing from my efforts on the pitch and impressed by Wss using an action photo of me at The Valley as his "thingy Picture" I put my name forward to run in the half marathon, that is where the true Charton spirit shone through along with help from other runners GHE, AFKA and DaveStorry and Charlton fans along the way I got though it (Despite upsetting Suzi) and despite Afka's kind words, mate I was blowing out my ar5e and needed to stop more than you'll ever know,
Lady's and Gentlemen of CharltonLife, I thank you for making it happen.
Danny & Adam - the time and effort you put into CL is incredible. From my own little blog I know how it can be totally consuming to the point that you forget there is job, family, other half's and a life outside of this crazy internet malarkey. The value of what you guys provide will only go up next season for reasons stated above.
I have probably never felt so connected to other Charlton fans in my 34 years as an Addick and for us overseas, CL is an absolute godsend.
Thanks gents.
p.s. Ou est les badges?
I dunno how you managed to put up with me for 12 hours though :P
As for the Charlton Life FC, count me in. I know a Leicester team if we wanna have a friendly with them?
Thank you all :)
Pull the plug soon as please gents ;-)
Maybe we can get a few games with our friendly opponents fans?
Thanks Again, roll on 8/8/09 (although stupidly on hols so hoping for an away game)
Here's to the next 3 years ....
Spot on fellas, we have all had differences of opinions in the past, but all amicable in the end when you realised I was right all along.
Keep up the good work.
and get the badges done!
CL for Life
Kimbo i get on at charlton every day for cannon street (trainspotter alert) anytime between 8.25 and 8.50. i think im a bit older than you.
PS has anyone else equated the rise and rise of CL with the decline of the City of London based UK financial system? Oh ok just me then..
nice work peeps.stirling efforts all round.
Don't get on here much now or post much thanks to working in an open-plan office, but catch up as and when I can. More, and better, CAFC info on here than anywhere else. Keep up the good work!
Cheers lads.
CL = the no. 1 site for Charlton fans.
P.S Didn't realise you had raised so much cash for good causes. You should all be very proud of yourselves.
Roll on next season!