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Charlton Takeover



  • DA9DA9
    edited May 2009
    [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]the phrase straws and clutching at spring to mind now...
  • doh ! Thanks Dazzler!
  • it was after the takeover failed our season went down hill.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: addick27[/cite]it was after the takeover failed our season went down hill.[/quote]

    yeah we were flying weren't we 10 points clear at least
  • Much has been said about the continuing silence that is eminating from The Valley as being "proof" that something is going on behind the scenes regarding a takeover. I hope that take on the situation is right. A friend said to me last night that if it transpires that there has not been any behind the scenes manoevering and all the speculation and rumour turns out to be just that and the club havn`t done anything to quosh the speculation in the misguided view that the Parkinson and season ticket situation can be left to when the summer malaise kicks in then it would be almost unforgivable bearing in mind that the board know how disenchanted and demoralised so many of us are. I hope the silence and situation is resolved sooner rather than later. The hints and rumours have suggested that "the deal" was very close. Lets hope so. I am becoming more sceptical by the day.
  • i'm with you i've heard this rumour for many months now and surely something must have happened im becoming more and more sceptical by the day
  • A week or so ago there were lots of posts by people stating that they had heard that things were very close to being concluded regarding the alleged takeover. Where have all those posters gone ? Any updates ?
  • We all got told to calm it down a bit to not scare the new investors off.

  • very close still,let me assure there is something going on but as with zabeel things can fall through at the last minute,so until something is signed sealed and delivered no announcement will be made.
  • would like to believe you steve, anyone see GOALS today in the sun haha i think their reporter has been on here to long
    Is curbishley set to return to the valley?
    not former charlton boss alan but his 51 year old brother Billl. Rumours are rife that the music and film producer has been asked to join a consortium planning a takeover of the relegated addicks. if they are true it will mean an emotional return to the valley for bill. As manager of the who he brought the band down to south east london for a concert in front of 70,000 fans. someone had better tell him the attendances oculd be slightly less this time round."

    just shows reporters will get their story form anywhere
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  • edited May 2009
    Only the biggest loads of old shite make it into the Sun, truly beggars belief why people buy this tripe!
  • Two words mate...................PAGE THREE!
  • And there you have it.
  • or they get their storys from here.
  • I'm confident a takeover is being discussed and am hopeful it will be concluded within 2 weeks. But as I know no more can't comment further.
  • Didn't someone else say that two weeks ago?
  • I can guarantee thst takeover talks are happening,although it maybe at Southampton
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]Didn't someone else say that two weeks ago?

    And before that someone said there would hopefully be an announcement at the Norwich game.
  • Still find it hard to believe that there has not been even the smallest leak about who our prospective buyers might be. Very strange.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Still find it hard to believe that there has not been even the smallest leak about who our prospective buyers might be. Very strange.[/quote]

    May be there has but it has been lost amongst all the other dross.
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  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]very close still,let me assure there is something going on but as with zabeel things can fall through at the last minute,so until something is signed sealed and delivered no announcement will be made.

    When you say close, how close is close? Is it a matter of crossing the t's and dotting the i's?
  • is it not that two directors are holding out for more return on their investment? so more a matter of upping the £ms?
  • is this the biggest wind up in CL history?
  • If there is a "taker over" going on and its a MAJORITY share taker over (actually 45% i think) then legally this is how we should find out.

    * The Board inform The City
    * Letter sent out same day to shareholders
    * Public anouncement

    Not via here or the FF.

    There may be people who know what going on (if anything), or know people in The City who may tell us on here before the above. Hwever after i went totaly off the deep end re Zeebel ill wait untill the "new owners" have parked their cars/camals at The Valley before i get excited.
  • If the new owners had anything to do with camels that would give me the right hump.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]very close still,let me assure there is something going on but as with zabeel things can fall through at the last minute,so until something is signed sealed and delivered no announcement will be made.

    When you say close, how close is close? Is it a matter of crossing the t's and dotting the i's?

    Knowing our lot it'd be crossing the i's and dotting the t's.
  • [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]If the new owners had anything to do with camels that would give me the right hump.

    All the camel/sand/pyramid /oil well/ jokes etc were done months back WSS...nice try though.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]If the new owners had anything to do with camels that would give me the right hump.

    All the camel/sand/pyramid /oil well/ jokes etc were done months back WSS...nice try though.

    Yes - so put your joke book bactrian on the shelf

  • It's been reported on another board that we're in due diligence (again). Fingers crossed.
  • [cite]Posted By: Vincenzo[/cite]It's been reported on another board that we're in due diligence (again). Fingers crossed.

    Source please?
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