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So who IS up to the job ?



  • I would so much like to know what the players think. To me there are fitness, coaching, motivational and tactical problems. How do we know what the solutions might be if we don't know what the problems lie? In some teams, there have been things like drugs, alcohol etc that have caused problems. Heard from two sources that behaviour in the gym is pretty unpleasanrt and anti-social for example. Not saying that these things are a problem, merely that I don't know what the problems are.
  • Sorry, WSS. You are right. That's the third scenario in which it could just happen.

    Possibly the most likely, too, as who's going to offer him a job and where are CAFC going to fnd newe investors right now?
  • for me I'd chose either:

    Martin Allen
    Steve Coterell
    Steve Tilson - compensation may rule him out
    Ian Holloway - bigged up Jason Euell last night on SSN
  • i like holloway a bit mad but huge hunger for the game so could he do worse?
  • Holloway/Allen/Ince would be worth a shout. I hate seeing us being so bloody toothless and that's what we are right now.
  • It is hypothetical obviously at this moment in time.

    However if we want someone who can stop the freefall next season if we are in Div 1 (3), then I would go with the bloke who stopped the rot at Leeds, Wise. Newcastle are reportedly getting rid at the end of season
  • [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite] it has been a total cock up, someone with a winning mentality should have come in when Pardew went, kicked a few backsides and got us going, instead they went for the cheap option, hoped for the best, and it has back fired, the fall out from this in time is going to alot than we can imagian.

    sums it up perfectly. A total cock-up, an unmitigated disaster. If Pards had been replaced immediately by any of the names bandied about here we would have given ourselves a good chance of survival.
  • Give Parkinson some time to see what he can do in the league. There isn't really any alternatives and whilst I agree with the timing of the recent changing of managers, we need some stability at the club.

    But to answer the question, if Peterborough don't go up we could try Darren Ferguson.
  • I have said Tilson all along, but I dont think he will come to us now.
  • Lenny Lawrence
  • Sponsored links:

  • Paul Ince

    simply has to be the guy is the only man for the Job IMO
  • I 'heard' from somewhere that Tilson did apply after Pards was fired.

    At the AGM recently, didn't Richard Murray or someone say that Parky was brought to Charlton to provide stability once Pardew moved on?
    He had been an applicant for the vacant job to replace Curbs, so must have made a decent impression on the interview panel.

    The Board's thinking at the time no doubt, was that they expected Pards as a relatively high-profile manager to be 'poached' at some point (no doubt hoping for compensation themselves) - and therefore wanted a successor with continuity at the club already in place, thus avoiding the Dowie/Reed debacle.

    Hence, why Parky said a few weeks ago, that he'd always been 'promised' the manager position once Pardew left.
    So he's evidently going nowhere, regardless.

    The best laid plans of mice and men, lol
  • shurley passing an interview at CAFC is a very bad indicator...

  • "shurley passing an interview at CAFC is a very bad indicator..."

    Why what's wrong with her.... oh sorry SHURLEY
  • edited February 2009
    Out of interest, I just went back to the posts of Nov 22 and immediately following, to double-check that we are not now all talking with hindsight about Parky not being up to the job.

    And I have to say, the majority of posters felt he was the wrong choice at the time and predicted his inablity to get us out of the mire.

    I'm not going to embarass those who hailed his caretakership as a great decision by bumping the thread. But even the most persistent defender of the board's actions, who was totally in favour of Parky and vehemently insisted we were right not to rush into appointing an outsider, said : ''It's very simple. If he wins a few games he will get the job. If he doesn't , he won't.''

    God, it all seems so long ago - but it was only ten weeks!
  • Di Canio desperate for a chance to prove himself, clearly a motivator, a little mad but to be a Manager you must have that gene as a pre-requisite.
  • 1st choice. Ince
    2nd choice. Boothroyd (believe me I didn't ever think he would be an attractive option)
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