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From what we've just heard...



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    And then wondered why he had the hump at the end!?
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    Our first half performance was fine- a decent 50-50 match mainly in midfield but we created the better chances and took one.

    What he hell the message was to them at half time- i have no idea.

    Surely along the lines of-

    " great first half lads- more of the same but they are going to come at us bigtime for the first ten minutes so keep it tight at the back and keep the ball" would have been the message

    None of which we did at all.

    This just goes to show that we can do it but the message is wrong...
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    [cite]Posted By: TelinOz[/cite]When I used to coach kids, I did it the simple way....I got the defense right and then worked forward. Defensively we have been truly horrible since before Pardew, and its just gone from bad to worse in a relatively short space of time....3 seasons in fact.

    On paper, our midfiled doesnt look too bad, but on the pitch it just isnt working whatsoever in ANY position. We all criticised Pardews Tactics, and to be honest we havent seen much of a change with Pardky either. Ive long criticised our coaching since the early onset of not being able to defend set pieces, and here we are two seasons down the line with pretty much the same coaching set up and we are still clueless. So for me, its a combination of poor coaching, very poor decision making (throughout the club), and a seemingly bottomless pit in terms of the general mentality of the players. Nothing will change unless somebody is bold enough to take a grip of this situation and have a complete clear out......37 different players this season already, with only two at about clutching at straws

    Tel much of that I'm in agreement. We do need a clear out - well we'll get one at the end of this season come what may. There has been a failure in football management and that encompasses coaching.

    In my view we've ended up with a totally unbalanced squad, partly as a result last season of acquiring strikers who fired blanks, midfielders who were either too frail or just off form - we've got a plethora of them if you count the wingers. We have unfancied full backs who can't get games so we bring in new ones. I understand Moo2 was pants yesterday when he came on, hardly surprising though as neither Pards or Parky would play him unless there were no other options. And we are down to no permanent centre backs worthy of selection due to injury or inexperience and have to obtain an emergency loanee and play Holland out of position. Pardews plan to solve this problem with loanees was as flawed this season as it was last . This is pretty crazy stuff, and it's Pardew's fault. I don't blame Parky because as assistant manager his views would count for little when Pardew had the final say.

    It's all about opinions. Unfortunately the ones that count have been found wanting. I travel in hope that somewhere a spark will ignite a rocket which will see us propelled upwards. I have resigned myself to the most likely out come. I'm downhearted but resolute that the club can and will rise again. I'll cheer them on regardless.
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    [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Strikers can't strike and defenders who can't defend, and the blame is with the midfielders !

    I'm sure there is a method in your madness Bing, but i can't see it i'm afraid. And saying they need coaching is a bit naive.

    I didn't go tonight (got the flu) maybe thats affected my brain but in recent games I have seen us defend far too deeply, with midfielders standing on the toes of the defenders and the team encouraged to hoof the ball forward to one or two detached strikers and setting the tactics which stifles football. Players have been given a siege mentality rather than operating to the universal truth that when you have the ball, and keep it they can't hurt you.
    You may not have gone but you've got it spot on. Sorry AFKA but I blame the poor second half performance a lot on the midfield. Thought defence was too deep but they did alright (far better first half obviously), we just got dominated in midfield - too deep as well and resorted to hoof hoof hoof. When the strikers did have the ball they just couldn't get a shot in (by the way we did have more shots both off and on target), this says as much for city's defence as it does for our attack.

    Think the commentators comments about sam are unfair (though WHY take off racon parky!? he was our best player), moo2 and ambrose fair enough. Impressed with ward and elliot had a good game (I've now been convinced he's truely charlton's number 1).

    Maybe I've got the usual amnesia, and remember our performance as better than it actually was, but I feel a lot of you have been given the wrong impression from the commentator. In my opinion the players gave much more than the burnley game, though I didn't go to that game...

    By the way, genuinely thought Elliot was going to get the equaliser in the last minute, might help if you beat the first man from the corner next time Spring?
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    edited February 2009
    [cite]Posted By: ct_addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: HandG[/cite]Re Large's point, it's not great management to bring on Ambrose at right back before Moutakil is it? How to confirm that you have no belief in someone.

    He brought in Ambrose and moved Soares ( our goalscorer on the night !!!!) to right back who lasted about 5 mins and then brought on the hapless Moo2....brilliant tactician Parky !!!!

    Sounds like he's using the same barmy tactics as his predecessor - or he's simply losing his marbles too (if not already lost).....
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