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Charlton Fanzines.

edited February 2009 in General Charlton
Have been trying to sort out all my footy programmes,it's taking forever and i came accross the following charlton fanzines.

Remember Remember
Goodbye Horse
Voice of the valley

just curious to find out about any others and if anyone has any more info or spare copies.

Would also like to let members know that i have some doubles on programmes fron the 80's through to the 2002 season,mainly homes but also some aways, let me know if you're missing any in particular and i'll have a look.


  • I appeared on GBH a few times. Quality fanzine. VOTV got a bit silly towards the end of its existance.
  • Binned mine during a move . Wish I hadn't. I especially liked the early ones.

    The later ones were sponsored by the New Labour Party.............
  • Addickted - very funny

    Lennie Lawrence - Crap and written by an Aston Villa fan and all round w*****R

    Robin's Report - not all that but it was a young guy having a go

    Valiants' Viewpoint - more a CASC mag really

    VFR - Written by some bloke who posts on here. I won a t-shirt for doing the crossword once

    Valley View? - Recent one by a 17 YO. OK but the time for fanzines had gone.

    VFR used to have a columnist called Henry Irving. Don't know who it was (but most likely Rick Everitt) but liked their stuff so when I needed a name for Charlton Life a couple of years ago I "borrowed" it.
  • edited February 2009
    " VFR used to have a columnist called Henry Irving. Don't know who it was (but most likely Rick Everitt) but liked their stuff so when I needed a name for Charlton Life a couple of years ago I "borrowed" it.[/quote] "

    Which leads me to ask; Do you know why that columnist adopted the name Henry Irving, the name you now use?
  • [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]" VFR used to have a columnist called Henry Irving. Don't know who it was (but most likely Rick Everitt) but liked their stuff so when I needed a name for Charlton Life a couple of years ago I "borrowed" it. "

    Which leads me to ask; Do you know why that columnist adopted the name Henry Irving, the name you now use?

    Well I'd guess he was a fan of Victorian theatre.
  • VFR - Written by some bloke who posts on here. I won a t-shirt for doing the crossword once

    LOL................Henry, that's hilarious..............& the fact you 'borrowed' the name!!!!!!

    mind you, HI'slittlesis doesn't really have the same ring to it, so thank you ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]VFR - Written by some bloke who posts on here. I won a t-shirt for doing the crossword once

    LOL................Henry, that's hilarious..............& the fact you 'borrowed' the name!!!!!!

    mind you, HI'slittlesis doesn't really have the same ring to it, so thank you ;-)

    Sorry, my mistake. I meant VOTV had the columnist called Henry Irving but I did win a t-shirt from VFR. Most likely the only person to attempt the crossword ; - )
  • bet the t shirt was three sizes too small though ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]bet the t shirt was three sizes too small though ;-)

    Are you saying I'm fat? ;- )

    No, I asked for XL and it fitted me.
  • lol

    no, am saying my brother probably ' borrowed' one of his missus t shirts ;-)
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  • [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]lol

    no, am saying my brother probably ' borrowed' one of his missus t shirts ;-)

    I'm sure KB isn't that tight. A little mean maybe but not tight. : - )
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Daggs[/cite]" VFR used to have a columnist called Henry Irving. Don't know who it was (but most likely Rick Everitt) but liked their stuff so when I needed a name for Charlton Life a couple of years ago I "borrowed" it. "

    Which leads me to ask; Do you know why that columnist adopted the name Henry Irving, the name you now use?

    Well I'd guess he was a fan of Victorian theatre.

    Bear in mind i'm, shall we say? an older fan. Remembering the detail of the incident i'm about to relay is not possible.
    It was sometime in the early seventies and i was on a coach going to watch a Charlton away game somewhere very north of London. The supporters on board were in high spirits with lots of silly chanting and singing. As we passed through London the coach stopped, due to traffic, right opposite the statue of Henry Irving. Promptly, someone peered out of the window and upon seeing dear old Henry, started chanting......

    Heny Irving Ooh Ooh!
    Henry Irving Ooh Ooh!

    We all fell about, and then joined in. That chant stayed with us for a long time.
    So i'm wondering if the 'original' Henry Irving in VFR was with us on that coach that day. And as a result, adopted the moniker?
  • i used to buy VOTV when it first came out,never bought it when we got back to the valley as it had achieved it's goal and
    got extremely boring then,prior to the return it was quality.Never bought any other Charlton fanzines.
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]i used to buy VOTV when it first came out,never bought it when we got back to the valley as it had achieved it's goal and
    got extremely boring then,prior to the return it was quality.Never bought any other Charlton fanzines.

    I remember buying the first ever VOTV on the train to Selhurst in, I think, 1987. I was only 15 at the time but remember thinking that maybe it could be the start of something....

    Great fanzine, arguably the most influential of the era and Rick and the team did an unbelievable job with such small resources.

    I used to go to Sportspages and try and buy it as soon as it came out.

    None of the other CAFC fanzines came close IMHO.
  • I wrote the first pub guide in VOTV way back in 92/93 I think
  • Henry Irving was the statue just off Charing Cross Road that loads of people used to meet at for away games way back (Allegedly)
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: KBslittlesis[/cite]bet the t shirt was three sizes too small though ;-)

    Are you saying I'm fat? ;- )

    No, I asked for XL and it fitted me.

    Only cos I sent a xxxl and changed the label! :-)

    Aah VFR, happy days.

    Load of old tosh of course, cheap and cheerful, decent enough sales and loved doing it, but having the time to devote to it became a problem.
  • edited February 2009
    Glass houses, mate : - )

    I thought it was good, even said so in programme if I remember rightly.
  • Should have mentioned that it was one of mine that was too small. :-)

    You did indeed Henry thanks, not everybodies cup of tea because the standards that were set by VOTV were almost impossible to follow although GBH did a fantastic job of doing so.
  • What ever happened to "Goodbye Horse" ?
    And, don't forget the "Anorak Addick" is out at EVER home game !!
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  • edited February 2009
    [cite]Posted By: miserableold-ish git[/cite]What ever happened to "Goodbye Horse" ?
    And, don't forget the "Anorak Addick" is out at EVER home game !!

    Didn't the guy who put Goodbye horse together have to give it up for personal or family reasons. Couldn't afford to put the time in, understandably.

    I was quite young at the time but others may know more/remember who it was.

    It was a quality fanzine though and I never missed getting it. Even with the internet, forums etc etc there's surely still a place for fanzines?

    What is Anorak Addick? Sorry if i'm missing a joke!
  • "Remember, Remember" was another fanzine
  • [cite]Posted By: pork_pie[/cite]I appeared on GBH a few times. Quality fanzine. VOTV got a bit silly towards the end of its existance.

    I still remember Pork Pie from GBH! The power of the humble fanzine!
  • Andy Lopata was founder of GBH, he then passed the mantle to Kev Porch and me, when work commitments got too much for him. Kev did all the real work, and there is a hell of a lot involved, believe me.

    We used to sell around 1000 copies when we had about 10'000 average home gate, still sold 1000 copies when we were getting 20'000. Got fed up with seeing people spend £2.50 on a death burger from a spiv in the street rather than spend a quid on the fruits of our labour, and we were missing valuable pre-match drinking time, so we jacked it in.
  • bought any old rag i could get my hand on... in the pre internet day charlton reading material was minimum and so any chance to pick up a voice or goodbye horse was never turned down by a sick charlton perve like meself
  • I've still got a number og VotV from late 80's/90's.

    £10 each. Any takers ...... ?

  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]I've still got a number og VotV from late 80's/90's.

    £10 each. Any takers ...... ?


    No.1 was going for £100.
  • edited February 2009
    If I can find it, Guinness - would you give a hundred smackeroonies for it ..... ?

  • [cite]Posted By: guinnessaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]I've still got a number og VotV from late 80's/90's.

    £10 each. Any takers ...... ?


    No.1 was going for £100.

    Only according to a column in VOTV which may have been a wind up : -)
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: guinnessaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]I've still got a number og VotV from late 80's/90's.

    £10 each. Any takers ...... ?


    No.1 was going for £100.

    If I can find it, Guinness - would you give a hundred smackeroonies for it ..... ?


    What would i do with two? Sell one for £100?
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