Outswinging corner taken by Rudi Skacel, Jonathan Fortune makes a clearance.
David McGoldrick takes a shot. Jonathan Fortune gets a block in.
Deon Burton is penalised for handball and concedes a free kick. Kelvin Davis takes the indirect free kick.
Bradley Wright-Phillips takes a shot. Kelvin Davis makes a save.
Corner taken by Adam Lallana, save by Nicky Weaver.
James McEveley concedes a free kick for a foul on David McGoldrick. The referee shows James McEveley a yellow card for persistent infringement. Free kick crossed by Rudi Skacel, James McEveley manages to make a clearance.
This is a must win game. Saints have worst goal difference other than the bottom 3. If we can't even beat these at home then things aren't looking up. No win in 10 league games IF we don't score.
Outswinging corner taken by Rudi Skacel, Jonathan Fortune makes a clearance.
David McGoldrick takes a shot. Jonathan Fortune gets a block in.
Deon Burton is penalised for handball and concedes a free kick. Kelvin Davis takes the indirect free kick.
Bradley Wright-Phillips takes a shot. Kelvin Davis makes a save.
Corner taken by Adam Lallana, save by Nicky Weaver.
James McEveley concedes a free kick for a foul on David McGoldrick. The referee shows James McEveley a yellow card for persistent infringement. Free kick crossed by Rudi Skacel, James McEveley manages to make a clearance.
Effort from close range by Luke Varney goes wide left of the target.
Argyle are trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
1-0 up against Blackpool. Losing 2-1 now.
Who do we play next week ....?(!)
Sheff Wed now beating Naaaaridge 3-2
Paterson close. This commentator keeps getting Bailey and Weaver mixed up.
Holland on now.
This is a must win game. Saints have worst goal difference other than the bottom 3. If we can't even beat these at home then things aren't looking up. No win in 10 league games IF we don't score.