Peters only do one product without meat in the whole of their three ranges, a cheese and onion pasty. I am not at all partial to onion as a main feature...these pies/pastys are vile actually. The catering for non meat eaters at Charlton in all it's outlets and suites is poor, this is usually because caterers never ask veggies what they want, and are uncommonly defensive about what they do. No worries, veggies are well used to it, and as usual thier money will go elsewhere.
[cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Peters only do one product without meat in the whole of their three ranges, a cheese and onion pasty. I am not at all partial to onion as a main feature...these pies/pastys are vile actually. The catering for non meat eaters at Charlton in all it's outlets and suites is poor, this is usually because caterers never ask veggies what they want, and are uncommonly defensive about what they do. No worries, veggies are well used to it, and as usual thier money will go elsewhere.
I'm surprised you've got the energy to write all that! )
I certainly hope so
Sack the board
Pards out
Just need Peroni on tap and it'll be worth getting in early
cheese and onion I think. or at least cheese and onion pasties
I'm surprised you've got the energy to write all that!
if I had enough energy I'd write you a rude e-mail for that.
I know this has been discussed on here before though...
Carly - we have thos Jamaican patties at Sainsbury's. Horrible things!