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USA Election - Anyone Interested?



  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite] shoot cyclists"".

    Ohhh GH thats a bit cyclist?? Cyclism will not be tolerated!! ;-)
  • Tell u one thing that youhave to admire re these elections was the fact that people qued up for over 4 hours to vote in some places. Couldnt see that happening here.
  • [cite]Posted By: MCS[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]shoot cyclists"".

    Ohhh GH thats a bit cyclist?? Cyclism will not be tolerated!! ;-)

    Especially not by our mate Rothers...
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]I hope we dont !

    strange algarve in two weeks i have been blasted for having a go at someone when i clearly said the opposite, been accused of threatening people , (both i received apologies from the people) been moaned at re a thread i didnt even get involved in
    there are times i really should be as nasty as my press and just say bollox to everyone
    oh sh*it i do !

    Maybe ill run for this Forum thingy. " Goonerhater --- reading Silence of The Lambs and representing The Dark side , i eat Vegans and shoot cyclists"".

    the applications closed on the 11th October, but I'm sure you'll still be with us when applications open next time round!
  • Weegie is Rothers a cyclist then ? well i never !!!!!!!! i should really apolagise (sic) but actually im loading me gun !
  • Suzi - are you running the place at the moment? I think you'd do a very good job! ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Weegie is Rothers a cyclist then ? well i never !!!!!!!! i should really apolagise (sic) but actually im loading me gun !

    You mean you really didn't know???? I don't believe it!
  • Suzziiiiiiii involved with the club !!! well i never

    two shocks id better sit down.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Suzziiiiiiii involved with the club !!! well i never

    two shocks id better sit down.

    It's one of those days when the world changes, mate. Now we're back on topic :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]I hope we dont !

    strange algarve in two weeks i have been blasted for having a go at someone when i clearly said the opposite, been accused of threatening people , (both i received apologies from the people) been moaned at re a thread i didnt even get involved in
    there are times i really should be as nasty as my press and just say bollox to everyone
    oh sh*it i do !

    Maybe ill run for this Forum thingy. " Goonerhater --- reading Silence of The Lambs and representing The Dark side , i eat Vegans and shoot cyclists"".

    So as I said, you have an image problem GH. I have friends who know Russell Brand, he's a cracking bloke, his image says otherwise. I am sure the same applies to you. You need toget a new PR man... LOL
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  • Nope. Thanks for the advice -- but to old,people believe what they want to(see this thread),no one is as good ,bad or evil, as others believe.

    on topic . I truely hope people get what they believe they voted for in Obama. Life tells me that ALL politicos let us down.
  • I wonder if Beckham voted
  • has he been there 5 years? if no then nope no voting as no full US residency.
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]Nope. Thanks for the advice -- but to old,people believe what they want to(see this thread),no one is as good ,bad or evil, as others believe.

    on topic . I truely hope people get what they believe they voted for in Obama. Life tells me that ALL politicos let us down.

    That sir, is so true!
  • Nobody told us down here in Cornwall about any bloody election.

    When's it on ......... ?
    And did New Labour get the boot?
  • [cite]Posted By: Goonerhater[/cite]on topic . I truely hope people get what they believe they voted for in Obama. Life tells me that ALL politicos let us down.

    Good man he may be but even Jesus Christ would struggle to live up to the expectation heaped on his shoulders. I hope for his sake that he is able to achieve something and not be overwhelmed with the crises which are not of his making.
  • Obama is not black & he is not white. He has a black father and white mother and as a result he is brown.

    I don't know if people voted for him because he is brown but I desperately wanted him to win. Why?
    1. Because I've read his book 'The Audacity of Hope' which I would recommend to anyone. Personally I found myself agreeing with everything he said.
    2. Because Bush was a world disaster and McCain supported his proposals (I think it was 95%) of the time. As for Palin - enough said.
  • Audacity of Hope is a wonderful book, and you have to agree with him on huge amounts of it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Fishnets[/cite]Do you?...

    Yes I do, or you going to turn yet another thread into a lazy swipe at me?
  • there will be many reasons that peeps voted for him the sad thing is one ofthe key reasons was his race , and you cant say it wasnt. Main three reasons i would suggest.

    1) time to get the republicans out.
    2) his race.
    3) Bush Jnr a total twat.

    as for this credit crunch thing not being of his making , dont foregt that the democrats also voted for the free market and de-regulation.

    When Colen Powell has a whisper in his ear , i fully expect that there will be no significant change in the war in Iraq.
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  • Can we get rid of Pardew?

    Yes, we can!
  • He won states which had very very small Black populations, like Ohio, North Carolina and Colarado, where Democrats rarely win, so while the black vote voted 95/5 Democrat rather then 90/10 Dem, it was young, white college educated people who won him the election.

    The US is moving to the left, the Dems have had the highest popular vote in 4 of the last 5 general elections, the shift is happening.
  • I'm a bit bothered by Obama's support for the use of Predator drones across Pakistan's border. Using robot technology to vapourise 'suspected' militants & their family groups seems cowardly to me? Fear it'll be another case of a self-made man pulling the ladder up after him. What did Thatcher do for women?
  • edited November 2008
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]He won states which had very very small Black populations, like Ohio, North Carolina and Colarado, where Democrats rarely win, so while the black vote voted 95/5 Democrat rather then 90/10 Dem, it was young, white college educated people who won him the election.

    The US is moving to the left, the Dems have had the highest popular vote in 4 of the last 5 general elections, the shift is happening.

    Agree although I would assert that a lot of people (genrally african americans) who had previously felt disenfranchised registered to vote for the first time.

    I would definitely say that Race

    It was be incorrect to say that race was not a factor for anyone who voted int his election, however exit polls taken by CNN (so who knows if we can believe them) indicated that those of individuals that saw Race as the most important factor to them in deciding on a candidate, 50% voted for Obama and 50% voted for McCain - In other words if you go by these polls Race had hardly any affect on the race at all.
  • * SoundAsa£
    * CommentTime3 days ago

    quote# 47
    Won't make a great deal of difference who gets in really...The States is run by lawyers at the end of the day.

    Whether the US is run by attorneys or not, there is a pretty big difference between competent and incompetent lawyers, as evidenced by the counsel that infested the administration over the last eight years. We've had attorneys who have decided that the Geneva Convention "coddles terrorists," we've had counsel that were empowered to subvert the US legal system by tossing out competent US prosecuting attorneys for not being ideologically pure enough (by an attorney who graduated at the top of her class from a law school founded by someone who heals people by calling on the power of God to be transmitted over a television), we've had counsel that have concluded that laws passed by a democratically elected Congress can be subverted and manipulated through "signing statements," ... we've had all kinds of terrible, remarkably stupid lawyers that ran the country. And despite sharing the same party affiliation, I'll be thrilled to watch them leaving Washington over the next two and a half months.
  • The significant thing is that Obama gets to work with a Democrat Senate and House, which Clinton for example never had. Also his decisive margin of victory gives him a mandate to enact the things that he wants to do and he shouldn't have too much difficulty getting his nominees passed. Further down the road any Supreme Court nominations - and it's likely there'll be one or two especially if he gets a second term will have a liberal rather than a conservative bias that would be likely had McCain won. In terms of things like repealing abortion legislation that should make it harder for the right to get their way, possibly for some time.

    All in all after eight years of Bush it's pleasing to see someone who can talk in coherent sentences in the White House.
  • True BFR, especially the last sentence. He's definitely got more chance of getting things done then many other democrat presidents. The only issue of course is whether they'll have any money to make any real change. I fear not but hope so.
  • [cite]Posted By: Rothko[/cite]He won states which had very very small Black populations, like Ohio, North Carolina and Colarado, where Democrats rarely win, so while the black vote voted 95/5 Democrat rather then 90/10 Dem, it was young, white college educated people who won him the election.

    The US is moving to the left, the Dems have had the highest popular vote in 4 of the last 5 general elections, the shift is happening.

    Who amongst us ever thought a black man (even of mixed race) would ever win the US Presidential race?

    I am old enough to remember the race riots and the end to segregation in certain states; old enough to remember the assasination of Martin Luther King; old enough to have watched Jesse Jackson's attempts to secure the democratic nomination fall at the first hurdle.

    Yes race was an issue and it's possible to argue that as many voted positively for Obama as against him. What is clear is that he won a landslide victory amongst what traditionally are white middle class voters. He stirred many thousands, not just to vote, but also to campaign who have never done so before. It is a seismic political event. I just hope that he's able to tackle the current troubles with a deal of success.
  • edited September 2016
    Thought I'd revive an ancient thread for this...

    May be easier to track it all in one place, for those of us that want one location can all the Trump vs Clinton stuff be kept here?

    @i_b_b_o_r_g :wink: or @AFKABartram & Co can the title be updated to say Trump vs Clinton from Page 5?
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