I couldn't connect to the internet this morning, even from my work laptop. Finally I uninstalled a Microsoft security update from yesterday (KB951748) and connection restored. A quick Google shows there is a problem with this update and ZoneAlarm, so if you have ZoneAlarm it might be best not to let any XP security updates install for the time being.
Email and t'internet working now.
Who was it who advised me to get ZA in the first place?
Probably me! I'm currently in Frankfurt but my son phoned yesterday and said that he can no longer access internet from home pc so it looks like I have same problem. Not happened before but will have to try and get it sorted when I am back tomorrow.
Will uninstall / re-install as you did and hope it works.
Scrolled down to the Microsoft Office section.
Found the KB951748 entry, selected and 'Remove'd
Good idea, only problem is that we then do not get the benefit of the MS patch.
let us know when you have a link to it BigW,
I haven't uninstalled the MS update yet, I just turned ZA down to medium.
I'd imagine another patch will be along shortly to clear the problem up.
OK. That changes things slightly..
I'll uninstall the patch now and whack the firewall back up to High. Thanks for the heads up, Salad.
Typical rugby loving trouble maker : - )
Comodo link
I agree LA, its typical Microsoft. I got immensely frustrated yesterday when all of a sudden I couldn't get onto the net. Rather than rely on the Windows Firewall, I looked elsewhere and I think that Comodo is a good one.
Same here - excellent!