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General things that Annoy you



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    I don't mind Michael McIntyre, but he does strike me as a bit 'stand up comedian by numbers', like a comedian version of an actor who says all the right lines, smiles at the right time etc but there's no flair or depth to it.
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    It’s a funny thing with comedians - I think it’s easy to be swayed by an initial impression and if that goes badly, they’re forever tainted in your mind as being bad.
    There are a few comedians (eg Chris Ramsey, Nish Kumar) that I don’t like but, like McIntyre, I have no idea if they’re actually any good because if I see them on tv, I immediately get turned off mentally and it’s very difficult to find a comedian funny when you’ve already decided they’re not going to be.
    It’s something I’d like to change in myself (and maybe this is the “general thing that annoys me”) because I have great respect for comedians, the wit and imagination they have and the guts it takes to get on stage the way they do.
    But it’s really difficult to find a comedian funny when your starting point is pretty much saying “Go on then wanker, see if you can make me laugh”

    Maybe I’ll give one of them a go. See if I can go into it with an open mind.
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    IdleHans said:
    Michael MacIntyre's Shit Show

    A bloke that has had his day. On a scale of Ken Dodd or Bob Monkhouse, Michael McIntyre wouldn't even get out of the traps IMO.

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    IdleHans said:
    IdleHans said:
    IdleHans said:
    Michael MacIntyre's Shit Show
    It was really good last night. 
    He may well be really funny, but I will never know because I can’t watch him for long enough to listen to anything he says.
    I simply can’t bear him and his fucking awful stage persona. Makes my shit itch.
    He isn't. Lowest common denominator comedy for the undiscerning masses.
    (I appreciate comedy is very subjective, and my opinion is just an opinion. Also that when it comes to comedy I am an insufferable snob.)
    The opposite end of the spectrum is probably Stewart Lee. I'd rather stick rusty nails in my **** than watch that insufferable twat.
    Unsurprisingly, he's my favourite by a distance. But I completely get what you're saying.
    I think MacIntyre is very good at what he does, it just leaves me cold.
    Stewart Lee is fucking brilliant. The best. I went recently to his Basic Lee at Leicester Square. I was in pain it was so funny. A great bit destroying Fleabag.

    how anyone cannot find him funny I don’t know or to at least “agree the fuck out of it”

    scooby Doo Canyon rope bridge
    pear cider
    diana ET

    as for his recent shows he.s on fire.

    content provider was pure smug intelligent genius, coupled with a trousers down penguin walk.

    not only racists voted for Brexit, no. ………Cunts did as well

    as for Macintyre, I would never get tired of punching him in the face.

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    edited January 2023
    Yep,we saw him at Leicester Square just before Christmas too.
    Excellent stuff 👍🏻
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    Nish Kumar was funny on Taskmaster, but his stand up is shit
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    People wandering around this time of year in the pissing rain and wind with sunglasses on top of their heads.
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    Whatever you think of Michael McIntyre he has given chances to a whole raft of up and coming comedians. 

    People like John Bishop, Ava Vidal, Kevin Bridges, Micky Flanagan, Imran Yusuf and Sean Walsh to name but a few.  He has been good for comedy on the small screen and some of the huge audiences he originally attracted  are now buying tickets - and having a positive effect - on the bank balances of the more adventurous comedians

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    edited January 2023
    IdleHans said:
    Michael MacIntyre's Shit Show
    It was really good last night. 
    He may well be really funny, but I will never know because I can’t watch him for long enough to listen to anything he says.
    I simply can’t bear him and his fucking awful stage persona. Makes my shit itch.
    One of the least pleasant people I ever met through my work. Not liked in the industry either. 
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    edited January 2023
    The bloke in the, ‘Wellman’ vitamins ads, stereotypical bloke, chiselled looks, hunter gatherer type.

    Basically can’t stand his face and the dumb pose. All irrational of course:)

    What’s wrong with a fat bloke FFS!
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    Whatever you think of Michael McIntyre he has given chances to a whole raft of up and coming comedians. 

    People like John Bishop, Ava Vidal, Kevin Bridges, Micky Flanagan, Imran Yusuf and Sean Walsh to name but a few.  He has been good for comedy on the small screen and some of the huge audiences he originally attracted  are now buying tickets - and having a positive effect - on the bank balances of the more adventurous comedians

    Whatever you think of Michael McIntyre he has given chances to a whole raft of up and coming comedians. 

    People like John Bishop, Ava Vidal, Kevin Bridges, Micky Flanagan, Imran Yusuf and Sean Walsh to name but a few.  He has been good for comedy on the small screen and some of the huge audiences he originally attracted  are now buying tickets - and having a positive effect - on the bank balances of the more adventurous comedians

    Sorry mate but that’s bollocks. Micky Flanagan owes that Chinese faced prick nothing.

    god knows how he has helped their bank balances
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    Daytime advert for “Pure Cremation”.  Says save money with cheap cremation, then finishes with there will be money left over for my family. They can celebrate my life how they want…. “ An my family know how to party”.  

    Pan to lounge where, 6 pensioners are rocking from side to side like fucking idiots. 
    His wife would get it though
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    Daytime advert for “Pure Cremation”.  Says save money with cheap cremation, then finishes with there will be money left over for my family. They can celebrate my life how they want…. “ An my family know how to party”.  

    Pan to lounge where, 6 pensioners are rocking from side to side like fucking idiots. 
    I am going to go for "Bung in the Oven" when my times comes, Good enough for my Mother-in -Law, 
    By Jove good enough for me!
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    McBobbin said:
    Nish Kumar was funny on Taskmaster, but his stand up is shit
    Saw him at Plymouth a couple of years ago and I thought he was brilliant. I would imagine anyone who was a Brexiteer would have detested the show.
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    edited January 2023
    McBobbin said:
    Nish Kumar was funny on Taskmaster, but his stand up is shit
    Saw him at Plymouth a couple of years ago and I thought he was brilliant. I would imagine anyone who was a Brexiteer would have detested the show.
    Why, was he calling "Brexiteers" w*****s and c***s? 🙄
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    edited January 2023
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    Probably been posted before, but - people who just sit there faffing about in their car after filling up and paying for petrol - totally oblivious to the fact that there are a queue of cars waiting behind them. 
    This and the ones that like to spend a hundred years in the blamming shop, buying a scratch card, spending forever at a crappy coffee machine, buying their weekly shop, chatting to the teller, pay for your petrol and fuck off you idiots…
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    Probably been posted before, but - people who just sit there faffing about in their car after filling up and paying for petrol - totally oblivious to the fact that there are a queue of cars waiting behind them. 
    The continentals a good at this, and you even get a few glances in the mirror to make sure you're still there waiting and getting suitably flustered
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    Fumbluff said:
    Probably been posted before, but - people who just sit there faffing about in their car after filling up and paying for petrol - totally oblivious to the fact that there are a queue of cars waiting behind them. 
    This and the ones that like to spend a hundred years in the blamming shop, buying a scratch card, spending forever at a crappy coffee machine, buying their weekly shop, chatting to the teller, pay for your petrol and fuck off you idiots…
    Its a bit like the full up car park at Christmas time, (Ruxley Manor, may be). People with bags of shopping loading the boot of their car and some other chap waiting with the indicator going knowing they have found a spot to park only to have the loader smile and say they are not done yet, going for a coffee or a walk. 
    I love the the look of hope fade quickly to disappointment.
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    General supermarket etiquette, especially people pushing trollies.

    The majority seem to be in their own little bubble and have no regard for for what's behind, to the side or in front of them.

    The amount of times I've been stopped in my tracks by these idiots is innumerable, which then causes me to either tut or swear at them under my breath.

    My solution is to make these morons take a shopping trolley driving and theory test and only those who achieve a 100% pass rate are allowed to push a trolley around a supermarket.
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    Macronate said:
    General supermarket etiquette, especially people pushing trollies.

    The majority seem to be in their own little bubble and have no regard for for what's behind, to the side or in front of them.

    The amount of times I've been stopped in my tracks by these idiots is innumerable, which then causes me to either tut or swear at them under my breath.

    My solution is to make these morons take a shopping trolley driving and theory test and only those who achieve a 100% pass rate are allowed to push a trolley around a supermarket.
    Even worse, when they are at the checkout and waiting to pay and start telling the staff all about their Christmas or holiday or any other boring story that no-one is interested in before paying and finally moving away
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    The discarding of Christmas trees in the street, take them to a recycling centre!
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    The discarding of Christmas trees in the street, take them to a recycling centre!
    Aren't they in the street to be collected and taken to the recycling centre?
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    The discarding of Christmas trees in the street, take them to a recycling centre!
    Aren't they in the street to be collected and taken to the recycling centre?
    No doubt but just think people are lazy,just leaving them in the street where they lay for weeks on end until the councils get round to picking them up. Just gets my goat🤷‍♂️
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    Whatever you think of Michael McIntyre he has given chances to a whole raft of up and coming comedians. 

    People like John Bishop, Ava Vidal, Kevin Bridges, Micky Flanagan, Imran Yusuf and Sean Walsh to name but a few.  He has been good for comedy on the small screen and some of the huge audiences he originally attracted  are now buying tickets - and having a positive effect - on the bank balances of the more adventurous comedians

    Whatever you think of Michael McIntyre he has given chances to a whole raft of up and coming comedians. 

    People like John Bishop, Ava Vidal, Kevin Bridges, Micky Flanagan, Imran Yusuf and Sean Walsh to name but a few.  He has been good for comedy on the small screen and some of the huge audiences he originally attracted  are now buying tickets - and having a positive effect - on the bank balances of the more adventurous comedians

    Sorry mate but that’s bollocks. Micky Flanagan owes that Chinese faced prick nothing.

    god knows how he has helped their bank balances
    I remember reading an article in the Guardian years ago    (this one)

    It seems McIntyre gave a leg up to unknown comedians on his highly successful roadshow.  The article includes these paragraphs.

    But they are missing a point about McIntyre's success. His Comedy Roadshow ratings hit (along with Live at the Apollo) has played a crucial role in making standup work on the small screen – generating a hunger for live humour that has seen arena standup become commonplace. John Bishop cites his Roadshow appearance as the event that catapulted him from club to enormodome. Online ticket sales spike straight after broadcasts, confirming a clear link between the Roadshow and comedians on the road.

    When I met McIntyre just before his first series, he asked me who he should book. I knew numerous great upcoming comics but I thought they were too obscure for BBC1 so I left him to his own choices. To my absolute surprise he championed telly unknowns such as Ava VidalKevin Bridges and Micky Flanagan – Bridges is now massive and Flanagan has just announced his first Hammersmith Apollo date in 2011. Whatever one thinks of McIntyre, his programme has to be good for comedy.
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