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++++++++The Andy Reid Poll++++++++



  • Sacking Dowie after 12 games?
    Giving Reed a three year contract?
    Sacking Reed after 6 games?
    Selling your best player and caption on deadline day?
    We did really well out of the Parker deal, wasn't we 4th at the time?

    Any club with promotion asperations would not sell their best players on the 31st of Jan. And what's this shite about 'gentlemans agreement' with Pardew??
  • Richard Murray is the single most important person in our clubs recent history. End of!!
  • [cite]Posted By: John Pearson[/cite] Once again Mr Murray is ****** us over like last season.

    John Pearson, you've clearly been around for a bit with that user name.

    Last week there was a thread on here about winning £53m on the Euro lottery, and putting it into Charlton. These are exactly the type of comments of why i would never want to own a club.

    The thread below this is of memories of the Valley clear up. Take a look at the few photos in it because that is exactly the club we had before Murray and others come on board.
  • I was there AFKA with my brother... I don't need to look at the photos.

    Maybe we should for once look at the future and stop talking about the past.
  • How can people mention Thomas and Reid in the same breath???

    We have some very good players, but Reid is easily our best player - and all this overweight stuff is nonsense, just cos he has a different build to Peter Crouch! I am going to be very disappointed if we lose him.

    Thomas has not given us much more than Rommedahl ever did, he can excite us but too rarely produces the goods. If we could get a million for him I would bite off the generous hand.
  • [cite]Posted By: John Pearson[/cite]How is it good business?

    We make £1m not £4m.. He is our best player with true premiership quality and our captain. Once again Mr Murray us over like last season.

    You never want to sell your best players, least of all on transfer deadline day but Reid is as injury prone as Darren Anderton. Martin Jol stated that he sold him because he was always injured, in his two seasons with us he's been fit for less than half the games we've played so I'd say unfortunately £4m is an offer we just can't ignore.

    Off the back of a decent win we had the moaners at bay for all of a day - now the board are once again tight-wads and charlatans. The type who put their hand in their pocket year after year to build the club from one that's on its knees and on the verge of extinction to one which is so successful that the fans boo every time we don't win. And I don't buy all of this 21st century football business bullshit. Does that dictate that if we have debt we should keep piling it on?! Because that sounds awfully similar to a few other culbs to me - maybe we should ask the Leeds fans if that's a good way to run a football club?

    I really feel for the board, if they haven't proved to people by now that they have the best interests of this club at heart and the nouse to make it as successful as its potential allows then they never will and if I was one of them reading this board today I'd be asking myself why I bothered. Richard Murray is a legend. End of. And the day we sell to some yank businessman will be a very very sad day in my eyes.
  • [cite]Posted By: John Pearson[/cite]Maybe we should for once look at the future and stop talking about the past.

    Sorry, but without the past we wouldnt even have a present let alone a future.
  • [cite]Posted By: John Pearson[/cite]
    Maybe we should for once look at the future and stop talking about the past.

    Fair point.

    But calling the manager a twat and stating the chairman has repeatedly f***ed us over is not really looking to the future though, is it ?

    They are both there to make tough judgement calls, you'll please some, others you won't. This sale has been bubbling for a while, so its not been agreed on a whim, its been given serious discussion and decided that its the best move for the club.

    That might disappoint some, but its a reality that we all have to live with.
  • Purely on the stats (finances, games missed), the sale makes sense but what a bloody shame it's right at the death again. Sincerely hope Pards has something pending - Wes Hoolihan would be nice for a fraction of 4 million.

    "John Pearson": None of us are suggesting that Mr.Murray and Co. haven't made honest mistakes, but please understand that they are just about the most sincere, genuine, committed Board we could wish for. No-one fancies selling our best player at any given time but sometimes reality (or a greedy leech posing as an agent) dictates.
  • salad agreement from me here

    lets not get bogged down in the history of charlton we have all moved on. But murray has done more good than harm
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  • Can I just ask why can't we look at the past and feel proud? I understand we've got to move forward etc. but lets not ignore the past at all. Its something everyone connected with the club should feel proud of. I'm not old enough to have been part of the return but the fact people connected with my club did all that is something i'm extremly proud of. I'm gutted Reidy is going because I honestly think he's one of only a handful of players good enough for the Premiership in the current squad...but we're not in the Premiership are we? I understand we've got to replace him if we go up but lets cross that bridge when it comes. I trust the board whole heartedly and they are a massive part of the reason its so special to support CAFC.
  • Think its good business, Reid although talented is injury prone and this may give the likes of Racon a chance to come into contention sooner rather than later. Richard Murray and the whole men, we wouldnt be around today with out them
  • Personally I'd rather have this board than Abramovich, Glazer, Hicks & Gilett and others.

    If you want to moan at Murray then fine, putting aside everything he's done for us, just take a look at Liverpool right now if you think selling out to billionaires is the way to proceed. They are slipping down the table - currently out of the UEFA qualification spots and the two Yanks are about to saddle the club with £350 m of debt to buy a new ground and fund new players, meanwhile they've just allowed Sissoko to go and are refusing to allow Benitez to buy Mascherano. Behind the back of Benitez they have been negotiating with at least one other manager and if they fail to make the CL next season, or even the UEFA cup and get KO'd in the next round of the CL they'll be taking a financial drubbing - they need CL to pay for their takeover. In addition at least one of the two partners wants out and the fans are launching their own takeover. Not every takeover ends in glory - I trust Murray to find the right buyers for the club.

    Getting back on thread, Reid was signed for a £3m deal, I don't know the terms and conditions but presumably around 50% was cash and the rest stage payments, let's say we've spent £2.5m on him to date, so selling at £4m plus Halford on loan represents good business for a player who has missed around 50% of the games since he joined the club. However it represents poor business if we sell a talented player who could help get us out the league and back into the Premiership, where the real wealth lies. As a player besides being injury prone Reid does not look as though he'll be capable of shedding the pounds to be a genuine 90 minutes a match box-to-box player, so we have to take his moments of skill and make up the loss elsewhere, which often means playing one striker and a five man midfield, and this cuts down the goal scoring chances.

    I have to trust Pards and hope that he knows what he's doing, if Reid does go we are an injury/suspension crisis away from meltdown, Holland may be playing well at the moment, but he's surely not Prem class, and will go if we get promoted, that leaves Racon, who no-one has really seen, Ambrose (too light weight for centre midfield) and ZZ to play in that position. That's risky.
  • We are bloody skint at the moment, and the board had to seriously push the boat to finance the Gray deal. The board have raised £11 mil between them , just to tide us over, and that does not include the bent money.

    I'm afraid if a decent bid comes in for any of our players at the moment, then they are off.

    Good luck to Reidy. Personallly i think it's good business, and maybe we may be seeing more of the youths lads coming through in the next couple of years.
  • He plays on the left,
    He plays on the riiiight,
    Oh Andy Reid,
    Made Charlton feel shite
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]He plays on the left,
    He plays on the riiiight,
    Oh Andy Reid,
    Made Charlton feel shite


    He plays on the left,
    He plays on the riiiight,
    Oh Andy Reid,
    he left Chalton in the shite
  • We've sold Andy Reid
    For the money we need.
    It's an 11th hour raid
    Who cares? He never played!
  • you guys are wasted on here

    i hear louie walsh is starting a new boy band if yu want it
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]you guys are wasted on here

    i hear louie walsh is starting a new boy band if yu want it

    He only does "cover" bands, nothing original.
  • good point far too qualified you lot
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  • I right in thinking that Andy Reid is the last of the players signed by Dowie still at the club?
  • [cite]Posted By: F-Blocker[/cite]My only concern is on the possible effect on team morale - otherwise, I say take the cash.
    My sentiments exactly.
  • Sad but the right decision. Best of luck Reidy, some your play for us was sublime. Do yourself a favour, get yourself enrolled at Weight-Watchers.
  • Bye Bye Andy Reid
    Oh what can it be
    To have
    been bullied by Keano
    to that
    Sh*t football team!

    am gutted, had a soft spot for the geez as you all know


    we have been ok without him & he is injury prone

    so cheers Reidy, it was short lived but all the best fella!
  • PS it is a maximum of £4M, so we may only get, say, £3M
  • He was really good coming all to chat to my son's footie team when they came to the Valley, asking questions and "high fiving" them all after the Ipswich game.

    I'm told he came to the Valley today to say goodbye and thanks to everyone.

    Still think is was a good deal but at least he left doing the right things.

    The big question is who does Suzi use as wallpaper on her PC now? Does she know any other short tubby Irish guys ; -)
  • he's still on there, and will be forever more i've decided, despite what the boss says!
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]he's still on there, and will be forever more i've decided, despite what the boss says!

    Your boss sounds a right so and so. Take him to an Employment Tribunial : - )
  • Doug Chapman (Grandson of the late great Herbert Chapman and American Sports Journalist, huge Addicks fan and contributor to the mailing list) said this about the sale of Reid etc


    I have never been a fan of transfer sales at the close of a shop window. Parker, Murphy ... and then Smertin going ... without replacements being brought in.

    I am not thrilled that Reid has left for Sunderland. I am not surprised, either. On the negative side, Reid is a quality, skilled player ... the type of player Charlton will need if it earns promotion back to the Premier League.
    Reid had that all-too-hard-find quality that could unlock defences and change a game with one touch.

    He was also unusual because he certainly didn't look like a footballer with a sublime touch. Short, stocky, he looked like an Oompa Loompa from a Willy Wonka movie. His chocolate was possessing a sweet left foot.

    Do Charlton need him to get promoted? Pardew probably thinks not, that Charlton can get back up without him.
    And given recent play - not necessarily results, but quality of play - they probably can. Reid was not a guarantee, either way. Charlton may be able to earn promotion without him. There was no guarantee with him. And with fullbacks with speed that can attack and put in a cross, maybe Reid's qualities were not worth quite as much as they were

    The fact that he is gone, at the deadline, is also not as troubling to me as some of the deals in the recent past. The reason is that unlike some previous managers, Pardew obviously had a plan, or at least a list of contingencies. He was ready, just in case.

    I think £4M is a reasonable return for Reid in the window. It represents a £1M profit on a player that has had problems remaining fit, and may not be quite as valuable - to Charlton - as he was 8 weeks ago.

    Now for the accusation that Charlton are back to being a selling club...

    Reid, for £4M.

    Gray, for £1.5M, worth up to £2M

    Halford, who cost Sunderland £3M from Reading
    Cook, who cost Fulham £2.5M from QPR

    So, Pardew has sold one player for £4M and brought in three players with a total value of £7.5M, and actually added £2M to the bottom line.

    The numbers actually look like a good bit of business.

    Whether Charlton with Gray and Reid is better than a team with Gray, Halford and Cook, and without Reid, is certainly subject to debate. And how the rest of the season progresses will determine whether these moves were good, bad or indifferent. Even if Halford and Cook are here initially as cover.

    Reid was made club captain, and his reputation in the locker room has been that he has been well-liked and a positive influence. A friend of mine used to play against Reid's father in Ireland, and the family had a reputation of being something akin to city tinkers. So if Reid was chasing the money, it wouldn't come as a huge surprise. Maybe a little
    disappointing. But that doesn't mean he was anything less than a positive character within the club while he was a Charlton player.

    The deals are done, and now it is time to look forward and press to earn promotion. We'll know if they have worked out, or not, soon enough.


    I thought this was a very well balanced and thought out post which, I think I probably agree with pretty much all and given the points he makes about the values gained and lost, it re-enforces my view that the decision to sell was the right one, although finely balanced.
  • Agreed. I like Doug's viewpoints on a lot of things Bing. He signed up on here a while ago and i really wished he contributed more often.

    I think part of the move was Reid getting a big move up in salary, part of us offloading a senior play we may struggle to fit back into the side that suits the team best. We're selling t what we think is maximum value. The move suited every party.

    I heard today Reid went round the club's offices wishing all the staff the best and thanks etc. So he wanted the move, little touches like that weren't necessary and show a humanitary touch.

    He's gone now, and we'll move on. Up the Addicks !!
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