You're in a shoe shop, second in the queue for the till.
Behind the shop assistant on the till is a pair of shoes which you have seen and which you must have.
The female shopper in front of you has seen them also & is eyeing them with desire. Both of you have forgotten your purses.
It would be totally rude to push in front of the first woman if you had no money to pay for the shoes. The shop assistant remains at the till waiting.
Your friend is trying on another pair of shoes at the back of the shop and sees your dilemma. She prepares to throw her purse to you.If she does so, you can catch the purse, then walk round the other shopper and buy the shoes!
At a pinch she could throw the purse ahead of the other shopper and, "whilst it is in flight" you could nip around the other shopper, catch the purse and buy the shoes!
BUT, you must always remember that until the purse has "actually been thrown", it would be plain wrong to be in front of the other shopper!
Could it be argued that your other best friend could interfere with the catch?
Or if the friend who throws the purse is standing between you and the shop assistant and/or the shopper in front of you?
If your best friend runs in front of you and throws it BACK to you?
Ha ha you are far too obsessed with this thread about womens shoes!!
Say for example your friend throws the purse but you just let it go and it goes striaght to the cashier, would they still accept payment?
Dunno what you're talking about
Go into the shop that has a Miss Bramble as the shop assistant. The Cashier at the end of the shop will pass her the cash box for her to distribute through the rest of the outlet, however, she's not very good at catching, and will usually drop it, thus gifting you a direct route to the cashier. Cha ching.
They'd both be in-active so the purchase wouldn't be disallowed.
In-active again.
Where's Ledge when you need him?
You can't be offside if you're not in the checkout half of the shop.
You can't be offside from a throw in.
Ha ha! The Titus Bramble fck-up factor.
I'm off to hide for the next few weeks, cya.
Five minutes is normally the time it takes Lady Irving just to look in a shoe shop window when the shop is shut although I admit that I love buying shoes and I don't care who knows it.
Edited for accuracy ;-)