[cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Exiled - the way Lee Hughes celebrates his goals and winds opposition fans up suggests he doesn't give a fuck about what he did.
He is one horrible infuriating piece of shit who has managed to whip up more anger and emotion at Millwall than many other players.
Thats right. Last time he played against Millwall I heard he made the Millwall supporters so angry they went home and beat up there wives!
But it's a two way street Sparrow - do the Millwall fans stay silent on the subject? Do they say, "Okay Lee, you've served your time lets leave it for now, at least until you do something else wrong"? Or do they give him constant abuse for what he did? Hughes should stay silent, I agree, but I personally wouldn't find it particularly appropriate to be shouting abuse at him about that particular subject.
I'm not in any way defending Hughes for what he did, but unless you're going to sentance all criminals to death for the first offence, society has to leave a way back in for these people because otherwise they will never be anything but criminals.
I do think a line has to be drawn somewhere, and King is surely walking it not already across it, but what you actually then do with people who cross the line is not a simple question. It's all well and good coming on message boards and demanding they never play football again, but what do you do with them?
Only read some of these posts from last year, but I think we were missing an important point here between King and Hughes -
King violently and purposefully punched someone in the face, and from what people have said it's not the first time this has happened.
Hughes was drink driving, killed someone (presumably accidentally) and then legged it. Whilst I would never drink drive and it was an utterly reckless decision on his part, it's not the same as purposefully hurting somebody.
Although the woman in King's situation did not die, I personally think his crime was the more evil out of the two. Would be interesting to know how people would have viewed the incidents had the woman in King's incident died from head injuries and the person in Hughes' incident had survived.
PS don't want either of them in a CAFC shirt - I like to think that our club should develop a team of players that kids can look up to. I wanted McClown out for that elbow he put in when we came crashing out of the FA Cup last year! (that combined with his scoring ability)!
[cite]Posted By: Exiled_Addick[/cite]But it's a two way street Sparrow - do the Millwall fans stay silent on the subject? Do they say, "Okay Lee, you've served your time lets leave it for now, at least until you do something else wrong"? Or do they give him constant abuse for what he did? Hughes should stay silent, I agree, but I personally wouldn't find it particularly appropriate to be shouting abuse at him about that particular subject.
I'm not in any way defending Hughes for what he did, but unless you're going to sentance all criminals to death for the first offence, society has to leave a way back in for these people because otherwise they will never be anything but criminals.
I do think a line has to be drawn somewhere, and King is surely walking it not already across it, but what you actually then do with people who cross the line is not a simple question. It's all well and good coming on message boards and demanding they never play football again, but what do you do with them?
Lee Hughes was doing his goading goal celebrations with a big smirk on his face before he appeared against Millwall.
And when he did he got abuse and rightfully so. If he kept his nut down and did his job without the in yer face smugness and laughter then I think people could stomach it. But the way he has conducted himself since leaving someone to die at a scene of a car crash that he caused is beyond the pail.
[cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Exiled - the way Lee Hughes celebrates his goals and winds opposition fans up suggests he doesn't give a fuck about what he did.
He is one horrible infuriating piece of shit who has managed to whip up more anger and emotion at Millwall than many other players.
The irony...
It wasn't that long ago that Millwall fans were involved in beating up women and children at West Ham and were heard boasting about it. They are the last people who should be getting precious about criminals.
[quote][cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Exiled - the way Lee Hughes celebrates his goals and winds opposition fans up suggests he doesn't give a fuck about what he did.
He is one horrible infuriating piece of shit who has managed to whip up more anger and emotion at Millwall than many other players.[/quote]
The irony...
It wasn't that long ago that Millwall fans were involved in beating up women and children at West Ham and were heard boasting about it. They are the last people who should be getting precious about criminals.[/quote]
Oh come on lets not turn this into a Millwall baiting session,until now its been a sensible thread. The fan knifed at West Ham was a Millwall fan who had got off the train at the wrong station, he was not a thug - the Brother in law of my wifes colleague. Sparrows Lane has every right to comment on a thread about criminal footballers
Whether it's true or not (and I think it's bullshit, but I'll share), Notts fans tell me that Hughes plays better when the opposition fans start goading him about the drink driving.
Something to bear in mind. Because if our fans do start having a go at him, and if he does score, he WILL rub it in our faces.
Back on topic, don't want either of them playing for us.
Oh come on lets not turn this into a Millwall baiting session,until now its been a sensible thread. The fan knifed at West Ham was a Millwall fan who had got off the train at the wrong station, he was not a thug - the Brother in law of my wifes colleague. Sparrows Lane has every right to comment on a thread about criminal footballers
Poor old Asbo FC, always the victim, and never the instigator of violence at football.
He can comment about violent criminals if he chooses, right after he comments on the violent thugs he shares Stand space with. Remember why we call them the spanners?
How can this person possibly be allowed to come in contact with women and children again at his workplace.
I need to be CRB'd to do my job why shouldn't he?
It's not like giving him a 2nd chance is it, it's his 14th offence!
[cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Exiled - the way Lee Hughes celebrates his goals and winds opposition fans up suggests he doesn't give a fuck about what he did.
He is one horrible infuriating piece of shit who has managed to whip up more anger and emotion at Millwall than many other players.
The irony...
It wasn't that long ago that Millwall fans were involved in beating up women and children at West Ham and were heard boasting about it. They are the last people who should be getting precious about criminals.
Fuck I've heard it all now. Who do you work for, The Sun?
[cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]Exiled - the way Lee Hughes celebrates his goals and winds opposition fans up suggests he doesn't give a fuck about what he did.
He is one horrible infuriating piece of shit who has managed to whip up more anger and emotion at Millwall than many other players.
The irony...
It wasn't that long ago that Millwall fans were involved in beating up women and children at West Ham and were heard boasting about it. They are the last people who should be getting precious about criminals.
Fuck I've heard it all now. Who do you work for, The Sun?
Calm down, if you don't like the mindless thugs you call fellow fans then it isn't my problem.
Sadly Millwall fans glorify in their reputation and for that reason I'm going to point out the hypocrisy when they take a moral stance over players such as Lee Hughes and other ex-cons in the game. Try and debate that point.
[cite]Posted By: bigstemarra[/cite]Woman beating thug converts to woman hating religion (a match made in heaven?) and idolises murderous fanatic....
I like this fella more and more every day!
In the interest of balance, Biggy, I don't think Islam is either of those things, just some of the tinycocks that practice it.
I'm willing to bet that Marlon or Muhammed Ahmed or whatever he's going to go by will have "converted" to the classic Jamaican-bloke-in-jail branch of Islam anyway. This particularly sect merely involves wearing a hat that makes you look simple, believing all your woes in life are cause by someone else and not having to know anything about the religion itself. Also has the advantage of not forbidding shagging around/sexual assault, alcohol or the odd bacon buttie.
With any luck some shouty men in dickie bows will take all his cash off him (known as the "Tyson" in muslim circles)
[cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]Calm down, if you don't like the mindless thugs you call fellow fans then it isn't my problem.
Sadly Millwall fans glorify in their reputation and for that reason I'm going to point out the hypocrisy when they take a moral stance over players such as Lee Hughes and other ex-cons in the game. Try and debate that point.
ffs give it a rest, millwall and their fans has nothing to do with this thread, nor should it be just because a millwall fan posted in it. Grow up and get a life
Is there an argument that he's served his time and paid his debt, and now should be allowed to resume his life like anyone else coming out of prison? I'm not trying to be controversial, but isn't that the way society works?
If you think the sentence was too short, or that for multiple convictions he should be inside for life, etc, then that's a seperate issue. But I tend to think he does have the right to play again.
I think the thing with Marlon is he's such a vile character. He basically sexually assualted a woman until she resisted and then punched her unconcious. You can take a view on whether the punishment fits the crime and all that jazz, but I'd really be concerned that anyone of that nature would be a fit TEAM member. In his last but one crime Dean Windass battered him in a casino and he then claimed that staff had stolen his watch until the casino manager got him in front of the CCTV and showed him footage of poor Marlon popping the watch in his pocket. I think his stupidity worries me more than his criminality TBH
I'd generally argue that footballers should be treated like any other punters, and for most of us if we had two spells inside and numerous other charges we wouldn't be keeping our jobs. So in summary, fuck him, he's scum.
He is one horrible infuriating piece of shit who has managed to whip up more anger and emotion at Millwall than many other players.
Thats right. Last time he played against Millwall I heard he made the Millwall supporters so angry they went home and beat up there wives!
I'm not in any way defending Hughes for what he did, but unless you're going to sentance all criminals to death for the first offence, society has to leave a way back in for these people because otherwise they will never be anything but criminals.
I do think a line has to be drawn somewhere, and King is surely walking it not already across it, but what you actually then do with people who cross the line is not a simple question. It's all well and good coming on message boards and demanding they never play football again, but what do you do with them?
Abu Hamza
See third item posted on 21st July
King violently and purposefully punched someone in the face, and from what people have said it's not the first time this has happened.
Hughes was drink driving, killed someone (presumably accidentally) and then legged it. Whilst I would never drink drive and it was an utterly reckless decision on his part, it's not the same as purposefully hurting somebody.
Although the woman in King's situation did not die, I personally think his crime was the more evil out of the two. Would be interesting to know how people would have viewed the incidents had the woman in King's incident died from head injuries and the person in Hughes' incident had survived.
PS don't want either of them in a CAFC shirt - I like to think that our club should develop a team of players that kids can look up to. I wanted McClown out for that elbow he put in when we came crashing out of the FA Cup last year! (that combined with his scoring ability)!
Lee Hughes was doing his goading goal celebrations with a big smirk on his face before he appeared against Millwall.
And when he did he got abuse and rightfully so. If he kept his nut down and did his job without the in yer face smugness and laughter then I think people could stomach it. But the way he has conducted himself since leaving someone to die at a scene of a car crash that he caused is beyond the pail.
The irony...
It wasn't that long ago that Millwall fans were involved in beating up women and children at West Ham and were heard boasting about it. They are the last people who should be getting precious about criminals.
He is one horrible infuriating piece of shit who has managed to whip up more anger and emotion at Millwall than many other players.[/quote]
The irony...
It wasn't that long ago that Millwall fans were involved in beating up women and children at West Ham and were heard boasting about it. They are the last people who should be getting precious about criminals.[/quote]
Oh come on lets not turn this into a Millwall baiting session,until now its been a sensible thread. The fan knifed at West Ham was a Millwall fan who had got off the train at the wrong station, he was not a thug - the Brother in law of my wifes colleague. Sparrows Lane has every right to comment on a thread about criminal footballers
Something to bear in mind. Because if our fans do start having a go at him, and if he does score, he WILL rub it in our faces.
Back on topic, don't want either of them playing for us.
Poor old Asbo FC, always the victim, and never the instigator of violence at football.
He can comment about violent criminals if he chooses, right after he comments on the violent thugs he shares Stand space with. Remember why we call them the spanners?
Abu Hamza will always be a bitch
I like this fella more and more every day! ;)
I need to be CRB'd to do my job why shouldn't he?
It's not like giving him a 2nd chance is it, it's his 14th offence!
Fuck I've heard it all now. Who do you work for, The Sun?
Calm down, if you don't like the mindless thugs you call fellow fans then it isn't my problem.
Sadly Millwall fans glorify in their reputation and for that reason I'm going to point out the hypocrisy when they take a moral stance over players such as Lee Hughes and other ex-cons in the game. Try and debate that point.
In the interest of balance, Biggy, I don't think Islam is either of those things, just some of the tinycocks that practice it.
I'm willing to bet that Marlon or Muhammed Ahmed or whatever he's going to go by will have "converted" to the classic Jamaican-bloke-in-jail branch of Islam anyway. This particularly sect merely involves wearing a hat that makes you look simple, believing all your woes in life are cause by someone else and not having to know anything about the religion itself. Also has the advantage of not forbidding shagging around/sexual assault, alcohol or the odd bacon buttie.
With any luck some shouty men in dickie bows will take all his cash off him (known as the "Tyson" in muslim circles)
In the interests of fairness you could be describing Christianity...
ffs give it a rest, millwall and their fans has nothing to do with this thread, nor should it be just because a millwall fan posted in it. Grow up and get a life
If you think the sentence was too short, or that for multiple convictions he should be inside for life, etc, then that's a seperate issue. But I tend to think he does have the right to play again.
I'd generally argue that footballers should be treated like any other punters, and for most of us if we had two spells inside and numerous other charges we wouldn't be keeping our jobs. So in summary, fuck him, he's scum.
He probably didn't do it the other 26 times, either.....