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Marlon King fails medical



  • [cite]Posted By: Mortimerician[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]half hour and no uproar maybe you all all agree
    So, you're saying that if the young woman that he hit was connected to you, you'd have him murdered, but as that's not the case you wouldn't mind cheering him if he signed for Charlton.

    Yup, all seems very sensible and well thought out, I'd be amazed if everyone doesn't agree.

    Thanks for enlightening us.

    Pretty good summary Mortimercian
  • didnt say i would cheer him morts in fact i dont think i would even be too pleased that he was playing for us

    no i am not on the wind up

    all i am doing is putting across a different side to the argument and lets be serious here someone somewhere will sign him, marlon king will play football again in front of men women and kids, if he does after the first initial season like lee hughes people will begin to forget,

    and if he starts banging in goals some of the same people that are on here and i dare say every other forum across the country would in the end forget what he has done and find reason to justify it.

    the other point i wanted to understand was that although yes he sexually assault that poor girl what is other peoples impression of sexual assault

    is the first thing that crosses your mind when you hear of someone being accused of sexual assault the touching of a girls bum in a nightclub.

    and would the sexual assault case stand up in court or even got there if the muggy no good fuka had not punched her

    the same as for example

    if you were busting for a slash after a few beers at an away game and there were 4 of you in a car it was 10 miles to the service station and the traffic although moving is not flowing at 70 and you got the driver too pullover at the side off the road in the hardshoulder so you can have a piss backside to the road not willy facing.

    is it indecent exposure because i have a pal who was charged with that in that scenerio and put on the sex offenders register for 3 years.

    or is it just a fine for being drunk and unable to hold your pee

    i am not saying we should go and get him just putting a different angle on the whole thing
  • Sorry NLA I got that, was just making a point.

    I kind of suspect that joe public might not have been stuck on the register (or even given such a harsh sentence). But, he's got a rap sheet as long as your arm and the world's probably going to be a nicer place with Marlon indoors for a while.

    If he worked for a bank (like I do) he'd not be getting a job again, after that little lot, so I can't see why football clubs should be so weak in the face of unacceptable employees. Lets face it - Wigan were keen to get a Championship player on a stupid wage off the books or they'd never have done the decent thing and sacked him. Same applies to Chelsea and Mutu (though he wasn't actually harming anyone but himself). I just think companies have an obligation to behave morally - and if you're employing someone that your local Tescos wouldn't accept. If some other club's morally weak enough to take them on, that's their business. If their fans are morally weak enough to cheer them, then that's their business. Personally I never cheered Thatcher - though he was never actually convicted of anything. I just thought he'd demonstrated through his actions that he wasn't someone that I had any respect or admiration for.

    I reckon the club should do the right thing and not have any truck with an individual like Marlon. If other clubs do, that's their business, but you can only manage your own morality.

    PS - if it was willy facing I'd say throw away the key. But as it is I reckon your buddy should have gotten a fine and sent on his way. Soon you'll not be able to have a wank in the office and we'll all be on the register :-)
  • NLA, from what I have read he didn't just touch her bottom, it was a lot worse than that. Even so, what would give him the right to touch someone's bottom anyway ? It is assault, pure and simple, and a total lack of respect.

    IF either Hughes or King came to Charlton you wouldn't see me at The Valley until they'd left. However, I couldn't imagine in a million years the people connected with our Club (RM,PV etc) even for one second considering signing them in the first place so I don't think I have much to worry about on that score.
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]NLA, from what I have read he didn't just touch her bottom, it was a lot worse than that. Even so, what would give him the right to touch someone's bottom anyway ? It is assault, pure and simple, and a total lack of respect.

    IF either Hughes or King came to Charlton you wouldn't see me at The Valley until they'd left. However, I couldn't imagine in a million years the people connected with our Club (RM,PV etc) even for one second considering signing them in the first place so I don't think I have much to worry about on that score.
    Respect your position Large and while I'd maybe not be strong enough to boycott, I'd not be comfortable, but I think the point is that the Sexual Offenders Register is being used in cases that it's not really been created for.

    Like Emergency Loans, I guess.
  • edited October 2009
    Large you are right he touched her she didnt want it = sexual assault i agree not an issue to me ,

    i just have a different image that comes into my mind when i hear the word sexual assault and from what i have read he grabbed her bum, when she challenged him he got all " dont you know who i am" argued with her group for several minutes including a former team mate and then smashed her in the face.

    He is a scum bag i totally agree with that point

    is it sexual assault yes it is

    would we have even known about it had he not brken her nose No we wouldnt,

    I have seen young men up and down the country grab young womans arses in night clubs and get either a mouthfull of abuse or a smack round the chops but i doubt any of them have been charged with sexual assault.

    For me the easiest way to remove people like King from the public eye and football is to have a code of conduct that is licensed and all pro footballers must adhere to that licence if you breach that licence you lose it if you lose it you cant get it back and your career is over.

    however i still think that someone will employ him and after a period of time some of those across the country that are all condeming him now and rightly so will end up cheering him.

    he will in 2 years time be firing a div 3 or 4 club to a title, then it is only going to be down to the morales of those at our club that can stop it being us
  • apparently he had 12 attempts before finally hitting her.
  • I (as I'm sure are many of us) was very surprised to hear Arsene Wengers comments; a man who I normally respect......yes, I'm very surprised indeed.
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]I (as I'm sure are many of us) was very surprised to hear Arsene Wengers comments; a man who I normally respect......yes, I'm very surprised indeed.

    Actually though exactly the same- I would have though he might have had those views but to express them publicly is most unlike AW..
  • what did wenger say
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  • Probably said he didn't see it.
  • Said he should be given a chance in football when released, otherwise we would never give anybody a chance for the mistakes they made. Misguided and possibly illinformed (being polite) in my opinion.
  • [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]Said he should be given a chance in football when released, otherwise we would never give anybody a chance for the mistakes they made. Misguided and possibly illinformed (being polite) in my opinion.
    He wouldn't get a second chance (actually fifth in Marlon's case, but never mind he's "illinformed" if he was a manager at McDonalds so why should Premiership role models be treated amy differently.

    Would you be so bleeding hearted if he'd just busted your sister's nose because she didn't fancy being raped to celebrate the birth of his new baby?
  • [cite]Posted By: SoundAsa£[/cite]I (as I'm sure are many of us) was very surprised to hear Arsene Wengers comments; a man who I normally respect......yes, I'm very surprised indeed.
    Crazy shit - suggesting that it's a good idea to check on the character of employees that you're paying more than a million pounds a year to. I can see why you might lose respect for him, and I imagine he's devastated to let you down in this way.
  • (To the tune of "Give the Dog a bone")........

    Punches girls in the eye
    Got caught now he's doing time
    They split his ring in D-wing
    They're all bummin' Marlon King !

    (Thanks to Russell Howard).
  • Personally, and knowing the full extent of his crime, I do believe he should be given the chance to play again when he is released.

    If you want to argue that the sentence is too short, well that's another issue. But by all intents and purposes, when he has served his time he should be able to return to his life. Like most other people do. Mortimerician, I'm not sure I agree with your point that people in other professions (ie. banking) would not be able to return to their industry. If you could offer a bank serious benefits upon your release, one would snap you up. And why shouldn't they? You have paid your debt, and you are free to integrate into society again.

    In some jobs, obviously, this isn't possible (if you've committed a crime related to your profession, for example). But for most, including footballers, the slate is clean upon your release. As is the underlying principle of crime punishment.

    It obviously will make it much harder to get a job with a criminal record, and you will no doubt enter back in much lower down and on much less money, because of social stigma issues. And King will be exactly the same - he will earn a fraction of what he once did, and probably outside the Premiership, upon his return. But I don't see why he should be treated differently to any other criminal upon release, just because his career is a well-paid, high profile one. That's not the way things should work. And I'm glad that they don't.

    Would I want to cheer him in the red shirt on a Saturday? Nope.

    But do I begrudge him the chance to return to his career after he has paid his debt? Nope.
  • [cite]Posted By: Barn Door Varney[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: cafcdan18[/cite]Out of him and Lee Hughes, both have committed terrible crimes (King on numerous occassions), but Hughes showed remorse and admitted guilt, also apparantly whilst inside Hughes did a lot of community based work and did try to improve his character (I read this in Adrian Chiles book on WBA). King clearly has never learned from his mistakes and will no doubt continue to show arrogance even when he is released. I am in no way condoning what Hughes did but he deserves a second chance a lot more than King ever will in my opinion.
    Fair play to Dave Whelan for sacking him but should really improve his business skills (he payed King 32k a week, what a joke that is)

    King punched someone in the face, Hughes killed someone FFS!

    What planet are you on??

    So if I drunkenly mowed down memebrs of your family and then legged it from the scene but showed remorse when I was in crown/up for parole that would be ok???


    King is a scumbag, always has been always will be

    Hughes is a coward, always has been always will. At the end of it King didn't kill anyone, Hughes did.
  • It just shows you how egotistical these Premiership millionaires are when they think they can do what they want just because they're footballers! He then botteled it by saying it wasn't him even though there was witnesses at the scene - what a scumbag! Even if he offered his services to Charlton for free I'd still say no!
  • Note that Coventry are looking to take the scumbag now he's out of prison. . .

    Wouldn't want him near our place.
  • If he scores the goals and he has done his time why not I hate him but he is decent.
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  • I could not condone King coming here, thank god we can not afford him.
  • Re igniting old ground this i nailed my colours to the mast back then
  • If Aide Bothroyd employs this man then he should be utterly ashamed of himself. ( and i use the word man reluctantly)
  • So he did 9 months like I said he would.

    No wonder we live in a broken society when violent criminals and sex fiends are given such derisory sentences.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]If Aide Bothroyd employs this man then he should be utterly ashamed of himself. ( and i use the word man reluctantly)

    Someone somewhere will though and thats the way people will see it in the end, scoring for you or against you

    that is what it will come down to in the end..

    Ask County fans about Lee Hughes fired them to promotion they love him yet he is a killer and a coward..

    I think that someone will nab him and he will score goals and whoever gets him i bet money they pull wigan out in the first cup competion they are in
  • Surely them getting King is another sign Eastwood is on his way out?
  • Hopefully we can get Eastwood now King might be goign there then
  • [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]If Aide Bothroyd employs this man then he should be utterly ashamed of himself. ( and i use the word man reluctantly)

    He will trot out the usual lines that 'everyone deserves a second chance' and 'he served his time'. If a club was prepared to take on Lee Hughes after he killed someone and ran away then they'll take Marlon King.
    Add to that the fact that football fans are fickle. If he scores goals for Coventry their fans will cheer him. Opposition fans will give him dogs abuse though and i see one of Coventry's early away games is at Millwall.
  • Interesting interview with Marlon Kings agent on Sky Sports News just now. The Sky Sports Newsreader really giving him a hard time, feel sorry for his agent, it was almost as if the Agent had been in the wrong!King really should come out and speak now and be a man, if he has got any man in him that is!
  • edited July 2010
    I don't think there is any doubt that King doesn't deserve to be given another opportunity to play professional football - a well paid and priviliged profession, but are we seriously suggesting that no-one should employ him, even Tescos?

    If that's the case then not only does Marlon remain a scumbag with a rap sheet the length of a roll of Andrex, he'll also be a scum bag on unemployment benefit - no doubt giving him more encouragemnet to get up to no-good whilst living off tax payers money.

    Part of me thinks we should allow him to get the biggest contract he can manage (let some mug chairman pay his wages not you and me) and then rape him for as much in tax as we can possibly get back to pay off all the police/court/prison costs he's racked up over the years.

    What to do with criminals in general is a tough one though. If we're sendimg them to prison to rehabilitate then you can't then pull the rug out from underneath them and ostracise (sp?) them from general society once they're released. The other alternative is with repeat offenders like King you just stop letting them out, but that's not a perfect solution because of the cost of imprisoning them.

    Personally I believe in second chances for all but the very worst of crimes. To my knowledge Lee Hughes made one very big mistake, but he's served his time and kept his nose clean since - so you could say in his case prison has worked.

    Thrid, fourth and fith chances are harder to give but realistically, what else can we do with someone like King?
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