I reckon between 12-14k, they will bring a couple of thousand
after Tuesday I said a categoric no, however now I am wavering and I know that come sat morning I'll be ringing round the usual crowd and we'll all end up down there.....................really hoping the likes of Dickson, Varney and Racon get 90 mins to (hopefully) show what they can do and put pressure on those who's place seems guaranteed however they perform !!
won't be there - Mrs Ledge's 40th birthday so taking her out to Boxwood Cafe in Knightsbridge and the vodka ice bar in heddon st. some things more important than football
bit gutted as I think Pards will give Dickson and the like a game and it would have been nice to see 'em
12,500. Yes I'll be there I never miss a home game by choice. My family are more important than Charlton, but I can always celebrate birthdays and the like in the evening or the next day. Have only missed on home game since we returned to The Valley and 6 home games since 1972. CHARLTON TILL I DIE.
Can't see many turning out for this although i'm taking my ol' man along for his 1st game of the season. Reckon it'll be 11,267. Hopefully Pards will play a few of the squad players as they deserve a chance to impress and we'll get a better performance than the supposidly 1st 11 have produced of late.
With it being cheap, West Brom bringing a few, being on a Saturday then 14, 957 unless it snows in which case the game will be called off due to slippery pavements around the ground.
Yes I'm going, I still have a special feeling for the FA Cup despite our cup form plus I'll be able to say that I saw the dawning of the new era when a new look Charlton side first took shape.
Not sure yet, probably. I'd really like to see Dickson in action.
Very doubtful.
More than likely not having just had to spend an unbudgeted £300 on a new washing machine. January is a long month!
I normally enjoy FA Cup 3rd Round day too but needs must.
and no!
after Tuesday I said a categoric no, however now I am wavering and I know that come sat morning I'll be ringing round the usual crowd and we'll all end up down there.....................really hoping the likes of Dickson, Varney and Racon get 90 mins to (hopefully) show what they can do and put pressure on those who's place seems guaranteed however they perform !!
Washing my hair.
no at the moment but if my vets game is called off a definite yes
won't be there - Mrs Ledge's 40th birthday so taking her out to Boxwood Cafe in Knightsbridge and the vodka ice bar in heddon st. some things more important than football
bit gutted as I think Pards will give Dickson and the like a game and it would have been nice to see 'em
Yes I'll be there I never miss a home game by choice. My family are more important than Charlton, but I can always celebrate birthdays and the like in the evening or the next day.
Have only missed on home game since we returned to The Valley and 6 home games since 1972.
I agree with that figure and don't know a soul that's going.
and a definate no and praying ooohaaah's vets game is cancelled so he has to suffer.
Definite no. I'd sooner go to watch Morris Dancing at the moment.
We are going as we have friends coming down from West Brom and making a day of it.
Other than a replay at Bradford in the late 80's have never missed a Charlton FA Cup game so no doubt will be there, havent got a ticket yet though.
With it being cheap, West Brom bringing a few, being on a Saturday then 14, 957 unless it snows in which case the game will be called off due to slippery pavements around the ground.
Yes I'm going, I still have a special feeling for the FA Cup despite our cup form plus I'll be able to say that I saw the dawning of the new era when a new look Charlton side first took shape.