1. If my message seriously offended anyone I apologise, but get a grip of yourself.
2. Im offended that just because a group of people want to march under the name of their Country and in support of the British troops that it's labelled racist - And you wonder why people march!!
3. AFKA - I respect your decision but I was under the impression that Non-Sport related meant, anything un-sport related, although I can see why you may be cautious due to the possible politics angle. Thanyou for saying I only had honest intentions, which is true.
4. The best way to "spread the word" in this day and age is internet forums. Being a member of this one (and someone who has viewed the site since it was set up), and netaddicks I thought it would be an ideal way to let people know about this march.
5. The last march saw many Charlton on it, woman, children and people from different ethnic backgrounds so people can shove the racist, national front, BNP accusations up there arse - SIDEWAYS!! Your so narrow minded it's unbelivable.
6. If you don't agree with a post, fair enough but why throw your toys out the pram. just don't reply!
7. You may not feel your culture is being eroded but I and others do. You may look back i 5, 10 or 20 years, all smug and be proved right, or you might just look back and think "that dick on Charlton life all those years ago, he had a point didn't he". Time will tell, I have my views, you have yours. im not trying to enforce mine on anyone else
8. I'll see some of you there - you know who you are!
9. Up the Addicks!!!!!!!!
Glad also to hear it's not a Facist, NF, BNP march as well cos they got run off the streets in the 30s, in the 50s, in the 70s and will be again whenever they show their heads. But that's nothing to do with this march so no need to worry.
I'm English and proud of my country's traditions of liberal democracy, free speech and racial, political and religous tolerance and integration and of rejecting extremist politics of both the left and right. Long may it continue.
Sorry AFKA.
True, there not an ENGLISH club but neither are that other lot. : - )
Real answer is nine in a row, one star on the shirt and to annoy my dad and brothers. : - )
can let us all know how our identity is being eroded, and why you think that being English has become a dirty word?
I'd be interested to know.
At no point in your original post did you mention the Armed Forces either. I have mates in the Army and RAF, and everytime they go to foreign land I pray for their safe return. But don't use my friends to try to defend and disguise your racist and narrow minded idealogy.
If the mods sink your post, don't throw your toys out the pram and start a new one, trying to shout down those that oppose you using a football (charlton!) messageboard to spout off 1930's Germany, far right political idea's. If, in answer to point 7, you're not trying to enforce your viewpoints, then why start a second discussion promoting this rally?
The thing that gets me most, and I would love to hear your views on it is this. You're encouraging people to be "Proud to be English" and to attend this march. What about people who emigrate from this country abroad? Should they no longer be proud to be English? In the same way that people who come to this country from abroad, should they no longer take pride in their own nationalities?
And don't say because "the PC brigade" won't let you, because you'll have lost the argument then.
Did you not learn geography at school? Or did Jon Gaunt in the Sun tell you it was all the foreigners' fault?
And don't give us this "up the Addicks" when you've posted the same on a Dagenham and Redbridge board.
Yet again I fail to see this. If you have inside knowledge then please share it with us Cunning Stunt. If you haven't then I really don't see what has been said here that is racist in anyway.
Call it stupid, misguided, outdated, misinformed, irrelevant - whatever. But "racist"?
SINK SINK SINK - wake up AFKA!!!!
A "march for our flag" in the back end of Westminster doesn't sound like much of a celebration of Englishness to me. It has all kinds of unpleasant connotations - and for "the organiser" to invoke the British armed forces for his two-bit skulk around side streets isn't worthy of the steam off their piss.
By the way. I smell like a dog at the moment - on account of a night out with my new work colleagues. Unfortunately despite this fact I am still unable to lick my own balls - although I have tried!
I'm happy to drink IPA until I fall over to celebrate Englishness, but not if it involves people moaning about things being "threatened" and whatever and a load of people whinging and whining.
Anyway, shouldn't you be off to your kennel? ;-)
I had you down as a Fuggles man myself.
(By the way, am still trying - but no good. Have resorted to mounting the cushion instead!)
Damn it, someone's going to have to sprinkle bromide in the dog bowl...
No-one gives a toss about it anymore - I'm as sick to death as the next man of not being able to be 'proud to be English' but, lets face it, what are we clinging to? Not much at the moment - I haven't had a single decent English interviewee in the past three years, the current generation of little turds doesn't exactly strike me as being the answer to our current cultural malaise, our politicians stink, any slight blip of success for any of our national sportsmen/women/teams is quickly buried in an avalanche of dross, the last truly great band this country produced was in about 1980, wibble wibble wibble...
Let them march - I couldn't give a monkeys either way. If you're going to let islamic fundamentalists march in the streets calling for the death of non-muslims I don't see how you can have the double standards necessary to deny a march like this has a right to take place, but lets call a spade a spade here eh? We're all grown up, and everyone knows what this is all about.
I don't agree with the aggression shown to him either and if he is proved wrong and this march is nothing more than a show by any extremists then I'm sure he will eat his words, and if he doesn't he deserves what comes his way. Remember if we were all to take the view of 'if the cap fits' blah blah blah then that is even more facist and freedom of speech restricting than is healthy. Only my humble opinion of course.
Agreed Leroy but the point is whether an advertisement for the march should be put on here when I'm sure a march in support of Al-Queda or anything similar would be removed.
That would have been me, and you still haven't told us who the organising committee are etc. A simple link will suffice...
Further when you have hardly ever posted here, an aggressive up-yours tone is hardly going to win you friends and tends to fuel, rather than allay the suggestion that perhaps there are other more sinister motives behind it?
Googling this story I see that a NF forum comes out as the first hit and on the first post I read:
"i know through speakin to various people on the internet that many many youth from across the country will be attendin this, so what better place to get new members..."
Another says:
"Are some of the Bulldogs still planning to attend? As I would still like to meet some of the younger NF lads even if this isn't the time to push the politics through."
So it would seem that some from the far right with questionable motives are getting involved, or planning to use this march for their own ends.
On to your point about the erosion of English culture: "You may not feel your culture is being eroded but I and others do. You may look back i 5, 10 or 20 years, all smug and be proved right, or you might just look back and think "that dick on Charlton life all those years ago, he had a point didn't he". Time will tell, I have my views, you have yours. im not trying to enforce mine on anyone else"
How so? This looks like rhetoric, and cheap knee-jerk reaction type rhetoric at that, can you add anything more substantive to the erosion of English culture? Can you give some examples? What is your definition of "Englishness"? Is it the intemperate language you use, and the poor grammar accompanying it? Or your inability to frame an argument, or conduct a debate? If you could just explain what you mean by "our culture being eroded" and do so more substantively then you may just get more of a sympathetic hearing, and if you have time to post here in order to tell us about the march, and even to traipse around London then you have the time to fill in these gaps, otherwise some posters here might just be right in thinking that you have other deeper, and perhaps racially backed motives for supporting this march.
The floor is yours...
Good read
No doubt after a hard days marching wearing their English clothes (made in India, Pakistan, Taiwan and China). The marchers will settle down and raise a pint to the St Georges flag with a beer (from Italy, Spain, France, Belgium) while disucussing this mornings news in English papers (owned by Auistralians and Americans). They'll call their mates on the English mobile (made in Sweden whose network is owned by the French), Jump in their English car (made by Germans) and off to the restaurant for a nice English meal (cooked by Indian, Chinese, Bangladeshi, Thai, Polish Chefs)
We live in a world of spin and statistics manipulation. While newspapers might tell us the world is going to the dogs to sell more papers or politcial parties picking on statistical fear for their own gain. The actual fact of the matter is that Teenage crime is down 45% in the past 10 years, child death figures are halved in the past 10 years. Funnily we're not a bunch of gun weilding headcases as firearms offences are down 13% from last year. Violent crime in general is down! Immigration is at a lower level than 2004, migrant workers have brought in nearly £40billion to the British Economy since 1997... i'm just wondering where exactly we English have a problem?!
Fact of the Matter is the English 'culture' has and always will be influenced by people coming into the country, we're an island for god sake. It's certainly not being erroded but moving like an organic beast as ALL cultures do. I for one think it's great and while I love a moan, i'm proud to be English, and i shall quietly express my Englishness by shopping for tiles for the bathroom!
PS I hope they are English tiles ; - )
As for the March, yeah, it's probably racist, this probably isn't the best place to advertise it but surely the best response would have been to have just not responded? The thread would have died without a trace. Nothing would have sent a clearer message than that.
Perhaps but I think that rather than banning or ignoring racists it is better to dismantle their very weak arguements as T and others have.
As for the March, yeah, it's probably racist, this probably isn't the best place to advertise it but surely the best response would have been to have just not responded? The thread would have died without a trace. Nothing would have sent a clearer message than that.[/quote]
Agreed PITL, and suprised by the aggression it stirs. Freedom of speech is encouraged in this country and rightly so, as is the freedom of reply. Just wished that both sides could approach it a bit more civil. I stated the case clearly of why we don't want subjects like this debated on here, and after this one they are likely to be automatically deleted.
As for the march, from what i can gather it has been organised by 'football lads'. So by that i rightly or wrongly envisage a collection of very old skool hoolies from various clubs coming together, couple with a load of yoof groups out to impress. All that will be achieved by such a march will be the police (namely football intelligence) getting lots of photos, names etc and piecing together who is in with who, and who they should keep their eye on at games. Possibly the easiest days work they've ever done in their life, and a chance for some older heads with jaundiced views getting a few more impressionable youngsters on side. I'm sure there will be many others with innocent motives their as well.
I don't agree with their motives on bit, for all the negatives of this country (and you would be wrong to say there are none), they are outweighed to me at least five times over by the positives. We live and belong to one of the most developed, advanced countries in the world, there is less poverty here than in 99% of the world, there is work and the chance to better yourself for anyone who wants it, and we make countries such as the one linked below seem centuries out of date.
Its a great country when compared to others, and we won't be here for long, so just enjoy it and embrace it.