Perhaps KHs name could be kept out of he FF? Just refer to him as a source. He could put it in a complaint about me to mytaxi albeit unlikely
But also don’t risk Roland going batshit about breaking the NDA and pulling the plug like with the Forest fella
Yes, understand both sensitivities.
Could just float the questions without mentioning a source and see how LDT responds. Assuming Harris IS regarded as an honest broker, if LDT continues to say price is agreed and the club are just waiting for the consortium to get their act together and submit paperwork, it gives some indication as to how much to believe what he says.
@Dazzler21 The deal is back on and should be complete sometime in the next two weeks or later. The buyers aren't aware of who the other buyers are; but neither are the other buyers. LdT is planning to provide some information at the next FF meeting, but we are not allowed to say what "FF" stands for any more, because swearing's been banned. RD is still planning to sell the club, but there are a few things he hasn't finalised yet: how much for, to whom, when and which club.
Also, one poster had a long chat with the guy that's central to the whole deal and provided him with all the information he asked about. It was really interesting. I bet you wish you'd read it now.
Dr Harris is a serious player in the football takeover world.
He is the Alex Ferguson of football takeovers (not the Guy Luzon).
And he is working for the Australian/American consortium.
That alone suggests to me that they can afford that type of broker and that they are taking this seriously.
Surely Gérard Murphy is acting for the Aussie and Harris finding bidders for RD, hence his knowledge that it's a one horse race. Why would Oz group need two brokers?
If the price had been agreed, but not specific details, what's been going on for the last 12 months?
I don't understand how the Aussies could let this process drag on so long, missing 3 transfer windows (Jan 18, summer 18 and Jan 19), while presumably their legal fees etc continue to mount up? Something doesn't add up to me.
Perhaps KHs name could be kept out of he FF? Just refer to him as a source. He could put it in a complaint about me to mytaxi albeit unlikely
But also don’t risk Roland going batshit about breaking the NDA and pulling the plug like with the Forest fella
Yes, understand both sensitivities.
Could just float the questions without mentioning a source and see how LDT responds. Assuming Harris IS regarded as an honest broker, if LDT continues to say price is agreed and the club are just waiting for the consortium to get their act together and submit paperwork, it gives some indication as to how much to believe what he says.
But Roland printed off CL for Jim White. I wonder if LDT will show this thread?
Perhaps KHs name could be kept out of he FF? Just refer to him as a source. He could put it in a complaint about me to mytaxi albeit unlikely
But also don’t risk Roland going batshit about breaking the NDA and pulling the plug like with the Forest fella
Obviously we shouldn’t jest due to the potential of any wrist slapping but secretly I’m loving the idea of him complaining and being summonsed in to taxiHQ to idly thumb through the 19,000 driver mug shots shaking his fist as he goes....
They would be mental to buy the club now with the window closed, we don't look good enough to go up and they would just be financing losses until May. I guess they would have a chance to come in and sign up the players out of contract.
That's the most important thing for me now, making sure we have a squad capable of competing next season, whichever division we are in.
Remember Bowyer inherited Robinson's squad last season and took us into the playoffs.
If the Aussies complete the deal now, they could help provide the stability the club needs to kick on next year whatever league we're in.
I am like Mulder in the X files - I want to believe. WIOTOS but great to read Taxi lads update.
Great if takeover can happen soon as the out of contract players situation can be sorted. Some players may be persuaded to stay if there is ambition again at the club.
Could just float the questions without mentioning a source and see how LDT responds. Assuming Harris IS regarded as an honest broker, if LDT continues to say price is agreed and the club are just waiting for the consortium to get their act together and submit paperwork, it gives some indication as to how much to believe what he says.
It’ll be fine. If he was that bothered he wouldn’t have told a Charlton fan anything. Or he might have said don’t tell anyone, or I’ll .....
Also, one poster had a long chat with the guy that's central to the whole deal and provided him with all the information he asked about. It was really interesting. I bet you wish you'd read it now.
Hope that helps..!
🎼Tie me kangaroo down sport, tie me kangaroo down🎼
I don't understand how the Aussies could let this process drag on so long, missing 3 transfer windows (Jan 18, summer 18 and Jan 19), while presumably their legal fees etc continue to mount up? Something doesn't add up to me.
Let's see where we are in August.
I am like Mulder in the X files - I want to believe. WIOTOS but great to read Taxi lads update.
Great if takeover can happen soon as the out of contract players situation can be sorted. Some players may be persuaded to stay if there is ambition again at the club.
Maybe not
I seem to have two quote buttos and some fancy icons
Omg it’s all happening!
Yes I’ve got two quote buttons too. What will they think of next!?
me too maybe it’s a sign!!!! 2 quote buttons, 2 weeks!!!!!
It's OK. Relax. I'm quite sure Tom (Rubbershoes) of Charlton doesn't read this site.
At least, not very often.
There's very little chance this will all get back to Roland.
Hmmmm some ploy to take Tourette’s off my mind maybe ffs