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Message to Roland



  • Mametz said:

    The reason I asked the question is that you have suggested protesting in Belgium.

    Given that, it does reasonable to ask if you have anything in particular in mind.

    I have said there is no point protesting in England so then it is down to proper fans to look at Belgium. If I had a plan I wouldn't tell an apologist for somebody who is trying to kill our club.
    ‘Proper fans’ ?!?

    Bit insulting to all those who can’t get to Belgium for one reason or another isn’t it?
  • Well, maybe you can provide an idea then?
  • @Covered End to say that he is looking to "reduce losses" makes it sound almost respectable.

    His stated goal in entering football is to show the world that he, Roland Duchatelet, can make money from football when other high profile businesspeople have failed to do so, thus finally proving his genius to a doubtful Belgian audience which has failed to show him the adulation he deserves.

    This does not mean that the football businesses are profitable, but only that he personally makes profit across all his football ventures. At Standard he emptied the coffers with a huge "dividend" payment, and continued to sell high profile players even as his own CEO wa struggling to put together the wedge to buy it off him. After finally getting it off him, they sank to the bottom of a league they have never been relegated from.

    Personally I see the sale of Grant with that backstory in kind, and have been warning of such a scenario for several months.

    I'm sure you don't fundamentally disagree, but let's not give him respectability with language that makes him sound like a normal rational businessman. He is neither normal nor rational in any of his football ventures.

    I agree and never said he is a normal rational businessman. We all know he is not.
    I said he is looking to reduce Charlton losses and he is as a matter of fact.
  • @Covered End to say that he is looking to "reduce losses" makes it sound almost respectable.

    His stated goal in entering football is to show the world that he, Roland Duchatelet, can make money from football when other high profile businesspeople have failed to do so, thus finally proving his genius to a doubtful Belgian audience which has failed to show him the adulation he deserves.

    This does not mean that the football businesses are profitable, but only that he personally makes profit across all his football ventures. At Standard he emptied the coffers with a huge "dividend" payment, and continued to sell high profile players even as his own CEO wa struggling to put together the wedge to buy it off him. After finally getting it off him, they sank to the bottom of a league they have never been relegated from.

    Personally I see the sale of Grant with that backstory in kind, and have been warning of such a scenario for several months.

    I'm sure you don't fundamentally disagree, but let's not give him respectability with language that makes him sound like a normal rational businessman. He is neither normal nor rational in any of his football ventures.

    I agree and never said he is a normal rational businessman. We all know he is not.
    I said he is looking to reduce Charlton losses and he is as a matter of fact.
    He is taking money out of the club on the basis that it is repayment of loan, thus starving it of the cash needed to make a credible promotion challenge.

    That is true as well, is it not? Just doesn't sound quite so benign, does it, when you look at it like that?

  • edited February 2019

    @Covered End to say that he is looking to "reduce losses" makes it sound almost respectable.

    His stated goal in entering football is to show the world that he, Roland Duchatelet, can make money from football when other high profile businesspeople have failed to do so, thus finally proving his genius to a doubtful Belgian audience which has failed to show him the adulation he deserves.

    This does not mean that the football businesses are profitable, but only that he personally makes profit across all his football ventures. At Standard he emptied the coffers with a huge "dividend" payment, and continued to sell high profile players even as his own CEO wa struggling to put together the wedge to buy it off him. After finally getting it off him, they sank to the bottom of a league they have never been relegated from.

    Personally I see the sale of Grant with that backstory in kind, and have been warning of such a scenario for several months.

    I'm sure you don't fundamentally disagree, but let's not give him respectability with language that makes him sound like a normal rational businessman. He is neither normal nor rational in any of his football ventures.

    I agree and never said he is a normal rational businessman. We all know he is not.
    I said he is looking to reduce Charlton losses and he is as a matter of fact.
    One-off payments such as the Grant transfer fee do not of themselves "reduce losses" (I accept wages of players sold are operating costs which may or may not be paid to someone else). A fee will reduce the total borrowed, but does nothing of itself to address the recurring structural problem and, as many have pointed out, in this case it may well increase the operating loss as well as further delay the sale of the club by helping to prevent promotion.

    I'm sure you understand that but it's an important distinction which shouldn't be lost.
  • edited February 2019
    U mijnheer bent een uitbarsting en wij zullen terug zijn zolang het voor u nodig is om Charlton te bemannen en te verkopen.
    al je positie in de Belgische gemeenschap heeft geleden en ook in je geboortestad Sint Truiden.

    Als u het belang en de urgentie van uw verkoop niet begrijpt, heeft dit onvermijdelijk invloed op uw reputatie.

    Gelieve onmiddellijk een verkoop tegen een gereduceerde prijs te vergemakkelijken.

    ‘You sir are a wanker and we will be back as long as it is necessary for you to man up and sell Charlton.

    Your position in the Belgian community has suffered and also in your hometown of Sint Truiden.

    If you do not understand the importance and urgency of your sale, this will inevitably further affect your reputation.

    Please immediately facilitate a sale at a reduced price.
  • My take for what its worth, all fans are by definition fans, season ticket holders, boycotters, home only, away only, when I can make it only, well off, not so well off, very young or very old, every last one of us are fans, and have our own story to tell.
    Roland is not a fan, he has absolutely no passion for this or any other club.
    The protests have to start again, if people want to join in the more the better, if people don't want to fine.
    Any future protests should not result in fans falling out, someone will have an idea, that will get the message out, get all fans onside, get support from outside of the fanbase, Belgium and further.
    The back to Valley Campaign featured several superb advertisements, showing our history and got the message out far and wide, no one offended, no fighting amongst ourselves, simply our story out for all to see.
    Using these we could display Rolands abject failure all over, placed in the right areas, Belgium, live TV games, live TV not at games, supported by quotes and facts, Talk Sport might have a view.
    We have to protest, not least because against all the odds we had something special, a partnership up front that worked, that gave us a chance, gave us hope, that put a smile back on Charlton faces, and we, and by we I mean the bit of our club that gets contracts signed is not fit for purpose.
    We still have our dreams our passion and unfortunately we still have Roland
  • edited February 2019

    Well, maybe you can provide an idea then?

    Actually the B20 have toyed with an idea for a while now. If it worked, Roland would hate it, Charlton fans would love it and it would get lots of publicity.
    All we need is someone with a reasonably steady nerve to do it.

    The downside is that there is the mild peril of a slight chance of a night or two in Belgian police custody (no more than that I would think). Most probably the purp, with a little help from his friends, would get clean away.

    Given your enthusiasm for a protest in Belgium, can I put your name forward?

  • edited February 2019
    Mametz said:

    Well, maybe you can provide an idea then?

    Actually the B20 have toyed with an idea for a while now. If it worked, Roland would hate it, Charlton fans would love it and it would get lots of publicity.
    All we need is someone with a reasonably steady nerve to do it.

    The downside is that there is the mild peril of a slight chance of a night or two in Belgian police custody (no more than that I would think). Most probably the purp, with a little help from his friends, would get clean away.

    Given your enthusiasm for a protest in Belgium, can I put your name forward?

    Can you share the idea? I am keen we do something in Belgium to annoy him within the law.
  • I am not proposing this as a suggestion or a course of action that anyone should consider or take part in. But, imagine if there were a picket at a Eurostar station - for example, Ebbsfeet - where a small group of Charlton fans made clear their objections to the continued ownership, by RD, of Charlton. You might imagine that would have little impact or interest.

    Unless... were done at precisely the same time that the UK left the EU. In which case, Belgian news media would likely be very interested in reporting how difficult it is to travel from London to Brussels. There will be traffic jams at the sea ports, leaving Eurostar as the most reliable, non-air manes of getting between the two capitals.

    If that chaos were exacerbated by a group of football fans increasing the difficulty at the Eurostar station, and the subject and purpose of their protest were a famous, rich Belgian, isn't it likely that would be reported widely in news media in Belgium?

    Let me be clear: I am absolutely not suggesting anyone undertakes this. But it would be interesting to speculate on the extent to which a small number of Charlton fans (a couple of dozen?) could travel only as far as Ebbsfleet and yet cause RD embarrassment in his home town.
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  • I think a way to damage his business interests is going to have most effect. Doing that legally isn't easy but if anybody has ideas?
  • Maybe if 150 people booked rooms in a hotel we could discuss it there?
  • I think a way to damage his business interests is going to have most effect. Doing that legally isn't easy but if anybody has ideas?

    Begins with an a.
  • Well, maybe you can provide an idea then?

    Without going into details, CARD have received a lot of support from me.

    So what about your derisory comment about ‘proper’ fans?
  • Can we picket one of his interests?

    Maybe dust off the old football rattles and make a lot of noise outside his office.
  • I will explain, although not for you specifically, but I had no intention of implying those fans who can not protest in Belgium are not proper fans. My intended implication was people who apologise for Duchatelet or say there is no point doing anything are not. I apologise if that was not clear, but it was pretty annoying watching that crap yesterday!

    I do apologise to Mamtez as it is clear he is a proper fan from discussion with him privately. More of a fan than most of us.
  • I will explain, although not for you specifically, but I had no intention of implying those fans who can not protest in Belgium are not proper fans. My intended implication was people who apologise for Duchatelet or say there is no point doing anything are not. I apologise if that was not clear, but it was pretty annoying watching that crap yesterday!

    I do apologise to Mamtez as it is clear he is a proper fan from discussion with him privately. More of a fan than most of us.

    Disagree and what you say is very divisive.
    We have a lot of proper fans who feel there is no point doing anything.
    I don't agree with them, but they are still proper fans and will have a multitude of reasons for not joining in.

    I had a number of disagreements with fans about this, but they were still proper fans and some of them never miss a home game.
  • Again, you are correct. Those that do not criticise those who do protest and just want to go football, are needed by the club. I was directing my anger, and it is anger, to those critical of protesters. I accept I did not articulate it very well, even with my apology. That is what anger does to you.
  • Again, you are correct. Those that do not criticise those who do protest and just want to go football, are needed by the club. I was directing my anger, and it is anger, to those critical of protesters. I accept I did not articulate it very well, even with my apology. That is what anger does to you.

    Mind you I'd go further than that.

    I've had fans quite aggressively angry with me for protesting, literally right in my face, but I know they are proper fans, because they never miss a home game.

    They just don't agree with protesting and some take the attitude that they back the owner for a number of different reasons.

    Proper fans with a different viewpoint.
  • But the owner is killing our club.
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  • Again, you are correct. Those that do not criticise those who do protest and just want to go football, are needed by the club. I was directing my anger, and it is anger, to those critical of protesters. I accept I did not articulate it very well, even with my apology. That is what anger does to you.

    Mind you I'd go further than that.

    I've had fans quite aggressively angry with me for protesting, literally right in my face, but I know they are proper fans, because they never miss a home game.

    They just don't agree with protesting and some take the attitude that they back the owner for a number of different reasons.

    Proper fans with a different viewpoint.
    Not getting into the "proper fans" debate because it's a ridiculous discussion? A very large number of fans had a change of heart about protesting around the time Robinson became manager? I think his hiring put paid to the protest movement and the general support of them at that time which seems quite ridiculous in hindsight. Would you protest now? I wouldn't, not because I think the poor players wouldn't like it, but because it's futile and that ship has sailed, just got to sit tight and hope the silly bastard somehow sells us and we go from there all together. If he doesn't and we don't go up I think we will be in big trouble next season and as a group of fans it'll be as much down to ALL of us. We had a lot of momentum and collectively gave up. Protesting after a 1-0 away defeat when we're in the top six would be childish.
  • edited February 2019
    In full agreement with a directive laid down by the CL Politburo, I shall refrain from using the C word when referring to our wonderful owner, a failing and character flaw on my part I also agree.

    There are so many more options anyway and I will certainly enjoy employing them. Was proud of the Flags as well!

    copher, ****, pussy, twat, cooter, beaver, fish lips, taco, camel toe, muff, snatch, fuck hole, garage, oven, love button, penis glove, cock sock, cock pocket, JJ, hoohah, bajingo, cum dumpster, sperm bottle, goop chute, slit, trim, quim, pooter, love rug, poontang, poonanie, cooch, tunnel of love, vertical bacon sandwich, bearded clam, cookie, cooleyhopper, nookie, the pink, honey pot, cunny, vag, meat curtains, hatchet wound, putz, fur burger, box, front bottom, gash, kebab, kitty, minge, snapper, catfish, vertical smile, lovebox, love canal, nana, flower, the cum dump, chocha, black hole, sperm sucker, fish sandwich, cock warmer, whisker biscuit, carpet, deep socket, cum craver, cock squeezer, slice of heaven, flesh cavern, the great divide, cherry, tongue depressor, clit slit,laps, fuzz box, fuzzy wuzzy, glory hole, grumble, man in the boat, mud flaps, mound, peach, piss flaps, the fish flap, he furry cup, stench-trench, wizard's sleeve, DNA dumpster, tuna town, split dick, bikini bizkit, cock holster, cockpit, snooch, kitty kat, poody tat, grassy knoll, cold cut combo, Jewel box, rosebud, curly curtains, furry furnace, slop hole, velcro love triangle, nether lips, where Uncle's doodle goes, altar of love, cupid's cupboard, bird's nest, bucket, cock-chafer, love glove, serpent socket, spunk-pot, hairy doughnut, fun hatch, spasm chasm, red lane, stinky speedway, bacon hole, belly entrance, sugar basin, sweet briar, breakfast of champions, wookie, fish mitten, fuck pocket, hump hole, pink circle, silk igloo, scrambled eggs between the legs, black oak, Republic of Labia, juice box, Golden Palace, fetus flaps, skins, sausage wallet, Holiest of Holies, sugar hole, The Death of Adam, home plate, Deer Hoof, Golden Arches, Cats Paw, Mule Nose, Yo Yo Smuggler, Mumbler, Dinner Roll, Crotch Waffle, Piss Fenders, crack, Melvin, Dove Breast, Brakepads, Vedgie, Slurpy, Vacuum Vulva, Pastrami Flaps, Hot Tamaki Walk, Buffalo Gums,Rooster Jaws, Wagon Ruts, Beaver Teeth, Mumble Pants, Ninja Boot, Marcia, Skin Canoe, Fatty, Mossy Jaw, The Big W, Chia Hole, Lip Jeans, Beetle Hood, Hungry Minge, Welly Top, Frum, Pancake Fold, Tongue Roll, Bologna Flap-Over, Furrogi (Poland), Fortune Nookie, Bearded Taco, Calamari Cockring, Displabia, Slot Pocket, Bluntfrunt, Fishamjig, Pole Magnet, Pocket Pie, Clamarama, kitty cage, Chicken's tongue, Conch shell, Crack of heaven, Dog's mouth, Door of life, Fly catcher, Fruit cup, Jelly roll, Lobster pot, bunny tuft, knish, her asshole neighbor, lotus, nappy dugout, moneymaker, womens weapon, tackle box, bone hider, red sea, pizzo, jizz recepticle, The Helmut Hide-A-Way, hairy heaven, furry 8 ball rack, crave cave, arbys with fur, fish canyon, toolshed, snake charmer, Furby, Enchilada of love, Ham sandwich, Camarillo brillo, Brazilian caterpillar, dick rack, boy in the canoe, flesh tuxedo, Mound of Venus, queef quarters, Venus butterfly, cream canal, apple pie, pie, wet mark, private area, thresher, punash, salami garage, slurpee machine, pink cookie, penalty box, ground zero, meat crease, bait, birth canal, holy grail, pole hole, pork pie, fuzz bucket, one-eyed python trail, bubble gum by the bum, stink rink, theme park, saloon doors, pink truffle, bitter & twisted, burger bar, meat counter, temperamental ringpiece, python syphon, big bud, the Wombsday Book, the condo downstate, snake lake, the indoor barbecue, pound cake, beef tomato, tickled pink, launch pad, horn of plenty, the indoor picnic, hamper of goodies, flapped bap, bonefish, close encounter with the turd kind, sperm bank, man's charity bash, bush tucker, midnight dip, the one-door vulva, the welcome opponent, the Twatlantic Ocean, temporary lodgings, field of dreams, bean, cooze, old catchers mitt, devil's hole, lucy, pish buffet, pooswaa, poonaner, davey jones locker, pink panther, tinker bell, south mouth, dick eater, wonder bread, wolly bolly, foxhole, hot pocket, head catcher, Lawrence of A Labia, silk funnel, dick driver, purple people penis eater, ponchita, cherry pop tart, fat rabbit, scunt, pee jaws, mingus, The Notorious V.A.G., dugout, babyoven, penis parking, cooter muffin, the promised land, cha cha, the shrine, bitch ditch, fury pink mink, mammal hole, ever-lasting cum stopper, the toothless blow job, happy flappy, wilt chamberlian's daily glove, the code defierthe salt water taffy factory, mommy's pie, the easy bake oven, the deflower patch, the virginator, the schlong sucker, the dea bone patch, the vegitarian's temptation, the vegan store, the blow hole, the pump protector, bag pipe, Spitball Bullseye, meat wagon, pickle stinker, jezebel's smell, yoni, willys haven, scrumpter, peach, sweat box, yeast pocket, penis warmer, tampon tunnel, penis pothole, cucumber canal, egg drop Box, sperm shack, dick dungeon, cock curator, b.o.b.'s bungalow, mommy parts, tuna pot pie, nice slice, peter vise, rack of clam, peters grove, penis purse, grandest canyon, fish dish, banana box, tuna spread, pink portal, count fapula, red river gorge, happy valley, revolving in/out door, baby zipper, richards house, stop-n-pop, bone polisher, packin shack, weiner wrap, clap trap, dildo hotel, axe gash, pearl hotel, sea food six pack, clam canal, coose canal, dick deposit, wand waxer, vidgie, erie canal, candy kiss, gauntlet, round mound of beehound,lick n' stick, lap flounder, tomahawk chop, chin-chin, pachinko, cuntry pie, lip tip, the big casino, one eyed worm hole, amazon forest, cock cave, fuck donut, coochie pop, babby, wet seal, pissy froth hole, bald biscuit, the unmentionable, mans ruin, peeshie, hairy potter, courtney cocksleve, panty hamster,deep pink, jaws of life, gizmo, faith, cock magnet, slippery slide, Meat tunnel, pink heaven, squid, dick basket, hot spot, poochika, pudding, bowl, love cave, squeeze-box, he bone collector, goodie basket, depository, pink turtleneck, bread-box, little debbie, pole hole, pandora's box,snail tracker, cuntzilla, homebase, pud pocket, bear trap, indian bones and the temple of poon, chanch, big montana, noochie, choot, golden valley, nappy roots, dick mitten, mystical fold, red bread, meat locker, douche luge, pushin cushion, cocktease
  • My message to him is this and I will put it in a polite way to the term we are all more familiar with...

    GO AWAY!
  • edited February 2019

    In full agreement with a directive laid down by the CL Politburo, I shall refrain from using the C word when referring to our wonderful owner, a failing and character flaw on my part I also agree.

    There are so many more options anyway and I will certainly enjoy employing them. Was proud of the Flags as well!

    copher, ****, pussy, twat, cooter, beaver, fish lips, taco, camel toe, muff, snatch, fuck hole, garage, oven, love button, penis glove, cock sock, cock pocket, JJ, hoohah, bajingo, cum dumpster, sperm bottle, goop chute, slit, trim, quim, pooter, love rug, poontang, poonanie, cooch, tunnel of love, vertical bacon sandwich, bearded clam, cookie, cooleyhopper, nookie, the pink, honey pot, cunny, vag, meat curtains, hatchet wound, putz, fur burger, box, front bottom, gash, kebab, kitty, minge, snapper, catfish, vertical smile, lovebox, love canal, nana, flower, the cum dump, chocha, black hole, sperm sucker, fish sandwich, cock warmer, whisker biscuit, carpet, deep socket, cum craver, cock squeezer, slice of heaven, flesh cavern, the great divide, cherry, tongue depressor, clit slit,laps, fuzz box, fuzzy wuzzy, glory hole, grumble, man in the boat, mud flaps, mound, peach, piss flaps, the fish flap, he furry cup, stench-trench, wizard's sleeve, DNA dumpster, tuna town, split dick, bikini bizkit, cock holster, cockpit, snooch, kitty kat, poody tat, grassy knoll, cold cut combo, Jewel box, rosebud, curly curtains, furry furnace, slop hole, velcro love triangle, nether lips, where Uncle's doodle goes, altar of love, cupid's cupboard, bird's nest, bucket, cock-chafer, love glove, serpent socket, spunk-pot, hairy doughnut, fun hatch, spasm chasm, red lane, stinky speedway, bacon hole, belly entrance, sugar basin, sweet briar, breakfast of champions, wookie, fish mitten, fuck pocket, hump hole, pink circle, silk igloo, scrambled eggs between the legs, black oak, Republic of Labia, juice box, Golden Palace, fetus flaps, skins, sausage wallet, Holiest of Holies, sugar hole, The Death of Adam, home plate, Deer Hoof, Golden Arches, Cats Paw, Mule Nose, Yo Yo Smuggler, Mumbler, Dinner Roll, Crotch Waffle, Piss Fenders, crack, Melvin, Dove Breast, Brakepads, Vedgie, Slurpy, Vacuum Vulva, Pastrami Flaps, Hot Tamaki Walk, Buffalo Gums,Rooster Jaws, Wagon Ruts, Beaver Teeth, Mumble Pants, Ninja Boot, Marcia, Skin Canoe, Fatty, Mossy Jaw, The Big W, Chia Hole, Lip Jeans, Beetle Hood, Hungry Minge, Welly Top, Frum, Pancake Fold, Tongue Roll, Bologna Flap-Over, Furrogi (Poland), Fortune Nookie, Bearded Taco, Calamari Cockring, Displabia, Slot Pocket, Bluntfrunt, Fishamjig, Pole Magnet, Pocket Pie, Clamarama, kitty cage, Chicken's tongue, Conch shell, Crack of heaven, Dog's mouth, Door of life, Fly catcher, Fruit cup, Jelly roll, Lobster pot, bunny tuft, knish, her asshole neighbor, lotus, nappy dugout, moneymaker, womens weapon, tackle box, bone hider, red sea, pizzo, jizz recepticle, The Helmut Hide-A-Way, hairy heaven, furry 8 ball rack, crave cave, arbys with fur, fish canyon, toolshed, snake charmer, Furby, Enchilada of love, Ham sandwich, Camarillo brillo, Brazilian caterpillar, dick rack, boy in the canoe, flesh tuxedo, Mound of Venus, queef quarters, Venus butterfly, cream canal, apple pie, pie, wet mark, private area, thresher, punash, salami garage, slurpee machine, pink cookie, penalty box, ground zero, meat crease, bait, birth canal, holy grail, pole hole, pork pie, fuzz bucket, one-eyed python trail, bubble gum by the bum, stink rink, theme park, saloon doors, pink truffle, bitter & twisted, burger bar, meat counter, temperamental ringpiece, python syphon, big bud, the Wombsday Book, the condo downstate, snake lake, the indoor barbecue, pound cake, beef tomato, tickled pink, launch pad, horn of plenty, the indoor picnic, hamper of goodies, flapped bap, bonefish, close encounter with the turd kind, sperm bank, man's charity bash, bush tucker, midnight dip, the one-door vulva, the welcome opponent, the Twatlantic Ocean, temporary lodgings, field of dreams, bean, cooze, old catchers mitt, devil's hole, lucy, pish buffet, pooswaa, poonaner, davey jones locker, pink panther, tinker bell, south mouth, dick eater, wonder bread, wolly bolly, foxhole, hot pocket, head catcher, Lawrence of A Labia, silk funnel, dick driver, purple people penis eater, ponchita, cherry pop tart, fat rabbit, scunt, pee jaws, mingus, The Notorious V.A.G., dugout, babyoven, penis parking, cooter muffin, the promised land, cha cha, the shrine, bitch ditch, fury pink mink, mammal hole, ever-lasting cum stopper, the toothless blow job, happy flappy, wilt chamberlian's daily glove, the code defierthe salt water taffy factory, mommy's pie, the easy bake oven, the deflower patch, the virginator, the schlong sucker, the dea bone patch, the vegitarian's temptation, the vegan store, the blow hole, the pump protector, bag pipe, Spitball Bullseye, meat wagon, pickle stinker, jezebel's smell, yoni, willys haven, scrumpter, peach, sweat box, yeast pocket, penis warmer, tampon tunnel, penis pothole, cucumber canal, egg drop Box, sperm shack, dick dungeon, cock curator, b.o.b.'s bungalow, mommy parts, tuna pot pie, nice slice, peter vise, rack of clam, peters grove, penis purse, grandest canyon, fish dish, banana box, tuna spread, pink portal, count fapula, red river gorge, happy valley, revolving in/out door, baby zipper, richards house, stop-n-pop, bone polisher, packin shack, weiner wrap, clap trap, dildo hotel, axe gash, pearl hotel, sea food six pack, clam canal, coose canal, dick deposit, wand waxer, vidgie, erie canal, candy kiss, gauntlet, round mound of beehound,lick n' stick, lap flounder, tomahawk chop, chin-chin, pachinko, cuntry pie, lip tip, the big casino, one eyed worm hole, amazon forest, cock cave, fuck donut, coochie pop, babby, wet seal, pissy froth hole, bald biscuit, the unmentionable, mans ruin, peeshie, hairy potter, courtney cocksleve, panty hamster,deep pink, jaws of life, gizmo, faith, cock magnet, slippery slide, Meat tunnel, pink heaven, squid, dick basket, hot spot, poochika, pudding, bowl, love cave, squeeze-box, he bone collector, goodie basket, depository, pink turtleneck, bread-box, little debbie, pole hole, pandora's box,snail tracker, cuntzilla, homebase, pud pocket, bear trap, indian bones and the temple of poon, chanch, big montana, noochie, choot, golden valley, nappy roots, dick mitten, mystical fold, red bread, meat locker, douche luge, pushin cushion, cocktease

    Try singing that to the Only Fools & Horses tune...

    & it ends with a Bush...!!
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Roland Out Forever!