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Winter Carp Fishing!!

Afternoon Lifers,

I'm planning a 48hr session later in the month at Monk Lakes, and wondered if anyone had used Boillies gluggled in Baileys before? If so do you have any tips for a Stick/Bag mix?

Even if you haven't used them, would be interest to here your thoughts?

Also any other tips or hints etc anyone wants to add will be great.


  • Fake corn pop up's worked there last weekend for me, 26lb and 10lb and my friend had a few good doubles.
  • Willmore - Nice, thanks for that. do you fish there often? what kind of partical mix was you using? i hear that spodding is a no no there, kills the swim aparently!
  • Try the tickling method. You may need a snorkle.
    Love a bit of Carp.
  • Damn, I left my snorkle in portugal last year. No tickling! what about hipnosis? Either that or I suppose I'm going to have to try a tempt one out with a rod & reel!
  • All fishing is hard in the winter.
  • I accidentally left the hosepipe on when topping up my pond yesterday afternoon. Only realised this morning when the shower was bloody hot. Water all over the patio but it's done a grand job of clearing the water. Noticed a couple of my mirror and grass carp have got massive, one of the grass carp must be at least 18 inches long.
  • Willmore - Nice, thanks for that. do you fish there often? what kind of partical mix was you using? i hear that spodding is a no no there, kills the swim aparently!

    Try to get down there twice a month, I tend to agree that spodding there isn't a good idea. I use dynamite baits mixed particles mainly any tackle shop will sell something like it.
  • Watch it on telly this time of year!
  • Fair play to you chaps. My carping is reserved for much milder months.

    A bit of chubbing and some spinning down on the rivers for me at this time of year.
  • Try soaking Cell pop-ups in Malibu that seems to work, Bailey's on a sloppy spod mix is a winner on the right water. Havn't been too monks for a while but from memory the dynamite tiger nut boilees went well.
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  • Sloppy spod mix? Ooh err
  • If anyone is interested in a week in France doing a bit of "carping", me mate runs a lake with fish upto 55lb! Contact me and I'll give you in information!

    Tight lines!
  • Nothing wrong with a big lob worm or nice lump of luncheon meat, catfood is worth a try.
  • I still keep it simple and seem to get as many fish as anyone else.....a string of sweetcorn on a freelined hair rig is favourite, and the majority of fish I catch are no more than a rod length or two out. Same method on a bolt rig for slightly longer distance fishing assuming I can get some ground bait out as an attractor. As an old Carp Study group friend told me long ago, its not about chucking out as much of the current "in bait" and hoping, its all about watching and studying where the fish go. He would often visit a fishery and just watch for a session before actually fishing.
  • Always worth trying the margins and another option is the method feeder.
    Halibut pellet or a lump of meat rolled in some garlic granules works just as well.
  • fatrob said:

    All fishing is hard in the winter.

    Ocassionally go ice fishing here, wander out onto a frozen lake, drill a hole through the ice (its very thick) - stick your line down, drink, drink and drink some more. You even have a portable hut to sit in and a little heater to keep you warm while you drink.

  • Oakster said:

    fatrob said:

    All fishing is hard in the winter.

    Ocassionally go ice fishing here, wander out onto a frozen lake, drill a hole through the ice (its very thick) - stick your line down, drink, drink and drink some more. You even have a portable hut to sit in and a little heater to keep you warm while you drink.

    I am not sure how that could be considered a fun pastime by any sane individual, apart from the drinking bit obviously.
  • edited October 2018
    I know it's not winter yet, however feel the need to get out on a lake this weekend... Going to head over to a local match lake to see how I get on. Does anyone have any autumnal fishing tips?

    I'll be giving the Monster Tiger Red Amo boilies a go as I've head good things.
  • Dynamite works best
  • Depends on the depth Dazz, to be honest most of the commercial lakes the carp still seem to be cruising about on the top at the moment. I was out last weekend when it was colder than it is now and I could have caught with a float rod. However a few balls of groundbait got them grubbing around on the bottom and the feeder rod was bending all day.
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  • Depends on the depth Dazz, to be honest most of the commercial lakes the carp still seem to be cruising about on the top at the moment. I was out last weekend when it was colder than it is now and I could have caught with a float rod. However a few balls of groundbait got them grubbing around on the bottom and the feeder rod was bending all day.

    Yeah I'll probably go one off the float and one off the bottom as I don't have any good books to read at the moment.
  • edited October 2018
    4 fish ranging from 8-15lb.

    Not a bad day, lost two just as I brought the net to them too. One my rig snapped, the other the hook snapped!

    I'll take the blame for the first, the second was just a total beast fish.

    This one was the cleanest looking of the bunch, beautiful fish.
  • Currently out on a 48hr at my local syndicate currently blanking!!
  • I done 48 hours down at Furnace Lakes last weekend and had fish up to 29lb, I think the warm weather (for October) helped. Love getting out on the lakes but don’t do it as much as I’d like to. Tights lines everyone!
  • Redweb said:

    I done 48 hours down at Furnace Lakes last weekend and had fish up to 29lb, I think the warm weather (for October) helped. Love getting out on the lakes but don’t do it as much as I’d like to. Tights lines everyone!

    I don't like the owner at furnace, but once back in the swing will give it a try.
  • edited October 2018
    Just to confirm today I was on Sumners match lake.
  • edited October 2018
    Oakster said:

    fatrob said:

    All fishing is hard in the winter.

    Ocassionally go ice fishing here, wander out onto a frozen lake, drill a hole through the ice (its very thick) - stick your line down, drink, drink and drink some more. You even have a portable hut to sit in and a little heater to keep you warm while you drink.

    And get so pissed that the heater melts the ice and you fall through!
  • Currently out on a 48hr at my local syndicate currently blanking!!

    Just to confirm it was a total blank
    It must have been bad as didn't even get pestered by the bream
  • Charlton Life, the best place for a bit of carping
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