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Expectations for next season



  • 8-10th
  • It'll be the same mistakes as this season (and the previous two). Rumors circulating today that another foreign nobody is on the way to take charge of the team - reasonably positive start to the season and then fall away alarmingly due to lack of depth in squad.

    Think we'll stay up quite comfortably next season, mid-table mediocrity by the end. Relegation the following year if these c#*ts haven't fecked off.
  • Top third of the table but never really pushing even for a play-off place. Enough wins to quell the worst of the unrest but continuing shambles off the field and a squad which few will remember in a season or two. As for crowds ... does 6000 for a home game constitute a crowd or a gathering?
  • The person running the club has told us not to have high expectations. It would be ridiculous for us to have anything more than that if that is the case.

    Going into last year I had no expectation as to what would happen - just didn't know. This coming season is looking a lot bleaker, even if we are in a 'easier' league.
  • KM said RD does not do failure, so relegation is a success, when she says not to have high expectations, where does that put us, administration?
  • Bottom half, but safe from relegation.
  • My expectations were low before Katrien opened her gob, now they are even lower, bottom 6.
  • A relegation battle.

    Someone please inform Mr Duchatelet and Ms. Meire that it's the bottom four that get relegated from League 1, not the bottom three.

    I don't want them to be 'surprised' by this fact in late March when we are comfortably placed in 21st position, six points above third bottom but 6 points from actual safety.
  • The highlight for me will be the next instalment of the seat replacement programme during the close season.
  • Continuing Belgian waffle = relegation
    Change of ownership NOW = safety
    Change of ownership in August = relegation or near miss
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  • edited May 2016
    20% relegation
    30% lower half the table,
    30% upper half the table,
    10% play offs,
    7.5% auto's
    2.5% Champions
  • The season will divide into three parts. A bad start, followed by a bad mid-season, followed by a bad run-in.
  • I expect the lowest crowds since the mid 1980`s and relegation while Roland Duchalet owns and runs the club.
  • Expect utter bilge, followed by a sticking plaster in the January window which might save us. Like every other season with these clowns.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    20% relegation
    30% lower half the table,
    30% upper half the table,
    10% play offs,
    7.5% auto's
    2.5% Champions

    What have you done with oohaah ?

  • Without a new owner, I expect a season of pain and misery again, followed by another relegation. In other words, very low expectations.
    Highlight, the protests will be well rehearsed and fine-tuned by then!
  • Their incompetence will not change,so neither will the team's. It is as simple and depressing as that really.
  • Expect utter bilge, followed by a sticking plaster in the January window which might save us. Like every other season with these clowns.

    The current sticking plaster has lost his stickiness due to being reapplied ;-)
  • Mid table, sparse crowds, more youngsters breaking through, no cup runs - no Local Derbys, boring non event basically - young fans gradually drift away and the pattern is set for the foreseeable with crowds dwindling year on year
  • I expect they will change month by month over the next year. At the moment, mid to lower middle.
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  • Will have had two managers next season with us ending bottom eight and struggling to avoid relegation.

    Advertised sub 10,000 gates.

    Oh joy!
  • Relegated to league 2. A team of kids and no marks in front of 7-8000.
  • Ah, the sun goes down in that parallel world and it's safe for those who hear the trip tropping over the bridge to put their heads up eithout immediately turning to stone.

    Good to see you out Colin, sun up in a few hours.
  • colin1961 said:

    Promotion back to the championship ... No problem

    I think my prediction wil be nearer the mark. I'll bet you a straight ton that yours doesn't happen.
  • I think we'll just miss out on a Champions' League spot but should get a Europa League place, if not by our league position, by winning at least one of the cup competitions.
  • milo said:

    I think we'll just miss out on a Champions' League spot but should get a Europa League place, if not by our league position, by winning at least one of the cup competitions.

    I think you're on the wrong forum mate.
  • Expectations for next season: A play in one act.

    Enter stage left.
    Me: Fancy coming Charlton?
    Friend: Who you playing?
    Me: Bury, away.
    Friend: You're alright, mate.

    And scene.
  • Target 20k to be renamed Target 15k. Gates around the 9 to 10,000 Mark.

    Nobby Vinegar to be sacked in November after a FA Cup first round defeat away at Worthing.

    Guy Luzon named as interim head coach and guides a young Charlton side to a respectable 12th spot after being in the bottom 4 in December.

    Knocked out of the JPT Southern final over 2 legs against Swindon.

  • colin1961 said:

    Promotion back to the championship ... No problem


    So sad.
  • If we have the same owners, then I'll take anything above relegation.
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