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Neighbours,do you know yours?

edited December 2007 in Not Sports Related
I do and nearly everyone in our street knows and looks out for each other,peeps are inviting themselves round for a drink and handing over cards,it's an excuse to escape something or other but good fun, what are your neighbours like?


  • edited December 2007
    I live in a block of flats with 3 other people on our floor, when we moved in we made a point of knocking and saying hello to everyone and they all looked at us like we were mad! Say "alright" if we pass on the stairs now but thats about it. Shame really.
  • Yeah my neighbours are great but being Canadian can be a bit overly friendly and rabbit on outside the door when it's pissing down or something and you just want to get inside.
  • edited December 2007
    they are ok, to my left is a lady who has recently battled through cancer and I would do pretty much anything for her, to the right is a party girl who should know better at her age, still good luck to her
  • My next door neighbour is an Olympic athlete - Canadian Cross Country Skier - very nice bloke.....
  • Don't know either of mine at home home. Though one of them once rung environmental health on my 18th.

    At my uni house we only know them from when they come round to complain about the noise as well.

    Don't live in a massively student residential area?
  • He came round the other month and signed an away shirt for our son's birthday...


    Have had to refrain from tackling "the bloke behind us" over the last couple of months !!!

    Other neighbours have chats and feed cats when they go away ... all very refreshing after leaving Blackheath 2 years ago
  • Say hello to the bloke on the left, shout at the kids over on the right.

    Had one neighbour shot dead in the front garden about 6 years ago ....
  • [cite]Posted By: Riscardo[/cite]Had one neighbour shot dead in the front garden about 6 years ago ....
    Blimey, Riscardo, what did the poor bloke do to upset you??
  • The lady to one side of me is ok. On her own and always say hello to each other over the fence. The bloke the other side of me is also a single man and a teacher and say hello when I see him but I'm not too sure what to make of him. A lady who lives adjacent to me is the one I chat to most as she is a carer and is still pretty fit for her age and also a well nice lady.

    Other than that I have had new people move in two houses along and I think they are going to be hassle as they have already blocked my motor in twice since they have been there and don't seem too fussed about mess neither
  • We have a mad couple to the left of us. Good fun to chat to, but like to do DIY at strange hours for short periods. Like 5 minutes of drilling at 10:30pm. I sometimes wonder if they are trying to emulate the West's. The other side are a young couple, get on okay with them although they havent been there long. Two doors up is very strange. The woman who lives there had a husband who disappeared a few years ago. No one knows where and he never sees the kids, they are vaguely related to the DIY family and I wonder if they helped him dissappear.

    Other than the possible serial killer activity everyone gets on pretty well.
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  • Fat noisy horrible ******* one side who I frequently dream about killing and burying in the garden. Lovely bloke the other side, lives on his own and has a nice collection of Star Trek/Star Wars t-shirts. Everyone else in the street is nice and we all say hello/morning etc. as we pass and often have a moan about the people that live next to me! Lovely old dear a couple of doors down who has lived in the same house for years and now just uses the downstairs to live in as she can't make it upstairs (victorian terrance, stairs like Mount Everest!).

    I get Christmas cards from most of them but being "environmentally friendly" I don't bother to send any in return.
  • Only got neighbours on one side. Really nice couple. He's 70, lifelong Charlton, ST in the West, his Grandfather was involved in setting-up the club in 1905 and their daughter works for CAFC. Needless to say, we can always find something to talk about!
  • edited December 2007
    we say hi to our neighbours in our actual house (victorian conversion 4 storey thing) and talk on email every now and then about the issues in our block as we're leaseholders and the owners are crap.

    the guy who used to post on netaddicks as ValleyBoyLost - Steve - lives a bit further up our road, so we often chat and walk up the road with him.

    got a hostel thing next door to us, but never see anyone coming or going.

    a couple of dodgy scousers live opposite us.
  • speak to a few over the road (PBS parents livein my road - very nice people)

    say a passing hello to the people next door, but I'm sure that will change when I shoot their cat if it craps on my front drive once more...
  • How is VBL Sooze?
    Havent seen him in yonks!!
  • [cite]Posted By: carlingaddick[/cite]How is VBL Sooze?
    Havent seen him in yonks!!

    He's really good. tends to go to watch Welling more than Charlton these days, although we saw him the other week and he came to the Sheff U game, and wishes he hadn't bothered!
  • [cite]Posted By: suzisausage[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: carlingaddick[/cite]How is VBL Sooze?
    Havent seen him in yonks!!

    He's really good. tends to go to watch Welling more than Charlton these days, although we saw him the other week and he came to the Sheff U game, and wishes he hadn't bothered!

    cool. glad to hear he is ok..
  • love my neighbours. they were all at the wedding upstairs and downstairs.

    and know about 8 residents of charlton lane, can be like ramsey street walking down there some days. we all met through drinking through what once used to be a lovely little drinking establishment, the Royal Oak... rip.
  • Barely know anyone in my road - never really see any of them. A neigh on recluse next door left and a Chinese couple right. Hillsy's parents a bit further down.

    My parents do a bit of tinkering in Summer in my front garden and seem to know everyone.........
  • neighbours on right are friends of ours who bought the house from bloke across the road who's mum lived there and passed away so they are great.

    to the left is a Indian family who are mad as hell but lovely neighbours. the husband has chronic arthritis and was stuggling to cut privet hedge in back garden that borders ours. I offered to do it and they were amazed because the previous owners of our house used to make him do it.

    I bargained and got a lovely home made curry for payment - and she came in to teach the wife how to cook curry properly - FANTASTIC - not bad for 1/2 hours work.

    quite a friendly bunch in our road to be fair so quite lucky.
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  • Used to know all my neighbours - would get turn outs of up to 20 of us in the Vanbrugh Tavern and all went to parties / weddings etc together....lived in the street for 8 years and for some reason most of us moved in at approx the same time, all approx the same age and so we all just got on.. Moved into new street 3 weeks ago and still getting to know neighbours, but am only one road away from last place, so still see old my 'old' nighbours...
  • I had similar to mr Charlie, when I lived in Fingal street. A lot of us similar age, we still have a football team based loosely around it. My birds neighbours are mostly chavvy low life unfortunately, and my new neighbours to be, are all about eighty.. oh well.
  • don't really do anything more than 'hello's, and more than happy with that. Would rather have a polite but distant relationship with neighbours, than a too friendly one. Have never been in a neighbours house in the last ten years.

    Have an old couple on one side, him a CAFC ST holder, and a couple in 30s with young daughter on the other side. Instantly forgot their names when introduced months ago, but have got a reminder thanks to the card that come through the door at the weekend !
  • forgot to say - in our previous house were very friendly with one set of neighbours - went on holiday together and we moved house the same day - and still see each other now a year a nd a bit on.
  • edited December 2007
    [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]I My birds neighbours are mostly chavvy low life unfortunately, and my new neighbours to be, are all about eighty.. oh well.

    Blimey, you should hear what they say about you
  • Live in a fairly, friendly social road, everyone looks out for each other.I particularly look out for the 2 especially fit sisters who own next door.
  • well they can't say that I have eighteen cars, an assortment of white vans, loads of annoying fat mates tooting their horns too much cost they can't walk 20ft to their front doors, or that I block their drive without asking, you get da picture?
  • [cite]Posted By: razil[/cite]you get da picture?

    I'm checking yoo blud
  • LOL, come to papa
  • edited December 2007
    [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]don't really do anything more than 'hello's, and more than happy with that. Would rather have a polite but distant relationship with neighbours, than a too friendly one. Have never been in a neighbours house in the last ten years.

    they can come in handy at times... typical sunday afternoon, go for a nice walk to oxleas woods, and fancy stopping in the Bull pub for a quick four or 5... you already have chicken in the oven, covered and fully prepped then ring lovely neighbour and tell him to pop upstairs to turn on oven... and that you'll be home in an hour.

    or also comes in handy when you pop out - thinkin you had turned the oven on properly to bake a spud and neighbour rings you an hour later saying theres a terrible pong of gas coming my flat and you send him upstairs to turn off the oven... telling him to do it in the dark and not switch on the lights just in case.

    also very handy when your pissed out of your tree and have lost handbag etc and can knock up aforementioned neighbour to get the spares off him.

    actually im a nightmare neighbour i think!
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