As of 4pm on 4 January, only 32 hours after launch, the fighting fund has already reached £2310. We know of other further pledges that will be added soon.
What an amazing, generous response! Thank you all so much to those who have donated, and also to those who have been in touch to pledge support and a donation soon.
We are now, therefore, in a position to “open for business”. We are pleased to now invite CL members who are planning/organising protests and would like financial support to get in touch. This is what you have to do and what happens next:
1. Do not post any details on CL.
2. PM
@Davo55 and
@Curb-It simply to tell us you are planning a protest and provide your personal email address.
3. Davo55 will email the given address and seek a statement which must give:
- the name of the protest campaign/initiative/activity (if there is one)
- a brief description of the planned protest with dates
- how much funding is sought and for what specific purpose, itemised to a reasonable level
Note: Please include sufficient detail to satisfy us that the protest will be legal in all respects. If this is in doubt we will not be able to agree the request
4. On receipt of that information, Davo55 and Curb_It will confer and decide whether to agree the request, and if so, with how much i.e. full or partial funding depending on the case put forward, amount requested and amount of funds available. The aim is to get sufficient detail in the initial statement but we would seek further clarity if required.
5. The decision and any offer of funding will be emailed back to the protest planner/organiser. The funding may only be used for the activity and purpose given in the statement. Any unused funds must be advised to Davo55 and Curb_It and returned to the fund as soon as possible. The legality and overall conduct of the protest activity will be the sole responsibility of the protest planner/organiser. The protest planner/organiser will be required to formally acknowledge and accept these requirements.
Please keep the donations flowing in. You can contribute to the fund by bank transfer to:
Brenda Smith
Sort code 20-68-04
Account number 50661678
Please give your CL user name as a reference and PM us, so we can identify you as the donor.
Those wishing to use PayPal should PM Curb_It for details.
Thanks again for all the generous donations and support.
Alan (Davo55) and Brenda (Curb_It)
If you could message me if you are a user on here.
Also some of you still need to learn how to use the inbox rather than posting on the activity wall.
You are all very generous.
: - )
thanks all.
Edit: I'll take Airman's "like" as agreement with my view. Other views would be welcome though.
There is no problem with voicing an opinion as long as it isn’t slanderous or untrue. you can use our online booking platform to search for sites, simply click on the search panels button at the top of our home page and follow the instructions through a short email verification process.
Once you’ve found your sites simply pop them in your basket and complete the booking just like any other online shop. once you’ve done this we’ll send you artwork delivery specs which show you how your artwork should be sent to us so we can print it.
Be aware that if the site is on land owned by the club they will as the landlord have the right to aske for it to be removed. so aim for something close by and not on the building or land around the stadium. you can also find guidelines from the ASA (advertising standards authority) website to help you circumvent any challenges to your designs.
A reasonable amount of billboards/sites around Charlton and Greenwich , but a few of interest :
685 woolwich way - £727PW available from 15th Feb
Anchor & Hope lane junc Bugsby way - £248PW available from 29th Feb
Thanks StoneM. Generous donation received
Is there a poster on her with the initials J A H?
Thanks everyone.
Power to the Protesters!
After yesterday, others might be thinking of chipping in too. Just as a reminder, you can contribute to the fund by bank transfer to:
Brenda Smith
Sort code 20-68-04
Account number 50661678
Please give your CL user name as a reference and PM us, so we can identify you as the donor.
Those wishing to use PayPal should PM Curb_It for details.
Many thanks again to all who have given. Let's try and get the total above £4000 in the next few days.
I will update again on Monday now.
Thanks again everyone.
I am drunk though.