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Miners Rescue

Its got me hooked to sky news!!

also....All credit to Oakley. A marketing masterstroke!


  • Stevie Wonder lookalike comp.
  • How cool did they look?
  • Just watching it on Sky now , I like the way they are bringing them up Juan by Juan
  • lol shag.

    Well i missed news at home this morning so just watched the small vid on BBC news. Lovely to have a good news story.
  • Pedro rodierez, one of the trapped Chilean miners was said to be distraught last night after being told he'd forgotten to clock on at the start of his shift
  • you'd be gutted if you were last and left your wallet down there....
  • Imagine being the poor bastard who gets out as randy as a goat and then finds out his missus has her monthly friend come to visit.....
  • One of them is getting out to find out his daughter has just been born. Another might want to stay down there as his missus has found out about his other lover. Wonder which one he will go and hug first
  • Thank goodness they didn't send the Americans special forces in to rescue them. Though a couple of yahoos in balaclavas running around whooping and throwing grenades down the mine would have been good telly and it'd be fun hearing Haig trying to justify it all.
  • Thought from the title of this thread they'd raided Gary Glitter's holiday home.
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  • Any truth in the rumour that they are next going to fly to Liverpool to advise Roy Hodgson how to dig themselves out of a big hole?
  • Apparently the escape pod is only 22" wide...

    Lucky I wasn't down there...
  • [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]Any truth in the rumour that they are next going to fly to Liverpool to advise Roy Hodgson how to dig themselves out of a big hole?

    Boom boom
  • edited October 2010
    how unlike a politician to make the most out of human misery.. (their President former owner of a tv station has stage managed the whole event)

  • I haven't been watching and thought they were starting to get them out last night, I've just turned news on and only 15 miners have been brought up. Why is it taking so long, I bet sky news thought it would be over in a matter of hours. So did I actually.
  • No 16 on his way up, I just cannot contain my excitement!
  • Not sure everyone on here appreciates the sheer engineering achievement in this rescue.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Not sure everyone on here appreciates the sheer engineering achievement in this rescue.

    That's a miner aspect to this story. Pits it all into perspective really doesn't it?
  • They introduce them like they're in Miss World.

    Jose is 34 and one of seventeen brothers. 14 of them are miners. Jose's father and grandad were both miners. His wife makes baskets to sell at the market.......
  • Glad to see that most of the country have just spent the best part of Thatchers 85th birthday watching Miners.
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  • Some of the wives are pretty tasty. Also, why did they send up the strongest ones first and keep the weakest till last?
  • [cite]Posted By: sygonrima[/cite]Glad to see that most of the country have just spent the best part of Thatchers 85th birthday watching Miners.

  • Everyone above ground should have dressed up in planet of the apes costumes and as thery brought them up said "a lot's changed since you've been down there"
  • Chilean miner making love to his wife for first time since release:

    Miner: 'Can we switch the lights off?' . . .
    Wife: 'Of course honey' . . .

    Miner: 'Can I have you from behind?' . . .
    Wife: 'Anything you want my brave boy' . . .

    Miner: 'Can I call you Pedro? . . . . . '
  • one day the british miners will be rescued from arthur scargills hole, he has talked out of his rse for years whilst miners have continued to disappear.
  • I've just heard that Gary Glitter is on his way to Chile.

    'Cos it's the only country that you can have minors going up and down your shaft and get a round of applause !
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