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Off to the Apple Store in Regents Street...



  • Apple pushes the boundaries then other companies have a look, copy and improve.
    Apple then come back and the whole process starts again.
    Surely this is a good thing for the industry as a whole?

    Even 3 years later, other companies are still releasing 'iPhone killers' with various degrees of success.
    Without Apple getting the ball rolling, the smartphone revolution wouldn't have happened as the need wasn't seen to be there.

    About 10 years ago I had a bleeding edge Sony Mini Disc walkman and things just didn't get any better in my mind.
    When the first Mp3 players came out I couldn't see the point until I went on a journey with a mate who had one and all his music was stored in the unit while mine was rolling around in my bag in a series of discs.
    Pretty soon I had my own iPod.
    Apple perfected the Mp3 player and made other companies want to get involved.

    I like Apple products and wouldn't dream of ever going back to owning a Windows PC, however I do understand why Apple's success makes it fashionable by some to knock the company in the same way that I can't stand Chelsea FC.

    As for the queuing aspect, it all depends upon your attitude to early adoption.
    For sure the product will be cheaper and 'better' after a few tweaks but without the early adopters the product would be shelved as a flop.

    I'll probably pick up an iPad in the next few months, purely for the reason that it'll save the battery on my iPhone when I'm sitting on the sofa.
  • I'm thinking of getting one because I've always wanted to read a newspaper or a book.
  • It's nothing to do with Apple's success making people jealous. Apple Macs used to be the preserve of silly c***s who rode scooters to work, wore 'street' fashions despite being born and bred in Guildford, thought Jarvis Cocker glasses were cool and did graphic design for a living (i.e. pissed around with Photoshop for two hours each day and spent the rest of their working lives on the Internet). Suddenly, about eight years ago, every numpty on Earth seemed to think this was the height of cool, and jumped on the bandwagon - despite Apple's 'walled garden' approach meaning they could charge 40% more than competitors with products that were just as good, knowing that the sheep would still buy them because they were 'cool'. Apple are a phenomenon like Nike. Everyone who knows anything about technology knows that the iPad is no better than the old tablet PCs - the same as everyone who knows anything about running shoes knows that there is no difference between a 20 quid pair of Hi-Tec and a £120 pair of Nikes. That doesn't stop millions of dopey teenagers lining the pockets of incredibly rich Americans by paying five times what the running shoes are actually worth.

    Contrary to popular belief, Apple did not invent the MP3 player. I had two of them before the first iPod even existed. By the time the iPod came out, I had one with bigger capacity, that I could fill with MY music without using the absolute f***ing abomination that is iTunes, cost me £40 less and lasted five years. I bought an mp3 player with a nice big screen to watch video on long before Apple caught onto that market. For the gym, I now have an mp3 player that is much smaller in size than the iPod shuffle, with a screen, and four times the capacity of the largest shuffle available. It cost me 60% less than the Shuffle would have. I also had a Pocket PC that had internet capability long before the iPhone was even dreamed about - and it could multitask back in 2003.

    Apple no more 'perfected' the mp3 player (or, for that matter, the mobile phone) than Cliff Richard 'perfected' thrash metal.

    The sole reason Apple thrives is because of the status involved in owning an Apple device. It's the reason Louis Vuitton can spend 60 million quid on opening a store whilst we're still in the grip of the biggest economic crisis the world has ever faced, the same reason kids used to murder each other for overpriced trainers, and the same reason there are cars out there that cost more than the GNP of Eritrea to buy. People WANT to waste money.
  • It's all about personal preference.
    I personally don't mind iTunes.
    I rarely buy my music or video from their (expensive) store but the system works well and the genius function is pure witchcraft.
    I've lost count of the times it has made the most perfect 'mix tape' in seconds for me.

    I never said Apple invented the mp3 player - I had a really crappy one first and then eventually progressed to an iPod later on.
    I did say and stand by the fact that they perfected it. Small kids and old timers can all use them easily without having to become techno wizards.
    Any new mp3 player will always be compared to the iPod as the standard to be aspired to.

    Sure, there may be other products with better spec and also for less £ but Apple products are always so easy to use and look so damned sexy.
    The iPhone, whether you like it or not, is a cultural icon and yes there may be better phones with better cameras and better individual functions but as an overall package, even after 3 years of trying, it's only really with the release of the HTC Desire that anyone has really managed to come close.

    Maybe you are right that the only reason Apple thrives is because of 'status'.
    If that is the case then it goes against the usual pattern of exclusivity.

    Maybe people are thinking they know they're never going to own a dream car or live in a dream home but they can afford to live lives with some cool gadgets??

    I happen to like Apple, (but not only Apple).
    I'm not going to buy any old pile of poo just because of the fruit label.

    However, whenever Apple release something it's news.
    When was the last time a story about for example, Samsung releasing a new product was headline news around the globe?

    I'm sure you are right that the products are over priced.
    I'm sure you are right that there are other products that work just as well.
    Only problem is, they often look like they've been designed by people only interested in the internal gubbins to the detriment of the parts you are going to see on a day to day basis.
    If it makes me shallow, so be it.

    (If this makes no sense it's probably due to the amount of ale and the time in the morning.)
  • That's fair enough - and is a totally honest assessment. Now if only crApple fanbois would be as honest about the company as you've been - instead of spouting crud about them 'reinventing technology' :)

    Can you really see any compelling reason to buy an iPad though? Other than the fact it's an Apple gadget, that is? If this piece of overpriced tat succeeds, it will signal that Apple really can sell any old shite - because I can see ZERO need to own it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]It's nothing to do with Apple's success making people jealous. Apple Macs used to be the preserve of silly c***s who rode scooters to work, wore 'street' fashions despite being born and bred in Guildford, thought Jarvis Cocker glasses were cool and did graphic design for a living (i.e. pissed around with Photoshop for two hours each day and spent the rest of their working lives on the Internet). Suddenly, about eight years ago, every numpty on Earth seemed to think this was the height of cool, and jumped on the bandwagon - despite Apple's 'walled garden' approach meaning they could charge 40% more than competitors with products that were just as good, knowing that the sheep would still buy them because they were 'cool'. Apple are a phenomenon like Nike. Everyone who knows anything about technology knows that the iPad is no better than the old tablet PCs - the same as everyone who knows anything about running shoes knows that there is no difference between a 20 quid pair of Hi-Tec and a £120 pair of Nikes. That doesn't stop millions of dopey teenagers lining the pockets of incredibly rich Americans by paying five times what the running shoes are actually worth.

    Contrary to popular belief, Apple did not invent the MP3 player. I had two of them before the first iPod even existed. By the time the iPod came out, I had one with bigger capacity, that I could fill with MY music without using the absolute f***ing abomination that is iTunes, cost me £40 less and lasted five years. I bought an mp3 player with a nice big screen to watch video on long before Apple caught onto that market. For the gym, I now have an mp3 player that is much smaller in size than the iPod shuffle, with a screen, and four times the capacity of the largest shuffle available. It cost me 60% less than the Shuffle would have. I also had a Pocket PC that had internet capability long before the iPhone was even dreamed about - and it could multitask back in 2003.

    Apple no more 'perfected' the mp3 player (or, for that matter, the mobile phone) than Cliff Richard 'perfected' thrash metal.

    The sole reason Apple thrives is because of the status involved in owning an Apple device. It's the reason Louis Vuitton can spend 60 million quid on opening a store whilst we're still in the grip of the biggest economic crisis the world has ever faced, the same reason kids used to murder each other for overpriced trainers, and the same reason there are cars out there that cost more than the GNP of Eritrea to buy. People WANT to waste money.

    Jesus, Ambrose.
    Do you ever post anything that doesn't smack of "smug cnut syndrome"
  • [cite]Posted By: Six-a-bag-of-nuts[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]It's nothing to do with Apple's success making people jealous. Apple Macs used to be the preserve of silly c***s who rode scooters to work, wore 'street' fashions despite being born and bred in Guildford, thought Jarvis Cocker glasses were cool and did graphic design for a living (i.e. pissed around with Photoshop for two hours each day and spent the rest of their working lives on the Internet). Suddenly, about eight years ago, every numpty on Earth seemed to think this was the height of cool, and jumped on the bandwagon - despite Apple's 'walled garden' approach meaning they could charge 40% more than competitors with products that were just as good, knowing that the sheep would still buy them because they were 'cool'. Apple are a phenomenon like Nike. Everyone who knows anything about technology knows that the iPad is no better than the old tablet PCs - the same as everyone who knows anything about running shoes knows that there is no difference between a 20 quid pair of Hi-Tec and a £120 pair of Nikes. That doesn't stop millions of dopey teenagers lining the pockets of incredibly rich Americans by paying five times what the running shoes are actually worth.

    Contrary to popular belief, Apple did not invent the MP3 player. I had two of them before the first iPod even existed. By the time the iPod came out, I had one with bigger capacity, that I could fill with MY music without using the absolute f***ing abomination that is iTunes, cost me £40 less and lasted five years. I bought an mp3 player with a nice big screen to watch video on long before Apple caught onto that market. For the gym, I now have an mp3 player that is much smaller in size than the iPod shuffle, with a screen, and four times the capacity of the largest shuffle available. It cost me 60% less than the Shuffle would have. I also had a Pocket PC that had internet capability long before the iPhone was even dreamed about - and it could multitask back in 2003.

    Apple no more 'perfected' the mp3 player (or, for that matter, the mobile phone) than Cliff Richard 'perfected' thrash metal.

    The sole reason Apple thrives is because of the status involved in owning an Apple device. It's the reason Louis Vuitton can spend 60 million quid on opening a store whilst we're still in the grip of the biggest economic crisis the world has ever faced, the same reason kids used to murder each other for overpriced trainers, and the same reason there are cars out there that cost more than the GNP of Eritrea to buy. People WANT to waste money.

    Jesus, Ambrose.
    Do you ever post anything that doesn't smack of "smug cnut syndrome"
    No - do you ever post anything that doesn't smack of "thick cnut disorder"?
  • [cite]Posted By: Marco[/cite]It's all about personal preference.
    I personally don't mind iTunes.
    I rarely buy my music or video from their (expensive) store but the system works well and the genius function is pure witchcraft.
    I've lost count of the times it has made the most perfect 'mix tape' in seconds for me.

    I never said Apple invented the mp3 player - I had a really crappy one first and then eventually progressed to an iPod later on.
    I did say and stand by the fact that they perfected it. Small kids and old timers can all use them easily without having to become techno wizards.
    Any new mp3 player will always be compared to the iPod as the standard to be aspired to.

    Sure, there may be other products with better spec and also for less £ but Apple products are always so easy to use and look so damned sexy.
    The iPhone, whether you like it or not, is a cultural icon and yes there may be better phones with better cameras and better individual functions but as an overall package, even after 3 years of trying, it's only really with the release of the HTC Desire that anyone has really managed to come close.

    Maybe you are right that the only reason Apple thrives is because of 'status'.
    If that is the case then it goes against the usual pattern of exclusivity.

    Maybe people are thinking they know they're never going to own a dream car or live in a dream home but they can afford to live lives with some cool gadgets??

    I happen to like Apple, (but not only Apple).
    I'm not going to buy any old pile of poo just because of the fruit label.

    However, whenever Apple release something it's news.
    When was the last time a story about for example, Samsung releasing a new product was headline news around the globe?

    I'm sure you are right that the products are over priced.
    I'm sure you are right that there are other products that work just as well.
    Only problem is, they often look like they've been designed by people only interested in the internal gubbins to the detriment of the parts you are going to see on a day to day basis.
    If it makes me shallow, so be it.

    (If this makes no sense it's probably due to the amount of ale and the time in the morning.)

    Great summary, and I completely agree.

    When the iPod first came out, Apple didn't have the status it does now, yet it still exponentially expanded the market. They may not have invented it but they were the first company to commercialise the idea and that can't be scoffed at. Very few people had an mp3 player before the iPod.

    As for the iPad, if I had 600 quid lying around gathering dust I'd buy one because it does look impressive when web surfing in a leisurely way and playing video. But I don't and at the moment it's a niche product for people with more money than sense....
  • [cite]Posted By: Six-a-bag-of-nuts[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]

    Jesus, Ambrose.
    Do you ever post anything that doesn't smack of "smug cnut syndrome"
    No - do you ever post anything that doesn't smack of "thick cnut disorder"?

    Vestri caput capitis est in vestri arse
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  • The techies, geek boys and code monkeys just don't get it. Or maybe they feel threatened by it? The ipad IS NOT A COMPUTER or a PHONE. It is a completely new consumer device primarily designed to consume traditional printed media. As well as performing this primary function it also allows you to surf and experience the web in a much more convenient and casual way than a computer with its clunky physical input devices or a smart phone with its tiny screen.

    I have never in my life considered, for one second, buying an Apple product until now. I own an ipod shuffle that I was given at a corporate do some years ago but have used it for no more than 20 minutes. I am not really a consumer of recorded music and I find the sound quality on MP3 players very poor.

    The iphone is way overpriced and I don't think it acceptable that you have to charge your mobile phone every day, or twice a day if you actually use it.

    I would never buy a Mac. They are seriously overpriced and the idea of my personal computer being 'locked-down' by its manufacturer is not acceptable.
  • [cite]Posted By: Six-a-bag-of-nuts[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]

    Jesus, Ambrose.
    Do you ever post anything that doesn't smack of "smug cnut syndrome"
    No - do you ever post anything that doesn't smack of "thick cnut disorder"?
  • So, basically, it's an e-book reader?
  • So, basically, it's an e-book reader?

    that allows you to open, edit and and save Word & Excel documents with Apple software
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]So, basically, it's an e-book reader?

    In the same way that the first MP3 player was just another version of a sony walkman.
  • LeroyAmbrose wrote "It's nothing to do with Apple's success making people jealous. Apple Macs used to be the preserve of silly c***s who rode scooters to work, wore 'street' fashions despite being born and bred in Guildford, thought Jarvis Cocker glasses were cool and did graphic design for a living (i.e. pissed around with Photoshop for two hours each day and spent the rest of their working lives on the Internet)"


  • This is worrying.
    The picture looks like me.
  • I dont get this Apple fixation, maybe they are good but they turn normally sane people into mini Apple marketing execs, I'm sure if I got my Nokia out in the pub and started giving people a guided tour of the functions I'd get some funny looks but this is aparantly the done thing with Iphones and their 'apps'.
    Seriously anyone who queues up to get one needs to have a long look at themselves (and I do appreciate the irony of this coming from someone posting on a messagebaord at 2 in the morning), It's like the nutters stampeding to get in the new Ikea in edmonton, consumerism gone mad.
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