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+++ Alfie May - signs on a 2 year deal + 1year option (p4) +++



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    mendonca said:
    He had a kid recently I think? I hope sleepless nights aren't hitting him too hard as we need that bright and clinical version of Alfie until the end of season.
    He had a little boy a month ago.  They have 3 boys now all under 4 so I imagine sleep is suffering a bit

    he’ll be back
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    mendonca said:
    He had a kid recently I think? I hope sleepless nights aren't hitting him too hard as we need that bright and clinical version of Alfie until the end of season.
    Heard from a reliable source he hasn't.  
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    Had the best shooting chance of the game by a mile and managed to miss the target. Not happening for him after a hot start.
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    edited February 25
    Is that when the ball came across at him close in , I think Kanu got a slight deflection on that 
    to me Kanus chance early on was simple and he missed the target hitting the post with a slight scruffy shot in to the ground .

    but 1 in 13 is not great but there is fuck all creativity in this slide so he’s got to feed off scraps 
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    He couldn't really ask for an easier March to score some goals tbf
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    News outlets pushing 3 Man U stories. Not saying being named the EFL player of the year is a top story but ffs

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    fenaddick said:
    Sorry to piss on everyone's chips but he's not the EFL player of the year. The LFA (not the EFL) have decided he's the been the best EFL player in London this year, still very impressive of course
    Ah.....that'll explain it then. As you were ha
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    Seems such a lovely humble bloke. 
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    Dazzler's comment on the twitter post :)

    Well done Alfie, a good timely boost I'd say.
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    Well done Alfie.
    It made my evening.
    I tried hard to buy his signed shirt but I assume another Addick outbid me. But anyway we made sure his shirt was one of the most expensive in the auction.
    All proceeds go to the wonderful Willow Foundation.
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    Swisdom said:
    I was talking to Mrs May (and the new baby) yesterday and she was nervous and excited for him.  She said one of the players nominated was about to go to prison so hopefully that increases Alfie’s chances.

    Alfie wasn’t thinking too much because he got home from Derby at 3am and then had to look after the kids all day  while his wife was off getting her hair done 😀😀
    she’s ideal for him tbf.  Such a normal person and she definitely keeps him grounded
    Convict: Charlie Kirk

    Crime: Stealing a football living

    Sentence: Life (in a northern footballing outpost)
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    edited March 3
    Well done Alfie was at the game yesterday and yes he missed a good chance which hit the post not as if he skewed it wide or made a total mess apart from that his general play and work rate was class but according to Mr itk on the other site if there's a list of players to go next season may should be on it 😂 yeah not even used as a sub or back up a player with 21 goals who's struggling a bit in a struggling team but yeah let's sell him we want to be real madrid next year.
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    Jesus, someone actually thinks that!!!! May has been one of a very few positives in a very disappointing season. My view is that if jones took over with a blank canvas, may wouldn't be the type of player he would sign. But to say May should go, is a contender for stupid post of the season award.
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    Don’t think Jones is keen on May , he’s already dropped/rested him 
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    Jesus, someone actually thinks that!!!! May has been one of a very few positives in a very disappointing season. My view is that if jones took over with a blank canvas, may wouldn't be the type of player he would sign. But to say May should go, is a contender for stupid post of the season award.
    Without May's goals we'd be comfortable bottom four.

    He'll be our POTY by a mile.
    Exactly but people are posting (not on here) that he should go
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    Jesus, someone actually thinks that!!!! May has been one of a very few positives in a very disappointing season. My view is that if jones took over with a blank canvas, may wouldn't be the type of player he would sign. But to say May should go, is a contender for stupid post of the season award.
    Without May's goals we'd be comfortable bottom four.

    He'll be our POTY by a mile.
    Exactly but people are posting (not on here) that he should go

  • Options
    Jesus, someone actually thinks that!!!! May has been one of a very few positives in a very disappointing season. My view is that if jones took over with a blank canvas, may wouldn't be the type of player he would sign. But to say May should go, is a contender for stupid post of the season award.
    Without May's goals we'd be comfortable bottom four.

    He'll be our POTY by a mile.
    Exactly but people are posting (not on here) that he should go
    One person who rarely watches us live, not people.
    But that one person has a little band of followers who believe every word. Person could soon become people
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