Personally don't mind Argentina going through as i want to see big games at a world cup and i'd rather see them play France than Nigeria or Iceland. Think France will beat them though, the Argie defence is so weak.
So they re-showed Maradona's middle fingers gesture on BBC - I wouldn't have even given it the airtime personally, no-one can be surprised at his antics- the man has no dignity and hasn't had for 25 years.
He shouldn't even be allowed within 100 miles of any FIFA sanctioned event - don't give a fuck what he achieved in the past.
Minutes to go to go through to knockout stage and you forget that a guy is on his own 10 feet behind you on the edge of the box and you should/had beern marking him .... U are being very kind!
They'll be out soon though, still looked poor.
Hope he stays in their defence.
Would love to see them slaughtered to see his reaction.
But would love to see Messi lift the World Cup(obviously Kane would be my 1st choice but if not Kane then Messi)
Feel for Nigeria, but that's the way it goes.
Maradona - genius footballer, cnut of a man.
What were the odds for Argentina to win the world cup after the Croatia defeat?
He shouldn't even be allowed within 100 miles of any FIFA sanctioned event - don't give a fuck what he achieved in the past.
He won't forget that moment, that's for sure...
France, Argentina, Portugal or Uruguay will be one of the semi finalists in the top half.
Meanwhile one of Spain, Croatia, Russia or Denmark are guaranteed to be a semi finalist in the bottom half.