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Prediction Cups - Revised draws

Apologies to those that tried to view online at 12.30pm. My internet went down for 30 minutes. I did announce that the draw would be rescheduled for 1.15pm but I didn’t give much notice. At least, the draw didn't have the same team coming out twice!


  • edited January 2018
    The draws for the 2nd round of the Prediction Knock Out Cup and Johnstone Paint Prediction Cup have been completed. The ties will be played over the weekend of 20/21 January. The replays for the first round will take place this weekend (13/14 January). Good luck to everyone!!

    (Revised draws after the replays will be published next week)

    The draw for the 2nd round of the main competition is:

    56yearsofdreams (85) [Lg2] v. stonemuse (63) [Lg1]
    ranegera (99) [Conf] v. Webbja77 (9) [Prem] OR charltonkeston (59) [Lg1]
    Karim_myBagheri (121) [BHSL] v. addick1965 (104) [Conf] OR thai malaysia addick (27) [Champ]
    Elthamaddick (81) [Lg2] v. Low_Ears (70) [Lg2]
    Bill_Stumps (36) [Champ] v. chezzafromcharlton (4) [Prem]
    NorthHeathAddick (83) [Lg2] v. charltonman2016 (80) [Lg2]
    Wellingtentioned (79) [Lg2] v. Chef_addick (89) [Lg2] OR CAFCSpooney (21) [Champ]
    T.C.E (28) [Champ] OR supaclive (95) [Conf] v. charltonnick (49) [Lg1] OR cafcdave123 (119) [BHSL]
    blackpool72 (88) [Lg2] v. c4fcdenmark (66) [Lg1]
    The31YearMan (124) [BHSL] v. Glosfan (6) [Prem]
    IdleHans (32) [Champ] v. Charlton_Stu (12) [Prem] OR PaddyP17 (108) [Conf]
    sarge1g (128) [BHSL] v. MrLargo (98) [Conf] OR eaststandmike (15) [Prem]
    Boysie (107) [Conf] v. WestSussexAddick (71) [Lg2]
    Nicholas (51) [Lg1] OR philcafc (92) [Lg2] v. SaySomething (5) [Prem]
    Covered End (60) [Lg1] v. GoOnYouHaddocks (16) [Prem]
    croydonaddick (125) [BHSL] v. Swerve (103) [Conf] OR leftbehind (122) [BHSL]
    RedDave4 (52) [Lg1] OR Taxi_Lad (1) [Prem] v. MrOneLung (50) [Lg1]
    Bournemouth Addick (37) [Champ] v. RaplhMilne (33) [Champ]
    ChicagoAddick (22) [Champ] v. foresthillred (68) [Lg1]
    bertieB (106) [Conf] OR Badger (118) [BHSL] v. flyingkiwi (82) [Lg2] OR ellisaddick (112) [Conf]
    lancashire lad (127) [BHSL] OR Algarveaddick (87) [Lg2] v. North Lower Neil (23) [Champ]
    Redmidland (93) [Conf] v. SDAddick (100) [Conf]
    stackitsteve (102) [Conf] OR clb74 (110) [Conf] v. StrikerFirmani (35) [Champ]
    Bangkokaddick (41) [Champ] v. killerandflash (76) [Lg2]
    jdsd42 (114) [Conf] OR No1 in South London (47) [Lg1] v. robroy (17) [Prem]
    shirty5 (25) [Champ] v. Alex_Wright (48) [Lg1]
    cblock (45) [Lg1] v. Shrew (116) [Conf]
    tommo (13) [Prem] v. Dazzler21 (75) [Lg2]
    SomervilleAddick (54) [Lg1] OR Tavern (78) [Lg2] v. Starrinaddick (26) [Champ]
    Bedsaddick (73) [Lg2] v. Seabros (18) [Prem]
    Dannoo_86 (120) [BHSL] v. AddicksAddict (56) [Lg1] OR ricky_otto (40) [Champ]
    oohaahmortimer (91) [Lg2] v. Blackheathen (11) [Prem]

    The draw for the 1st round of the Johnstones Paint Prediction Cup will be contested by the 64 first round losers. The draw is as follows:

    Tor (19) [Prem] v. LenGlover (62) [Lg1]
    charltonnick (49) [Lg1] OR cafcdave123 (119) [BHSL] v. Viewfinder (10) [Prem]
    bbob (44) [Champ] v. Paddy_Powell (7) [Prem]
    Beardface (3) [Prem] v. AFKABartram (86) [Lg2]
    Carl leaburn (30) [Champ] v. Dansk Red (111) [Conf]
    Sillybilly (101) [Conf] v. mrbligh (123) [BHSL]
    Pedro45 (109) [Conf] v. addick1965 (104) [Conf] OR thai malaysia addick (27) [Champ]
    Big_Bob (57) [Lg1] v. Saulc23 (77) [Lg2]
    addickfanatic (72) [Lg2] v. clive (67) [Lg1]
    Nicholas (51) [Lg1] OR philcafc (92) [Lg2] v. theenorth (126) [BHSL]
    AddicksAddict (56) [Lg1] OR ricky_otto (40) [Champ] v. T.C.E (28) [Champ] OR supaclive (95) [Conf]
    Webbja77 (9) [Prem] OR charltonkeston (59) [Lg1] v. lancashire lad (127) [BHSL] OR Algarveaddick (87) [Lg2]
    jakecafc (113) [Conf] v. Addick Addict (20) [Prem]
    Charlton_Stu (12) [Prem] OR PaddyP17 (108) [Conf] v. Lewis Coaches (69) [Lg2]
    Chef_addick (89) [Lg2] OR CAFCSpooney (21) [Champ] v. Tutt_Tutt (14) [Prem]
    sam3110 (84) [Lg2] v. bertieB (106) [Conf] OR Badger (118) [BHSL]
    Swerve (103) [Conf] OR leftbehind (122) [BHSL] v. RedDave4 (52) [Lg1] OR Taxi_Lad (1) [Prem]
    Hamlet (38) [Champ] v. walshiesleftfoot (96) [Conf]
    moutuakilla (129) [BHSL] v. Macronate (8) [Prem]
    Rossman92 (94) [Conf] v. flyingkiwi (82) [Lg2] OR ellisaddick (112) [Conf]
    Johnnysummer5 (90) [Lg2] v. cafc4life (29) [Champ]
    Addickted2U (105) [Conf] v. Threadkiller (55) [Lg1]
    seth plum (34) [Champ] v. sillav nitram (53) [Lg1]
    1905 (65) [Lg1] v. creepyaddick (31) [Champ]
    SheffieldRed (115) [Conf] v. redlanered (43) [Champ]
    MrLargo (98) [Conf] OR eaststandmike (15) [Prem] v. cafckev (74) [Lg2]
    vff (64) [Lg1] v. bellz2002 (2) [Prem]
    CHG (97) [Conf] v. RedChaser (24) [Champ]
    stackitsteve (102) [Conf] OR clb74 (110) [Conf] v. SomervilleAddick (54) [Lg1] OR Tavern (78) [Lg2]
    jdsd42 (114) [Conf] OR No1 in South London (47) [Lg1] v. Bosseyedduck (58) [Lg1]
    Gumbo (61) [Lg1] v. cafc_harry (42) [Champ]
    Hornchurch (39) [Champ] v. covered end junior (46) [Lg1]

  • Ooh, away to the Prem Leaders if they get through their replay.
  • MrOneLung said:

    Ooh, away to the Prem Leaders if they get through their replay.

    A money spinner or just another turgid League 1 game.
  • Only one, will result in a half and half ski hat/scarf combo being produced.
  • edited January 2018
    It wasn't pretty, but 1-0 up with a game to spare. Into the 2nd round for the first time ever in my replay against @addick1965. Next stop: @Karim_myBagheri away. My army will be ready to come to town next week.
  • @Johnnysummers5 in the first round, @shirty5 in the second!
  • edited January 2018
    Not many shocks in the replays; things going more to form.

    Replay results are as follows:
    (Revised draw to follow)

    supaclive (90) [Lg2] v. T.C.E (44) [Champ] 1-0
    ricky_otto (32) [Champ] v. AddicksAddict (45) [Lg1] 2-0
    philcafc (83) [Lg2] v. Nicholas (42) [Champ] 2-4
    Tavern (75) [Lg2] v. SomervilleAddick (52) [Lg1] 4-1
    cafcdave123 (108) [Conf] v. charltonnick (37) [Champ] 1-3
    Taxi_Lad (1) [Prem] v. RedDave4 (50) [Lg1] 4-1
    clb74 (109) [Conf] v. stackitsteve (89) [Lg2] 1-1 (stackitsteve wins on penalties)
    Badger (116) [Conf] v. bertieB (94) [Conf] 0-0 (bertieB wins on penalties)
    charltonkeston (65) [Lg1] v. Webbja77 (7) [Prem] 0-2
    CAFCSpooney (16) [Prem] v. Chef_addick (100) [Conf] 1-0
    PaddyP17 (121) [BHSL] v. Charlton_Stu (9) [Prem] 0-2
    No1 in South London (43) [Champ] v. jdsd42 (103) [Conf] 1-0
    ellisaddick (101) [Conf] v. flyingkiwi (71) [Lg2] 0-1
    Algarveaddick (85) [Lg2] v. lancashire lad (128) [BHSL] 0-2
    leftbehind (117) [BHSL] v. Swerve (91) [Lg2] 0-1
    eaststandmike (10) [Prem] v. MrLargo (82) [Lg2] 4-2
    thai malaysia addick (14) [Prem] v. addick1965 (96) [Conf] 1-0

  • edited January 2018
    Revised Prediction Cup Draw for this weekend

    56yearsofdreams (85) [Lg2] v. stonemuse (63) [Lg1]
    ranegera (99) [Conf] v. Webbja77 (9) [Prem]
    Karim_myBagheri (121) [BHSL] v. thai malaysia addick (27) [Champ]
    Elthamaddick (81) [Lg2] v. Low_Ears (70) [Lg2]
    Bill_Stumps (36) [Champ] v. chezzafromcharlton (4) [Prem]
    NorthHeathAddick (83) [Lg2] v. charltonman2016 (80) [Lg2]
    Wellingtentioned (79) [Lg2] v. CAFCSpooney (21) [Champ]
    supaclive (95) [Conf] v. charltonnick (49) [Lg1]
    blackpool72 (88) [Lg2] v. c4fcdenmark (66) [Lg1]
    The31YearMan (124) [BHSL] v. Glosfan (6) [Prem]
    IdleHans (32) [Champ] v. Charlton_Stu (12) [Prem]
    sarge1g (128) [BHSL] v. eaststandmike (15) [Prem]
    Boysie (107) [Conf] v. WestSussexAddick (71) [Lg2]
    Nicholas (51) [Lg1] v. SaySomething (5) [Prem]
    Covered End (60) [Lg1] v. GoOnYouHaddocks (16) [Prem]
    croydonaddick (125) [BHSL] v. Swerve (103) [Conf]
    Taxi_Lad (1) [Prem] v. MrOneLung (50) [Lg1]
    Bournemouth Addick (37) [Champ] v. RaplhMilne (33) [Champ]
    ChicagoAddick (22) [Champ] v. foresthillred (68) [Lg1]
    bertieB (106) [Conf] v. flyingkiwi (82) [Lg2]
    lancashire lad (127) [BHSL] v. North Lower Neil (23) [Champ]
    Redmidland (93) [Conf] v. SDAddick (100) [Conf]
    stackitsteve (102) [Conf] v. StrikerFirmani (35) [Champ]
    Bangkokaddick (41) [Champ] v. killerandflash (76) [Lg2]
    No1 in South London (47) [Lg1] v. robroy (17) [Prem]
    shirty5 (25) [Champ] v. Alex_Wright (48) [Lg1]
    cblock (45) [Lg1] v. Shrew (116) [Conf]
    tommo (13) [Prem] v. Dazzler21 (75) [Lg2]
    Tavern (78) [Lg2] v. Starrinaddick (26) [Champ]
    Bedsaddick (73) [Lg2] v. Seabros (18) [Prem]
    Dannoo_86 (120) [BHSL] v. ricky_otto (40) [Champ] (edited)
    oohaahmortimer (91) [Lg2] v. Blackheathen (11) [Prem]

    Revised Johnstones Paint draw

    Tor (19) [Prem] v. LenGlover (62) [Lg1]
    cafcdave123 (119) [BHSL] v. Viewfinder (10) [Prem]
    bbob (44) [Champ] v. Paddy_Powell (7) [Prem]
    Beardface (3) [Prem] v. AFKABartram (86) [Lg2]
    Carl leaburn (30) [Champ] v. Dansk Red (111) [Conf]
    Sillybilly (101) [Conf] v. mrbligh (123) [BHSL]
    Pedro45 (109) [Conf] v. addick1965 (104) [Conf]
    Big_Bob (57) [Lg1] v. Saulc23 (77) [Lg2]
    addickfanatic (72) [Lg2] v. clive (67) [Lg1]
    philcafc (92) [Lg2] v. theenorth (126) [BHSL]
    AddicksAddict (56) [Lg1] v. T.C.E (28) [Champ]
    charltonkeston (59) [Lg1] v. Algarveaddick (87) [Lg2]
    jakecafc (113) [Conf] v. Addick Addict (20) [Prem]
    PaddyP17 (108) [Conf] v. Lewis Coaches (69) [Lg2]
    Chef_addick (89) [Lg2] v. Tutt_Tutt (14) [Prem]
    sam3110 (84) [Lg2] v. Badger (118) [BHSL]
    leftbehind (122) [BHSL] v. RedDave4 (52) [Lg1]
    Hamlet (38) [Champ] v. walshiesleftfoot (96) [Conf]
    moutuakilla (129) [BHSL] v. Macronate (8) [Prem]
    Rossman92 (94) [Conf] v. ellisaddick (112) [Conf]
    Johnnysummer5 (90) [Lg2] v. cafc4life (29) [Champ]
    Addickted2U (105) [Conf] v. Threadkiller (55) [Lg1]
    seth plum (34) [Champ] v. sillav nitram (53) [Lg1]
    1905 (65) [Lg1] v. creepyaddick (31) [Champ]
    SheffieldRed (115) [Conf] v. redlanered (43) [Champ]
    MrLargo (98) [Conf] v. cafckev (74) [Lg2]
    vff (64) [Lg1] v. bellz2002 (2) [Prem]
    CHG (97) [Conf] v. RedChaser (24) [Champ]
    clb74 (110) [Conf] v. SomervilleAddick (54) [Lg1]
    jdsd42 (114) [Conf] v. Bosseyedduck (58) [Lg1]
    Gumbo (61) [Lg1] v. cafc_harry (42) [Champ]
    Hornchurch (39) [Champ] v. covered end junior (46) [Lg1]

  • 1-0 @TCE Bring on the next giant killing :-)
  • Making their way into the 2nd round are:

    13 Premier teams
    12 Championship teams
    10 League 1 teams
    15 League 2 teams
    9 Conference teams
    5 BHSL teams

    Rock on, you League 2 teams
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  • Sorry Thai my tie with ricky_otto doesn't seem to be in the revised draw.
  • Dannoo_86 said:

    Sorry Thai my tie with ricky_otto doesn't seem to be in the revised draw.

    Goodness knows how I did that. Thanks for pointing out. I've corrected it above now.
  • clb74 (109) [Conf] v. stackitsteve (89) [Lg2] 1-1 (stackitsteve wins on penalties)
    What's these penalties lark
  • clb74 said:

    clb74 (109) [Conf] v. stackitsteve (89) [Lg2] 1-1 (stackitsteve wins on penalties)
    What's these penalties lark

    Whoever sends me £20 the quickest wins on penalties :smiley:

    After two draws, the highest placed team in the League goes through, I'm afraid. It's a cruel way to go out. We're bringing in VAR for the next round, so that dubious penalty that @stackitsteve got will be ruled out in future.

    Good luck in the Johnstones Paint Prediction Cup.
  • Whoever sends me £20 the quickest wins on penalties :smiley:

    After two draws, the highest placed team in the League goes through, I'm afraid. It's a cruel way to go out. We're bringing in VAR for the next round, so that dubious penalty that @stackitsteve got will be ruled out in future.

    Good luck in the Johnstones Paint Prediction Cup.
    Fair enough thai.
  • Anyone ever done the double?? Cue my downturn in form!
  • Taxi_Lad said:

    Anyone ever done the double?? Cue my downturn in form!

    No, you would be the first.
  • Congratulations to @Karim_myBagheri for your victory over my team. I shouldn't have sent my under 19s to face a BHSL side. I've locked the dressing room door and will soon be shouting at my players. Good luck. Go all the way to Wembley.
  • Whoever sends me £20 the quickest wins on penalties :smiley:

    After two draws, the highest placed team in the League goes through, I'm afraid. It's a cruel way to go out. We're bringing in VAR for the next round, so that dubious penalty that @stackitsteve got will be ruled out in future.

    Good luck in the Johnstones Paint Prediction Cup.
    Could you do countback or is that too much hassle?
  • edited January 2018
    Count back is no real hassle. It still suffers from the same problem that the winner is known before the game is played in the event of a draw in a replay. The rule I could bring in for next season is the least goals that a person is from the actual result. So, if you predicted 2-1 for a game and the score was actually 1-0, you would be 2 goals out from the actual score. (One for the home team and one for the away team). If the score was 1-1 and you had predicted 3-0 you would be 3 goals out (two for the home team and one for the away team). The lower total from the three games could then go through on penalties. The benefit of a rule like this is that in the event of a draw in a replay, no one would know who would win until the games had been played.

    However, for this year, it’s higher league position as stated in the rules before the competition started.
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  • Out to the prem leaders and I have still got a game to play. @Taxi_Lad shows his intent to do the double with a 6 point haul too much for me.
  • MrOneLung said:

    Out to the prem leaders and I have still got a game to play. @Taxi_Lad shows his intent to do the double with a 6 point haul too much for me.

    At least you can concentrate on the League now.
  • Congratulations to @Karim_myBagheri for your victory over my team. I shouldn't have sent my under 19s to face a BHSL side. I've locked the dressing room door and will soon be shouting at my players. Good luck. Go all the way to Wembley.

    so glad you underestimated us, we wouldn't ever have beaten your full strength side. I said at the start of the cup campaign that we needed a good run to help the club stay afloat and so far we are keeping the bailiffs at bay.
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