Does anyone remember this scene from Indiana Jones and the last Crusade?:
Walter Donovan: He sticks out like a sore thumb! We'll find him.
Indiana Jones: The hell you will. He's got a two day head-start on you, which is more than he needs. Brody's got friends in every town and village from here to the Sudan. He speaks a dozen languages and knows every local custom. He'll blend in, disappear and you'll never see him again. With any luck he's got the grail already.
Marcus Brody: (Scene cuts to Iskendrun, where Brody finds himself lost in a crowd of citizens). Uh, does anybody here speak English? Does anybody here speak English?
Well, I'm a bit like Marcus Brody, so if anyone else is staying in Hasselt it would be great to hear from you. This is partly because it would be good to get to know some fellow fans and have a drink or two in lovely Hasselt, but mainly because otherwise I will almost certainly get lost.
I'm staying in the Yupp and I think a few others are too. What time are people arriving, moving on to ST etc?
I'm expecting there to be synchronised snoring to the tune of Valley Floyd Road. (A bit like at the Valley these days)
( Holiday Inn Express of course! )
Here's a slightly disturbing example:
Might be safer to just hang out with this bloke: